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La Tumba de los Horrores

Entorno de la Tumba

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27/10/2016, 11:29

Notas de juego

Mapas del Escenario de Campaña

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27/10/2016, 11:32

Notas de juego

Detalle de la zona donde transcurre la aventura.

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27/10/2016, 11:36

Notas de juego

Tabla de región aleatoria para humanos.

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27/10/2016, 11:37

Notas de juego

Tabla de región para no humanos.

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27/10/2016, 11:38

Cronología de Greyhawk


-485 AC. Comienzan las Guerras Baklunio-Suelias

-466 AC. Primer reclutamiento de mercenarios humanoides

-458 AC. Punto álgido de las migraciones Oeridias

-447 AC. Comienzan las migraciones Suelias

-422 AC. Devastación Invocada y Lluvia de Fuego Incoloro

-217 AC. Fundación del Reino de Aerdia

-110 AC. Batalla de la Larga Quincena

1 AC. El Virrey es coronado en Rauxes; las fronteras del Gran Reino llegan hasta la ciudad de Greyhawk

213 AC. Comienza la Era del Gran Pesar

320 AC. Aparecen nómadas en el Norte, las tierras fronterizas de Aerdia ganan soberanía

356 AC. Se establece el Reino de Nyrondia; auge del Reino de Keolandia

437 AC. Tumulto Entre Coronas

446 AC. Fundación de la Liga del Hierro; los Reyes Bandido saquean Trigol; Surge el Principado del Mar

461 AC. Los reinos no humanos de Ulek y Celene se hermanan

479 AC. El poder de Iuz crece, las invasiones de humanoides son frecuentes

498 AC. El Condado de Urnst se anexiona al Ducado de Urnst; Greyhawk se declara ciudad libre

513 AC. Auge de la Sociedad Astada; los humanoides toman Pomarj

563 AC. La Marca del Hueso cae ante los humanoides

569 AC. Batalla de las Praderas de Emridy - Expulsión de las Hordas del Mal Elemental

571 AC. Año actual

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27/10/2016, 11:40

Una Breve Historia de Oerik Este

Aunque se tiene poca información sobre la edad temprana, los historiadores creen que Flaenia era tan pacífica como incivilizada. No había estados políticos. La primera raza de humanos que se sabe que poblaba el continente en esta edad era la flaenia.
Al oeste existían dos imperios mágicos que entraron en guerra, al suroeste, el malvado imperio Suelio y directamente al oeste, el imperio Blakunio. Estas guerras duraron más de sesenta años. y muchos refujiados huyeron al este en busca de paz y tranquilidad.
La guerra acabó con un intercambio de hostilidades mágicas que arruinó las tierras de ambos imperios. Los suelios lanzaron la llamada Devastación Invocada que asoló la mayor parte de las tierras blakunias, estos, en respuesta, desencadenaron la Lluvia de Fuego Incoloro que redujo el imperio a un desierto, el actual Mar de Polvo. Los pocos blakunios supervivientes se asentaron en nuevos estados de la costa este del océano Deamidj. Los supervivientes suelios y oeridios se dispersaron por toda Flaenia, arrastrando consigo su belicismo.
Tras dos siglos de guerra, los oeridios se aliaron con los flaenios originales en contra de suelios y orcos. La tribu aerdia de los oeridios estableció el reino de Aerdia en el extremo oriente que creció hasta convertirse en un vasto imperio llamado el Gran Reino, duró tres siglos.
El primer gran desastre para el Gran Reino fue la pérdida de lo que hoy día es Furyondiay Veluna.
En el 356 AC, problemas internos acabaron con la dinastía gobernante, la casa de Rax. La rama más joven, Nyrondia, se rebeló y declaró a sus tierras libres. Una invasión bárbara en las provincias del norte evitó que el Rey pudiera castigar a los rebeldes. Más adelante, Nyrondia se anexionó al condado de Urnst y la Estaca.
Años más tarde, la represión y los altos impuestos llevaron a una rebelión en el sur del Gran Reino. La ciudad de Pueraferro fue la primera en secesionarse, seguida por Idee, Onnwal y Sumndi. Más tarde, el Señorío de las Islas e unió a la Liga de Acero.
Lo peor estaba por llegar. La casa de Rax se debilitó, y ciertas regiones del Gran Reino pasaron a ser gobernadas por otras casas nobles como si fueran reinos independientes. En la primera mitad del siglo quinto, la casa de Naelax destruyó a la casa de Rax en el llamado Tumulto de las Coronas y ocupó el Trono de Malaquita.
Mientras el Gran Reino y otras regiones del oeste crecían y colapsaban, otras partes de Flaenia estaban tomando forma. Durante los últimos años del tercer siglo, los jinetes bárbaros blakunios reclamaron gran parte de las estepas del norte. Cien años más tarde, el príncipe del Mar y los reyes Bandido arrasaron y saquearon todo lo que encontraron en su camino hacia la autonomía política. Sobre el 375 AC, la Ciudad Libre de Falcongrís (Greyhawk) alcanzó su primer período de grandeza bajo el liderazgo de Zagig Yragerne.
Sin embargo, los humanoides, especialmente orcos, estaban sublevados. Cuando los ejércitos semihumanos echaron a los humanoides de las montañas Lortmil, cayeron sobre la península de Pomarj, tras lo cual se apoderaron de esas tierras. En el norte, Iuz el viejo, el hijo medio demonio de una nigromante humana, asedió sus propios reinos y reclutó humanoides para sus ejércitos. En el 560 AC, la provincia más norteña del Gran Reino, la Marca del Hueso fue invadida por humanoides de las Dentadas, ahora se encuentra en un estado casi salvaje.

