Where the game reboots. Should there be at least one player willing to continue.
Crossing fingers?
[From chapter TWO]
The entire team advances out of the cage to clear the elevator room. As the flashlights (mounted on the rifles) glare against the lockers lining the walls they see their own reflections.
The other side of the elevator bay contains a vacated row of restrooms and a shower. A towel and a soap lie on the shower floor. All the doors to the stalls are open.
There are no signs of anyone still being here on this floor.
When examining the elevators on the side facing the cage they descended in it´s evident that only one is operational. The one on the right hand is clearly out of order. The doors are slightly ajar and lets out a steaming smoke. Indicators on the panel above the elevator on the left hand elevator shows it´s in the area marked as number 1 on the maps in the PDA. (2000 meters below)
Shane checks a couple of the lockers and says, "This base seems to be under control of some other force than Tri-Plan. The fact that there was a call just before, shows that someone´s still alive down there." He clicks his internal comms and adds, "This is Shane McArthur of UNSF reporting in. We´ve located the base. Calling the sub surface base, over. Report your status. Come in."
Vasqez says, "A sign of life is always good, unless it's something you do not want to see as an enemy."
Vasquez continues his inspection, waiting out the site and complete the mission as soon as possible.
[Vasqez] lol..... i try to hearing something , but i believe that i became deaf XD....damned dice
Peter Bishop waits by the elevator doors. "We shouldn´t head down there in full force. Better I and someone else wait here in case you guys need some help later. We´ll try to keep a line open. Even if there´s interference. That call earlier is evidence that there are holes in the electrical failure."
"I´ll wait as well." Jason says. "I´m no use in a fighting scenario anyway."
"I need to stay here to make sure you can leave when you get back." Helena Zajic comments and takes a seat on one of the benches towards the circular wall going around the elevator room.
Lisa Watersdown, Mario Gusmáo, Camilla Vasqez and Shane MacArthur stand ready to take the elevator down to the research lab. Dimitri Molotov and Dannii Frye join the four making the team descending a total of six.
The message or call I refer to is the one that the team got when they were outside the rig. Just before they went down the cage elevator to this elevator bay.
Daniels is 3rd Science Officer of the base, according to the PDA-files.
Other personnel of the base are:
Captain: Straker.
Surgeon: Marten.
Chief Engineer: Garron.
Maintenance: Williams and Riggins.
Security: Rogers
Besides these permanent personnel, another ten temps have been assigned.
Their identities are not revealed.