Otros lugares, otras opciones :: Sin clasificar :: If I were a Deep One
Juzgar por uds mismo, a mi me encanto!
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If I were a Deep One
Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub
All day long I’d swim beneath the sea,
If I were a Deep One
Terrify the tourists,
Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub
If I were, an icky icky fish, scaly slippery froglike kind of man
I’d make my lair a deep dark cave with some fungus,
Right in the heart o’ Devil’s Reef
That foul abode of pestilent coral walls
The ramulose and arabesque floriations
Spiralling so far beyond belief
With ichor seeping from my chamber halls,
I’d fill the reef with wrecks and corpses and ships
And men for my friends to see and hear
Begging mercy as water fills their lungs
And each loud “AHHH!” and “EEE!” and “Help me god NO!”
Would scare off the townsfolk far and near
As if to say there live the Deep Ones!
If I were a Deep One!
Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub bloody boody bloody blub
All day long I’d swim beneath the sea, if I were a Deep One
Drag away some tourists,
Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub bloody bloody bloody blood!
If I were an icky icky fish, scaly slippery froglike kind-a-man!
I see my kin the Marshes hopping like some fish-frog things,
Things with their bulging milky eyes,
Worshipping Dagon with the unholy rites,
I see them putting on crowns and shuffling like a Shoggoth,
Ah what a hellish sight they are!
Croaking at the sea both day and night!
The most psychotic men in town would
Come a-lookin fer me!
They would ask me to adjure them, like the Mad Arab himself,
If you please, Old Man Marsh O Tell me! Old Man Marsh,
Asking questions that would drive the man insane,
Blub blub blub blub blub blub bluuub
And it won’t make one bit of difference, if’n I answer right or wrong,
When you’re deep they think you really know
If I were a fish, I’d have the gills that I lack,
To swim down below the deep R’lyeh
And maybe have a seat on Cthulhu’s tomb
And I’d discuss the R’lyeh text with
Some Deep One friends countless hours every day
Fixin’ fer the humans’ final doom!
If I were a Deep One
Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub bloody body bubbly blood!
All day long I’d swim beneath the sea, if I were a Deep One!
Get to eat the tourists,
Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub bobbing bodies bloody blub!
Cthulhu you make the people run
You saw fit that flippers have I none
Don’t you reckon that I’d get more done
If I were a Deep One!
[blb blb blb blb blb blb blip blblblb]
Como decirlo.....
*le arranca el corazón a cualquiera que pase por su lado y te lo ofrece*
I'a! I'a! Cthulhu ftaghn! I'a Dagon! I'a Hydra! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!!!
(y creo recordar que era así...)
Mundo viejuno. Viejuno de cuando Cthulhu todavia era uno de los Teenager Ones.
Si eso te ha gustado, busca el disco de villancicos de la Sociedad H.P. Lovecraft ("A very Scary Solstice", creo que se llamaba, son la misma gente que hizo este y el resto del "Shoggoth on the Roof" de la misma peña). Tienen hasta uno en español dedicado a Y'golonnac ("monstró con las bócas en sús manós").
Y ahora que se acerca la navidad... Bueno, ya han puesto el turrón en el Día...
Supongo que decir "se acerca el invierno" sería más correcto... Sigh. Cuantas posibilidades hay de que aparezca un dios primigenio en una cena familiar de los Stark y se los cargue a todos?
Aproximadamente la misma de que un personaje que nos caen bien dure más de seis capítulos.
Aqui el villancico que intentare colar en estas navidades (si se pone alguno, que para suerte mia en mi casa no es muy común)
Bartimeo, creo que hablo en nombre de toda (O casi) Comunidad Umbria cuando te animo en tu iniciativa.