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27/10/2016, 11:41

Razas de Flaenia

Hay pocas razas puras en Flaenia, quizás sólo en los alrededores del continente. Como es de suponer, los humanoides (orcos, goblins,...) no se suelen mezclar con el resto de razas, sin embargo, los humanos actuales son mestizos de casi todas las razas originales, convirtiéndose en lo que hoy en día es el humano medio.

Baklunios: La mayor parte de los asentamientos baklunios se encuentran en las regiones del noroeste de flaenia. Su piel suele ser de un tono parecido al dorado y sus ojos suelen ser verdes o verdes grisáceos, siendo los grises y los avellana menos comunes. Su cabello suele ser negro azulado o castaño oscuro. Suelen vestir con colores llamativos menos en tiempos de guerra, que suelen ser más prácticos. A todos los baklunios se les educa en la estima y consideración del honor, la piedad, la generosidad y la familia. Destacan por sus habilidades mágicas, en especial con la magia elemental y cooperativa. Su mala reputación, debido a la Lluvia de Fuego Incoloro, les persigue por toda Flaenia.

Flaenios: Los flaenios fueron los primeros habitantes al este de Oerik, de ahí su nombre, Flaenia. Originalmente eran grupos de nómadas que no formaban verdaderos asentamientos, las invasiones de suelos y oeridios los desplazaron hace unos mil años. Se les reconoce por su complexión broncínea y sus cabellos ondulados y rizados. Sus tonos de piel van desde el cobrizo claro al marrón oscuro, sus ojos suelen ser marrón oscuro o negros, siendo los más claros poco frecuentes. Suelen tener el pelo negro pero algunos pueden tenerlo algo más claro. Los antiguos flaenios eran gente pacífica que seguían un itinerario regular de migraciones estacionales. Vivían de la tierra y de la caza. Tenían una profunda visión de la naturaleza como entidad. Todos los dioses druídicos conocidos son de origen flaenio. Para muchos flaenios fue posible coexistir con Suelios y Oeridios, pero otros tantos se vieron despojados de sus tierras y se dice que estuvieron a punto de extinguirse.

Oeridios: Hace unos mil años, los oeridios se desplazaron a Flaenia desde el oeste y una vez allí fueron tomando el control de lo que hoy es Furyondia, Perrenlandia, las Tierras Escudo y parte del Gran Reino. A veces resulta difícil distinguirlos de otras razas, con su piel entre morena y aceitunada, cabellos desde rubio miel hasta moreno y ojos bastante comunes en general. Visten con atractivas telas de lana estampadas con cuadros y diseños poco usuales, pero siempre muy ostentosos. Históricamente los oeridios eran fieros guerreros territoriales, lucharon para mantener sus fronteras tanto como para conseguir las tierras que deseaban. Se creen lo mejor de la humanidad y su objetivo es gobernar. Asumen bien sus responsabilidades, acatar órdenes y sacrificarse por el grupo, aunque tienen un carácter temperamental, que quienes controlan, acaban siendo admirados por todas las razas. Consideran la lucha como un oficio y la ejercen con gran seriedad, así pues, también son magníficos herreros. La tradición oeridia exige obsequiar al anfitrión del lugar donde se hospedan. Tienen un gran sentido de la familia.

Suelios: Llegó a Oerik desde las tierras del sur y el oeste de las Cristalinas y los volcanes del Averno. Escapando de las guerras en sus tierras y permitiendo a los flaenios desplazarse a las mismas. Nadie tiene muy claro cómo era el antiguo Imperio Suelio. La mayoría de sus reinos fueron destruidos por la Lluvia de Fuego Incoloro, convirtiéndose en el Mar de Polvo. Los suelios son los de piel más clara entre todas las subrazas humanas, el color de sus ojos va del ázul al violeta pálido y su cabello rubio, pelirrojo o platino. Les encarta incluir ornamentos de herencia familiar en sus vestiduras, que pasan de unos a otros durante generaciones. Tienen un sentido muy marcado de la importancia de lo ancestral y los lazos familiares, por eso luchan entre ellos más que con otras subrazas a causa de su lealtad a sus antepasados. Suelen ser bastante testarudos. Se les conoce bien por su destreza manual. Poseen una gran tradición arcana; de donde se produjo la Devastación Invocada que acabó con el antiguo Imperio Baklunio.

Elfos: Los elfos ("olves" en flaenio) habitaron Flaenia centurias antes de la caída de los Imperios Baklunio y Suelio. Éstos y otros invasores humanoides expulsaron a los elfos de sus hogares en las llanuras y éstos se reinstalaron sin problemas en los bosques, aunque en ocasiones se han visto obligados a aliarse con flaenios y oeridios para repeler invasiones de orcos.

