
Imágenes de inspiración: Sci-fi Edition

El mundo del rol :: Herramientas roleras :: Imágenes de inspiración: Sci-fi Edition

Como medida de seguridad los nuevos usuarios no pueden reabrir hilos antiguos.
Si crees que el tema es realmente necesario, por favor, abre uno nuevo en la sección correspondiente.
Carné Umbriano nº577
22/11/2019, 20:17

by Ross Tran

by Kirk Pesigan

by Oscar Chichoni

by Beeple

by Beeple

by Beeple

by Filip Hodas

by Filip Hodas

by Filip Hodas

by Jaros?aw Marcinek

"The Solar Invasion," paperback cover art, Popular Library, 1968
by Frank Frazetta

by Ching Yeh


22/11/2019, 21:14

Times Garden de Sylvain Sarrailh

Time Gardens are maintained by the monks of the temple of Anachronie on the planet Kepler 22-B. Beyond offering finely trimmed bushes, Time Gardens have the distinction of hosting a temporal anomaly where time is shifted by six hours in a small area. Local engineers have managed to compartmentalize this anomaly in a corridor of the garden without incurring severe jet lag. The origin of this temporal anomaly remains unexplained for now. Some scientists suspect the possibility of a black hole spectrum.
By crossing the anomaly of the garden in the afternoon, you can contemplate a transition from day to night in the space of a few meters. In all cases, do not hope to use the anomaly to have an advantage in sports betting because no communication or connection work in this unusual place.

Carné Umbriano nº577
22/11/2019, 21:41

Por Tim White

Por 22zddr (Dariusz Zawadzki)

Por 22zddr (Dariusz Zawadzki)

Por 22zddr (Dariusz Zawadzki)

Rama Revealed
Por Stephen Youll

Golden Light
Por Paul Lehr

Por Michael Whelan

Por Nick Keller

Por Tony DiTerlizzi

Por Oliver Bown

Por Moebius

Por Paul Lehr

22/11/2019, 23:45

Que chuladas

Carné Umbriano nº577
24/11/2019, 13:43

Monográfico de Filip HodasEs casi un pecado castigable no usar estas imágenes como base para una campaña de Gamma World, Tales from the Loop (o su secuela en los 90), Numenera o incluso algún juego de fantasía, cambiando algunos detalles.
Hasta me planteo si usarlos en una partida que estoy dirigiendo ahora mismo de mazmorreo postapocalíptico.

24/11/2019, 21:28

yo un par de las primeras usare.

Carné Umbriano nº577
25/11/2019, 12:45

Por Noriyoshi Ohrai

Blue Bolt #105 (Retocada)
por L. B. Cole

Space Pioneers
Por Boris Artzybasheff

por Alexey Egorov

Carné Umbriano nº577
25/11/2019, 14:14

Por Bob Layzell

Ruins of Trantor
Por Angus Mckie

Por Angus Mckie

Por Angus Mckie

Por Pascal Blanché

Por Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell

Carné Umbriano nº577
01/12/2019, 14:55

Por ? ?

(Fotógrafo desconocido)

Por Toshio Hatanaka

The Welcome
Por John Harris

Por Philippe Caza

De City of Fire
Por Moebius y Geoff Darrow

Carné Umbriano nº577
02/12/2019, 13:50

Por Dariusz Zawadzki

Carné Umbriano nº577
02/12/2019, 19:56

Betelgeuse Walking Cities (1944)
Frank R. Paul

Por Paul Lehr

Por Paul Lehr

Carné Umbriano nº577
15/12/2019, 14:54

Por Graham Tg

Por Frank Rudolph Paul (1884 - 1963)

Colonias Lunares
Por John Berkley

Por Takayuki Satou (aka Esuthio)

Carné Umbriano nº577
26/01/2020, 18:03

Por Douglas Beek(?)

(Sin más info)

27/02/2020, 18:26

Alexandre Ferra

MISSIONS S2: Nausicaa Spaceship

I had the luck to be involved in this awesome project the season 2 of Missions a TV show produced by OCS and work closely with Julien Lacombe the director, to design all the aerospace stuff and spaceships.

