Partida Rol por web



Datos de la partida



Director: laranaiulius
Reglamento: De Profundis
Sistema: Rol por web
Jugadores: 6
Nivel requerido: Novato: no hace falta ni conocer el juego
Ritmo de juego: Medio: un mensaje cada 2-3 días
Fecha de comienzo: 18/10/2022
Estado: Finalizada


Users of the forum have begun to realise that the corners of the internet hold some very strange things. Rumours of spirits
possessing abandoned webpages. Cursed gifs which doom those who see them to a violent demise. Chain emails which warp
the fabric of fate. forum.crypt lies at the centre of it all – a record, and perhaps a feeding ground, for all that is eerie…


In forum.crypt players assume the role of forum users, discussing a new topic containing a spooky mystery. Throughout
the game, users work together to gather evidence and try and solve this mystery.

Notas sobre la partida