Altos Elfos: Son los más abiertos y paradójicamente los de menor estatura de la raza élfica. Tienen la piel pálida y ojos verdes con cabellos oscuros.
Elfos Grises: Son solitarios. Tienen el pelo plateado y los ojos ambarinos. Ven al Gran Reino como una amenaza.
Elfos Silvanos: También conocidos como elfos de los bosques, suelen ser más solitarios que sus hermanos grises, evitando incluso otras subrazas de elfos.
Grugach o Elfos Salvajes: Viven en los bosques en zonas templadas en pequeñas bandas. Son de pequeña estatura y de piel pálida.
Elfos del Valle: Son tratados con desconfianza por el resto de los elfos. Son inusualmente altos y viven exclusivamente en el Valle del Hechicero. Practican un tipo de magia poco común.
Elfos Acuáticos: Respiran bajo el agua tan bien como fuera de ella. Son palmípedos y prefieren océanos y mares con clima templado o tropical, mantienen ciertas alianzas con los Altos Elfos.

Enanos: Se les llama "nanos" en flaenio. Son musculosos con la piel bronceada y con ojos negros o marrones. Tanto los machos como las hembras tienen barba, aunque algunas son imberbes. Están considerados por muchos los guardianes de los reinos subterráneos. Ya que prefieren vivir bajo tierra donde se dedican a la minería de metales y gemas preciosas. No suelen vivir en ciudades humanas por más de unas semanas. Tienen fama de taciturnos y gruñones pero son aliados excepcionales en cualquier tipo de batalla.

Enanos de las Colinas: Son los más comunes, cooperan con las demás razas y son especialmente valiosos en las batallas contra gigantes y humanoides.
Enanos de las Montañas: Son más bajos y pálidos y mucho menos comunes.
Otras subrazas: Los derro y los duergar (enanos grises) viven en subterráneos más profundos y no se sabe mucho de ellos.

Gnomos: Algunos están convencidos de que los gnomos ("nonos" en flaenio) están relacionados con los enanos, pero guardan pocas similitudes. Prefieren las tierras boscosas, habitando en madrigueras. Su piel presenta un aspecto semejante a la madera. Son trabajadores y les encantan las fiestas.

Gnomos de las Profundidades (svirfneblin): Esta escasa subraza habita en las profundidades de Terra, tienen la piel grisácea y sin pelo. Poseen una excelente infravisión.

Medianos (Halfiings): Su estatura media suele ser la mitad de los humanos, los medianos ("hobis" en flaenio) suelen construir sus hogares como los gnomos. Un vello no muy espeso cubre la mayor parte de su cuerpo, especialmente el dorso de las manos y los empeines. Normalmente viajan descalzos ya que sus plantas son duras y gruesas. Son tranquilos y reservados, y procuran no llamar la atención. Pocos son los que se lanzan a la vida de aventurero.

Piespeludos: Son los más comunes y muchos viven entre los humanos.
Grandullones: Son de complexión más esbelta y miden unas seis pulgadas más. Viven cerca de los elfos.
Fondones: Son seis pulgadas más bajos y viven entre los enanos.

Razas Humanoides:

Kobolds: son los goblinoides más pequeños, cobardes cuando van sólos, prefieren atacar en masa. Sus peores enemigos son los gnomos.
Xvarts: parecidos a los kobolds tienen la piel azulada y se alían con las ratas.
Goblins: Tienen la cara chata, las orejas puntiagudas y la piel anaranjada. Moran en las cavenras, tienen esclavos y odian a humanos y enanos.
Orcos: Son los humanoides más comunes de Flaenia. son muy belicosos y desafían a otras razas para conseguir alimento y espacio vital. Prefieren las cuevas ya que ven en la oscuridad. Odian a los enanos y a los elfos pero han aprendido a respetar a los humanos.
Hobgoblins: son los más feroces y organizados de los goblinoides. Parecen humanos peludos, altos, fuertes y de piel marrón, rojizo o gris.
Gnolls y Flints: Tienen unos siete pies de alto, su cabeza es una mezcla entre hiena y humano, son de naturaleza malvada y egoísta. Suelen tener esclavos y odian a sus propios jefes. Sólo colaboran para formar grupos de asalto.
Ogros: Miden hasta 10 pies, se alimentan de humanos y semihumanos. Son torpes pero peligrosos.

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27/10/2016, 11:44

Dotes Raciales y Regionales

Como en Reinos Olvidados, Greyhawk tiene sus propias dotes regionales. Todos los personajes deben tirar por región en las tablas de arriba según corresponda. Disculpad que no las haya traducido pero creo que todos podéis entenderlas. Si necesitáis ayuda o tenéis dudas, consultadme.

Baklunish: Elemental Focus, Horselore, Jinnbond, Tongue of Mouqol

Dwarf, Hill: Dwarflore, Expert Dungeoneer, Mercantile Background, Mountain Fighter

Dwarf, Mountain: Deepseer, Dwarflore, Expert Dungeoneer, Mercantile Background, Mountain Fighter

Elf, Gray: Companion Guard Style, Elflore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Tested

Elf, High: Ehlonna's Way, Elflore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Tested

Elf, Valley: Elflore, Defensive Expert, Gnomelore, Mountain Fighter

Elf, Wild: Driftwalker, Ehlonna's Way, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Tested

Elf, Wood: same as Wild Elf

Flan: Badge of Bondage, Horselore, Lays of the Northern Adepts, Lore of the Ur-Flan