For the Nausicaa the director wanted an spaceship able to drop it's cargo as habitat and take-off without, kind of aerospace truck!

That was a very challenging one with ultra tight deadline and had to focus on functionality, the inside of the ship were already existing and built as set. So I had to build the hull around it.

Lefa cybord head design

Last head design I did for the last music clip of the French rapper Lefa directed by Akim Laouar, was a pleasure to work with all the team thanks to them all.

I've also attached the previous iterations and some other initial directions.

The first sketches are made in Zbrush then some paint over followed and I continued to iterate in 3D to obtain the final design.


The characters I've done for a trailer for the game The Surge.

My role was to lead and make all the cinematic assets, from the armors, to enemies, weapons but also all environments, props and lighting.

I also made some early concept to bring functionality to all the armors, robot and exoskeletons

My buddy Julien Nicolas made all the anatomic job of the Worker and its clothes

27/02/2020, 18:34

Jeff Bartzis

Metropia 2042 - Frame 02

This is the second frame for my entry to the NVIDIA Metropia 2042 challenge for which I won 2nd place.

Lost in Space - 104 - DMP

Here is some of the DMP work, for the "Lost in Space" Netflix series, I did for FuseFX-BC, under the supervision of Jon Cowley and Ralph Maiers. Concept art by Toni Pykäläniemi

I had an extremely tight timeline for this project, as it was right before the Christmas holidays, and spent about 10 days on everything.

Some rough concept work was provided from in house, so a lot of this work is based around those pre-established compositions.

Also, some basic 3D renders, which I was asked to paint-over/detail, were provided for the crashed space ship, debris, and dish. Everything else was my owm work or touch ups of existing, in house, dmp work by Toni.

'DARK MATTER' Concept Art - BGM Cruiser

This was the final ship that appeared on the final episode of Season 3 of Dark Matter. I had a fun time designing this ship. The brief was essentially "design a ship that looks like it doesn't fit in this universe" As it was from another dimension. Went through 4 versions before coming up with this design.

Also I started preliminary designs for the individual fighter ships that come out of the cruiser which would be revealed in the 4th season. Unfortunately the series was cancelled after season 3 ended :/ That's too bad, I really enjoyed my time working on this show at multiple different studios.


28/02/2020, 15:55

Tools of the Trade.

En Fantasia, normalmente lo más importante es lo poderosos que son tus músculos, lo enorme que es tu espada, lo antigua que es tu magia, o la cantidad de encantamientos que tiene tu objeto mágico favorito.

En sci-fi, muchas veces lo que salva el dia es tener o no la herramienta adecuada (Y saber usarla)

Chica Superviviente

No se tu, pero a mi gusto, todos los cyberpunks llevan cuero. A todas horas.


Sin importar el calentamiento global (Hoy mismo he intentado salir a la calle con mi chaqueta de cuero y a los 5 minutos estaba sudando, como en plena rutina del gimnasio) Sin importar si las vacas se extinguieron hace decadas o no. Los Cyberpunks necesitan ir con su buena dosis de chaquetas de cuero -y pantalones de cuero, y en el caso de ellas, de sujetadores de cuero tambien-

Es la estética ¿Vamos a decir que no?


Ya le conoces. Ya sabes quien és. Ya sabes lo que representa.

Nada puede detenerle. Y nada puede convencerle, nada puede razonar con él. Una fuerza implacable, un enemigo invencible. Es una imagen salida literalmente de las pesadillas.

Va a por tí.
Pero quizá haya una persona, un ser de entre un millar capaz de plantarle cara. Reza a quien puedas, para que ese campeón entre campeones venga a ayudarte.

No es tanto una imagen como la idea que hay detrás. Al fin y al cabo, todo el mundo tiene ya en su mente la idea de un Terminator.

Este hilo tiene más de 6 meses, lo usuarios novatos no pueden reabrir hilos antiguos.