Gnome, Deep: Deepseer, Expert Dungeoneer, Mercantile Background, Noble Soul

Gnome, Rock: Gnomelore, Mercantile Background, Rapscallion, Rustic Charm

Halfelf: Elflore, Noble Soul, Rapscallion, Well Travelled

Halforc: Badge of Bondage, Mercanary Background, Raider's Spirit, Rapscallion

Halfling, Lightfoot: Halfling Lore, Mercantile Background, Noble Soul, Well Travelled

Halfling, Stout: Deepseer, Halfling Lore, Mercantile Background, Well Travelled

Halfling, Tallfellow: Elflore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Halfling Lore, Well Travelled

Oeridian: Blooded, Born Follower, Exercises of Arnd, Noble Soul

Suel: Blood of Kord, Heir of Lendore, Pureblooded Suel 


Geographical Regional Feats

Bandit Kingdoms: Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Jungle Fighter, Orc Blooded, Rapscallion, World Weary

Bissel (Baklunish, not Suel): Blooded, Border Watch, Mercantile Background, Mercenary Background, Tongue of Mouqol

Blackmoor: Blackmoorian Rhymes, Expert Dungeoneer, Lays of the Northern Adepts, Wastri's Blessing

Bone March: Blooded, Landless Nobility, Orc Blooded, Raider's Spirit, World Weary

Bright Lands (Flan, not others): Blooded, Desert Fighter, Lore of the Ur-Flan, Vathrin Stigmata

Celene (Elves, not others): Companion Guard Style, Ehlonna's Way, Faerie Mysteries Initiate

Dyvers: Mercantile Background, Rapscallion, Rhennlore

Ekbir (Baklunish): Great Fervor, Mercantile Background, Spirit of the Sea

Frost Barbarians: Driftwalker, Mountain Fighter, Raider's Spirit, Troll Blooded, Vatun's Touch

Furyondy (Oeridian): Blooded, Border Watch, Exercises of Arnd, Noble Soul, Rustic Charm

Geoff (Flan): Blooded, Border Watch, Giantkiller, Landless Nobility, Mountain Fighter, World Weary

Gran March (Oeridian): Blooded, Border Watch, Born Follower, Mercantile Background 

Greyhawk: Expert Dungeoneer, Fiendsign, Greyhawk Method, Mercantile Background, Rhennlore, Zagyg's Favor

Highfolk (human, elves, not halforcs): Border Watch, Ehlonna's Way, Elflore, Mercantile Background

Ice Barbarians: Driftwalker, Mountain Fighter, Raider's Spirit, Troll Blooded, Vatun's Touch

Irongate (Oeridian, Dwarves): Border Watch, Defensive Expert, Dwarflore, Mercantile Background, Mountain Fighter

Iuz's Lands: Blooded, Fiendsign, Orc Blooded, Raider's Spirit, World Weary

Keoland (Oeridian, Suel): Giantkiller, Rustic Charm, Silent Method, Wastri's Blessing

Ket (Baklunish): Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Border Watch, Mercantile Background, Tongue of Mouqol

Lendore Isles (Elves, not others): Elflore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Spirit of the Sea

Lordship of the Isles: Badge of Bondage, Jungle Fighter, Mercantile Background, Spirit of the Sea

Great Kingdom (Oerdian, Halforc): Badge of Bondage, Celestial Scion, Fiendsign, Orc Blooded, World Weary, Rustic Charm, Well Read, World Weary

Nyrond (Oeridian): Blooded, Border Watch, Exercises of Arnd, Rustic Charm, Sagacious Method

Onnwal (Suel): Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Mercantile Background, World Weary

Theocracy of the Pale (Flan, Oeridian): Born Follower, Great Fervor, Noble Soul, Troll Blooded

Plains of the Paynims (Baklunish): Bareback Soul, Blooded, Horselore, Mercenary Background, Raider's Spirit

Perrenland (Suel, Oeridian): Driftwalker, Fiendsign, Mercenary Background, Mountain Fighter

Pomarj*: Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Mountain Fighter, Orc Blooded, Raider's Spirit, World Weary

Ratik (Oerdian, Suel): Border Watch, Exercises of Arnd, Mountain Fighter, Vatun's Touch

Rovers of the Barrens: Bareback Soul, Blooded, Horselore, Raider's Spirit, World Weary

Scarlet Brotherhood*: Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Great Fervor, Jungle Fighter, Spirit of the Sea, World Weary

Sea Barons: Badge of Bondage, Mercantile Background, Rapscallion, Spirit of the Sea

Shield Lands: Blooded, Border Watch, Defensive Expert, Noble Soul, World Weary

Snow Barbarians*: Driftwalker, Mountain Fighter, Raider's Spirit, Vatun's Touch

Sterich: Blooded, Border Watch, Fiendsign, Giantkiller, Landless Nobility, Mountain Fighter, World Weary

Stonehold: Blooded, Driftwalker, Mercenary Background, Mountain Fighter, Orc Blooded, Raider's Spirit, Vatun's Touch

Sunndi (Baklunish, Gray Elf): Border Watch, Defensive Expert, Elflore, Rustic Charm, Wastri's Blessing

Tenh (Flan): Blooded, Landless Nobility, Mercenary Background, World Weary

Tiger Nomads*: Badge of Bondage, Bareback Soul, Horselore, Raider's Spirit

Tusmit (Baklunish): Great Fervor, Mercantile Background, Mercenary Background, Mountain Fighter

Ulek States (Dwarf, High Elf, Stout Halfling, Rock Gnome): Dwarflore, Elflore, Gnomelore, Halfling Lore, Landless Nobility (Principality only), Mercatile Background, Mountain Fighter, Noble Soul

Ull: Bareback Soul, Fiendsign, Mercenary Background, Mountain Fighter, Orc Blooded, Raider's Spirit

Urnst States (Oerdian): Mercantile Background, Mountain Fighter (Duchy only), Rapscallion (County only), Rustic Charm

Valley of the Mage*: Defensive Expert, Mountain Fighter, Shadowbound

Veluna: Great Fervor, Noble Soul, Rustic Charm

Verbobonc: Great Fervor, Elflore, Faerie Mysteries Initiate, Mercantile Background

Wild Coast: Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Rapscallion, Spirit of the Sea

Wolf Nomads*: Bareback Soul, Blooded, Horselore, Raider's Spirit

Yeomanry (Flan): Badge of Bondage, Blooded, Defensive Expert, Mountain Fighter, Noble Soul

Zeif (Baklunish): Badge of Bondage, Orc Blooded, Spirit of the Sea

Regional Feat Explanations
*Unless otherwise noted, all feats are [General] 

Badge of Bondage: Your experiences as a slave have made you more resistant to torture and mental manipulation. 
Regions: Great Kingdom, Bandit Kingdoms, Flan, Half-orc, Ket, Lordship of the Isles, North Kingdom, Onnwal, Pomarj, Scarlet Brotherhood, Sea Barons, Tiger Nomads, Wild Coast, Yeomanry, Zeif 
Prereq: You must bear some obvious sign of your former bondage: whip scars on your back, a brand on your neck, etc. 
Benefit: Your receive a +1 insight bonus on all Fortitude and Will saves. You also receive a +2 competence bonus on Bluff checks. 

Bareback Soul: You're skilled at riding bareback 
Regions: Paynims, Rovers of the Barrens, Tiger Nomads, Ull, Wolf Nomads 
Prereq: Ride 1 rank 
Benefit: You suffer no penalty to Ride check when riding bareback. You automatically succeed at checks to guide your mount with your knees. Additionally, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when firing a ranged weapon while riding bareback. 

Blackmoorian Rhymes: You've decoded the eldritch secrets of the ancient Rhymers of Blackmoor. 
Region: Blackmoor 
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Arcana) checks. When making a bardic knowledge check, roll d20 twice and use the better of the two results. 

Blood of Kord: You're distantly related to the Suel god Kord, who often takes a mortal woman as his lover. While Kord's immediate offspring develop a host of powers and abilities, the effects upon your blood are much more subtle. 
Region: Suel 
Prereq: Rage ability 
Benefit: When you rage, you gain a pool of 2 bonus points of damage per character level, to be added to the damage of any melee attack made during your rage. Bonus damage added to a single attack may not exceed half your character level (to a minimum of 1), but the damage may otherwise be doled out from the pool in any increment of full damage points you desire. This bonus damage is not multiplied on critical hits. Undesignated bonus damage is lost when your rage ends. You must declare the use of bonus damage before rolling your attack, if the attack misses, the damage is wasted. 

Blooded: You know what it means to fight for your life, and the value of quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared and deadly spells chanted. Enemies find it difficult to catch you off guard. 
Regions: Bandit Kingdoms, Bissel, Bone March, Bright Lands, Furyondy, Geoff, Gran March, Iuz, Ket, Nyrond, Oeridian, Onnwal, Paynims, Pomarj, Rovers of the Barrens, Scarlet Brotherhood, Shield Lands, Sterich, Stonehold, Tenh, Wild Coast, Wolf Nomads, Yeomanry 
Benefit: +2 bonus on Initiative and Spot checks. 

Border Watch: Your experience watching the horizon for enemy troop movements has made you a better soldier. 
Regions: Bissel, Furyondy, Geoff, Gran March, Highfolk, Irongate, Ket, Nyrond, Ratik, Shield Lands, Sterich, Sunndi 
Benefit: +2 bonus on all Spot checks and a +5 bonus on all Profession (soldier) checks. 

Born Follower: You excel when directed by a natural leader. 
Regions: Gran March, Oeridian, Pale 
Benefit: You gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws against fear effects when within 30' of an ally with the Leadership feat. 
Special: You may only take this feat at first level. 

Celestial Scion: You are a member of one of the major noble houses of the former Great Kingdom of Aerdy. 
Regions: Great Kingdom
Benefit: The benefits of this feat depend on the Celestial House to which you belong. Unless your DM allows otherwise, your rank is very minor and grants no game benefits other than those listed below. 
Membership in your family may have intense roleplaying repercussions and benefits, at the discretion of the DM. 
Cranden: You receive maximum starting gold at first level. Due to the diplomatic expertise and sterling reputation of your noble house, you receive a +3 bonus on all Diplomacy checks. Unless otherwise noted, NPCs in the former Great Kingdom have an initial attitude of friendly toward you. 
Darmen: The weapons of choice for your mercantile house are the poisoned words that have killed far more enemies than poisoned blades. When caught in a lie due to an unsuccessful Bluff check, you get an immediate follow-up Bluff check to cover up the "misstatement" with doublespeak. If this Bluff check is successful, ignore the original failed result -- the Bluff attempt goes off successfully, leaving the victim none the wiser. Unless otherwise noted, NPCs in the former Great Kingdom have an initial attitude of friendly toward you if they are middle or upper class. Lower-class serfs understand all too well the contempt most members of House Darmen feel for their "breed," and are initially unfriendly toward you. 
Garasteth: The arcane legacy of Aerdy's House Garasteth is known throughout the Flanaess. Wizard is a favored class for you. A multiclass Garasteth's wizard class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing. You also get a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks. Because most folk fear the magical might of your house, NPCs in the former Great Kingdom have an initial reaction of friendly toward you. 
Naelax: You share the bloodline of Ivid the Undying, the mad undead Overking who brought the once-might Great Kingdom to its knees. You receive a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks. Thanks to an unholy pact between Overking Ivid I and a fiend, you enjoy a special relationship with evil outsiders. You have a continuous True Seeing ability, as the spell (CL 16th), but the ability works only against the cloaking spells of demons and devils. This is a supernatural ability. Due to your family's ghastly reputation, NPCs in the former Great Kingdom have an initial attitude of unfriendly toward you. 
Rax-Nyrond: The true heirs of the House of Rax died out long ago, but several illegitimate and minor branches of the family survive. The Rax legacy is not particularly proud, being filled with a succession of incompetents and half-wits. Regardless, the house managed to hoard a great deal of political influence during its time at the head of the Great Kingdom. As an heir of that tradition, you receive a +3 bonus on Gather Information check, and all checks take 1d2 hours. Unless otherwise noted, NPCs in the former Great Kingdom have an initial attitude of friendly toward you. 
Torquaan: The financial might of House Torquaan extends far beyond the borders of the former Great Kingdom. Your family's reputation for squeezing the most out of a gold coin by employing deceit, trickery, cruelty, and good old-fashioned buisness skills allows you a 10% discount on purchases made anywhere where the influence of House Torquaan is known. The DM is free to disallow this discount outside the former Great Kingdom or in locales openly hostile to it or House torquaan. Since many folk see your kinsmen as greedy plutocrats, NPCs in the former Great Kingdom have an initial attitude of unfriendly toward you. 
Special: You must select this feat as a first level character. 

Companion Guard Style [Fighter, General]: You've been trained in the combat style of the gray elven Companion Guard of Celene. 
Regions: Celene, Gray Elf 
Prereq: Proficient with longsword, longspear, and bows; BAB +4. 
Benefits: When fighting with a longsword or longspear, you may use your Dexterity modifier on attack rolls. If you use a shield, it's armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls. Additionally you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits with any bow. 

Deepseer: You see exceptionally well underground. 
Regions: Deep Gnome, Stout Halfling, Mountain Dwarf 
Benefits: You gain darkvision with a range of 30 feet. If you already have darkvision, add 30 feet to the range of your darkvision. 

Defensive Expert [Fighter, General]: You excel at fighting when entrenched. 
Regions: Irongate, Shield Lands, Sunndi, Valley Elf, Valley of the Mage, Yeomanry 
Benefit: Your gain a +6 bonus to AC when benefitting from a cover bonus to AC. You gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively, or a +4 bonus if your have 5 or more ranks of tumble. 

Desert Fighter [Fighter, General]: You know how to make the most of terrain-inspired advantages in the desert. 
Regions: Bright Lands 
Benefits: When fighting in the desert, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. 

Driftwalker: You aren't slowed by snowy terrain, and know how to disguise your movements in the snow. 
Regions: Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Perrenland, Snow Barbarians, Stonehold, Wild Elf, Wood Elf 
Benefits: It costs you no squares of movement to move into a snow covered or heavy snow square. You leave no tracks in snowy terrain and cannot be tracked normally. You may choose to leave tracks if so inclined. 

Dwarflore: You've memorized a litany of family histories, battle records, and foundry lore sacred to the dwarven people. 
Regions: Hill Dwarf, Irongate, Mountain Dwarf, Ulek States 
Benefits: You get a +1 bonus on all Knowledge skill checks and on checks using one Craft skill of your choice. 

Ehlonna's Way: You share an intimate bond with the transcendental spirit of Oerth's woodlands. 
Regions: Celene, High Elf, Highfolk, Wild Elf, Wood Elf 
Prereq: Patron Deity: Ehlonna 
Benefits: You get a +3 bonus to Hide and Survival checks made in woodland areas. You get a +4 bonus on attacks against enemies who have cover from trees of plants. You still cannot hit creatures with total cover. 

Elemental Focus: The Baklunish folk have always enjoyed a close relationship with the elements, and your skill with elemental spells continues in a tradition that dates back hundreds of years before the Invoked Devastation. 
Regions: Baklunish 
Benefits: Add +1 to the DC of all saving throws against spells you cast with the air, earth, fire, or water descriptors. This bonus stacks with the similar bonuses granted by the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats. 

Elflore: You've memorized the epic poems, histories, and songs of the elven people, gaining insight into Oerth's history and magic. 
Regions: Celene, Gray Elf, Half-Elf, High Elf, Highfolk, Lendore Isles, Sunndi, Tallfellow Halfling, Ulek States, Valley Elf, Verbobonc 
Benefits: You get a +1 bonus on all Knowledge and Spellcraft checks. 

Exercises of Arnd: You follow the teachings of the legendary ancient Oeridian general-priest Arnd of Tdon, practicing a rigidly defined set of physical exercises every day to maintain peak levels of performance. 
Regions: Furyondy, Nyrond, Oeridian, Ratik 
Prereq: Toughness 
Benefits: You practice a daily regimen of exercises that grants you special bonuses in combat. You choose which benefit you would like to apply for the day before performing your exercises, modifying the regimen slightly to achieve the desired effect. Granted effects last until the next time you perform the Exercises of Arnd or until 24 hours have passed. 
Conducting the Exercises of Arnd requires 8 hours of rest to clear the mind. You need not slumber during this time, but must refrain from combat, spellcasting, skill use, conversation, or other physical or mental distraction. 
Rite of Battle: You get a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls with a specific melee weapon incorporated into your exercises. 
Rite of Calm: You get a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. 
Rite of Fitness: You gain +6 temporary hit points. 

Expert Dungeoneer: Your experience and study of dungeons have given you insight into common trapsetting techniques. 
Regions: Blackmoor, Deep Gnome, Greyhawk, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf 
Benefits: You receive a +4 competence bonus on saving throws made against the effects of mechanical traps. 

Faerie Mysteries Initiate: You know the timeless secrets and rituals of the Faerie Mysteries, self-improving rites of grace and passion that have been handed down since the earliest days that form the fundamental pillar of elven culture. 
Regions: Celene, Gray Elf, High Elf, Lendore Isles, Tallfellow Halfling, Verbobonc, Wild Elf, Wood Elf 
Benefits: You and a partner (who also must be a Faerie Mysteries Initiate), practice a 15 minute regimen of cultural rituals that grant you special bonues. Both participants must agree upon the rite to be performed and receive the same bonus. Granted bonuses last until the next time you perform the Faerie Mysteries or until 24 hours have elapsed. 
Performing the Faerie Mysteries require a 4 hour period of "trance" to clear the mind, or 4 hours of restful calm. 
Carols: You and your partner sing of the triumph of Corellon Larethian over Gruumsh One-Eye. When fighting orcs or goblins, you gain a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls with melee weapons and ranged attacks within 30 feet, and act as if you had the Improved Critical feat for the weapon you are using. This benefit does not stack with the Improved Critical feat or other effects that increase critical threat range. 
Frolics: You and your partner engage in a carefree, joyful gambol of handclaps and energetic kicks. You receive a +4 insight bonus on Perform (dance) and Tumble checks. 
Gyres: You join your partner in a delicate, deliberate dance of clasped hands and orbit a live flower. You gain a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. 
Passions: You and your partner engage in an exuberant sensual act. The ritual leaves both partners invigorated, allowing you to use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Constitution modifier to determine bonus hit points. 

Fiendsign: Your body bears a readily identifiable birthmark, such as a third nipple or sore, that serves as a symbol of your trafficking with fiends. Your bond to the denizens of the Lower Planes grants you some measure of control over your fiendish associates. 
Regions: Greyhawk, Iuz, Great Kingdom, Perrenland, Sterich, Ull 
Benefits: Outsiders with the evil subtype take a -2 penalty to saves against your spells, and you receive a +2 bonus to caster level checks to overcome their spell resistance. 

Giantkiller [Fighter, General]: Your experience fighting giants has given you a tactical advantage against them. 
Regions: Geoff, Keoland, Sterich 
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits against giants, and you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your AC against a giant's attacks. 
Special: You may take this feat as a fighter bonus feat. 

Gnomelore: You've memorized a staggering array of trivia, jokes, bawdy stories, and legends collected throughout the ages by gnomes and passed orally to each new generation. 
Regions: Rock Gnome, Ulek States, Valley Elf 
Benefits: You get a +1 bonus on all Perform and Knowledge checks. 

Great Fervor: Your overwhelming religious zeal has caught the attention of your deity. Sometimes, you seem to get a second chance in the face of catastrophe. 
Regions: Ekbir, Pale, Scalet Brotherhood, Tusmit, Veluna, Verbobonc 
Benefits: Once per day, you may reroll a failed saving throw. Add your Wisdom modifier to the rerolled save. You must accept the result of the second save, even if it is lower than the original failed saving throw. 

Greyhawk Method: You studied magic at Greyhawk's School of Wizardry, the preeminent institution of arcane study in the Flaeness. 
Regions: Greyhawk 
Prereq: Ability to prepare and cast arcane spells 
Benefits: You gain four new spells of your choice to add to your spellbook each time you gain a level in a class that allows you to prepare and cast arcane spells (such as wizard). These spells represent the results of your ongoing research, and must be of spell levels you can cast. If you have chosen to specialize in a school, two of the four free spells must be from your specialty school. Add the following to the list of feat you may select as bonus wizard feats: Combat Casting, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration. 

Halfling Lore: You've memorized countless recipes, wives' tales, folktales, a legends honored by the halfling people. 
Regions: Lightfoot Halfling, Stout Halfling, Tallfellow Halfling, Ulek States 
Benefits: +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Local) and (History) checks, and a +4 bonus on all Profession (cook) checks. 

Heir of Lendore: You are a descendant of the legendary migrations-era Suel archmage Lendore, predictor of the Invoked Devastation, patron of the Lendore Isles, and creator of the City of Glass. Your eyes are milky white and bear no pupils, although you see normally. 
Regions: Suel 
Benefits: Add +2 to the DC of all saving throws against divination spells you cast. This bonus stacks with the bonuses granted by Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus. 

Horselore: You're good with horses. 
Regions: Baklunish, Flan, Paynims, Rovers of the Barrens, Tiger Nomads, Wolf Nomads 
Benefits: You gain a +3 bonus on Ride checks when you're riding a horse, and on Handle Animal checks when dealing with horses. All horses have an initial attitude of at least Friendly toward you. 

Jinnbond: You are descended from the genies summoned to Oerth by the ancient Baklunish in the dying days of the Suel-Baklunish wars. You might bear some physical or psychological mark of your ancestry, such as a fiery disposition from an efreeti ancestor or uniformly blue eyes from a marid.
Regions: Baklunish
Benefits: Choose one type of Genie: Dao (earth), Djinn (air), Efreeti (fire), or Marid (water). The benefits vary by the type of your genie ancestor.
Dao: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against earth effects and Fortitude saves made to resist petrification. You also add +2 to the DC of saving throws for any spell with the earth descriptor that you cast as a sorcerer. This benefit stacks with the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats if the spell you cast is also from your chosen school.
Djinni: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against air effects and the following spells: Acid Fog, Call Lightning, Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud and Storm of Vengeance. You also add +2 to the DC of saving throws for any spell with the air descriptor that you cast as a sorcerer. This benefit stacks with the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats if the spell you cast is also from your chosen school.
Efreeti: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against fire effects. You also add +2 to the DC of saving throws for any spell with the fire descriptor that you cast as a sorcerer. This benefit stacks with the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats if the spell you cast is also from your chosen school.
Marid: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against water effects and the following spells: Acid Fog, Cone of Cold, Horrid Wilting, Ice Storm and Sleet Storm. You receive a +2 bonus on Constitution checks made to resist drowning. You also add +2 to the DC of saving throws for any spell with the water descriptor that you cast as a sorcerer. This benefit stacks with the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats if the spell you cast is also from your chosen school.
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st level character.

Jungle Fighter [Fighter, General]: You know how to make the most of terrain-inspired advantages when fighting in a jungle.
Regions: Bandit Kingdoms, Lordship of the Isles, Scarlet Brotherhood
Benefits: You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC when fighting in jungle terrain.

Landless Nobility: You belong to a noble line that has utterly lost its homeland due to war, incompetence, politics, or fate. Your status as a noble nonetheless grants you some measure of financial comfort, despite your lack of land.
Regions: Bone March, Geoff, Shield Lands, Sterich, Tenh, Ulek States (Principality only)
Benefits: You receive 200 additional starting gold. You also receive a +4 bonus on Charisma checks made with residents of your homeland (including expatriates).
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st level character.

Lays of the Northern Adepts: You know the poems of the ancient Ur-Flan sorcerers. These poems contain lost secrets that strengthen your protective magic.
Regions: Blackmoor, Flan
Benefits: When someone attempts to dispel your abjuration spells, the dispel check is 13 + your caster level.

Lore of the Ur-Flan: You're schooled in the ancient art of the Ur-Flan necromancers.
Regions: Bright Lands, Flan
Benefits: Add +2 to the DC of all saves against necromancy spells with the evil descriptor. This bonus stacks with the bonuses granted by the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats.

Mercantile Background: You come from a family that excels at a particular trade and knows well the value of any kind of trade good or commodity.
Regions: Bissel, Deep Gnome, Dyvers, Ekbir, Gran March, Greyhawk, Highfolk, Hilld Dwarf, Irongate, Ket, Lightfoot Halfling, Lordship of the Isles, Mountain Dwarf, Onnwal, Rock Gnome, Sea Barons, Solnor Compact, Stout Halfling, Tusmit, Ulek States, Urnst States, Verbobonc
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on all Appraise checks and a +2 bonus on the Craft or Profession skill of your choice.

Mercenary Background: You've traveled across the Flaeness as a hired mercenary, learning a smattering of local flavor on every mission in a foreign land.
Regions: Bissel, Half-Orc, Hill Dwarf, Paynims, Perrenland, Stonehold, Tenh, Tusmit, Ull
Benefits: Speak Language is a class skill for you. You receive a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Local) checks.

Mountain Fighter [Fighter, General]: You know how to make the most of terrain inspired advantages when fighting in the mountains.
Regions: Frost Barbarians, Geoff, Hill Dwarf, Ice Barbarians, Irongate, Mountain Dwarf, Perrenland, Pomarj, Ratik, Snow Barbarians, Sterich, Stonehold, Tusmit, Ulek States, Ull, Urnst States (Duchy only), Valley Elf, Valley of the Mage, Yeomanry
Benefits: You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC when fighting in the mountains.

Noble Soul: Your strength of spirit and forthrightness bolsters your resolve and draws other toward you.
Regions: Deep Gnome, Furyondy, Half-Elf, Lightfoot, Halfling, Oeridian, Pale, Shield Lands, Ulek States, Veluna, Yeomanry
Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves and a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks.

Orc-Blooded: Somewhere in the shadowy boughs of your extended family tree is an orc. The creature's influence isn't enough to make you a halforc, but it is enough to give you slightly porcine features, chronic bad breath, and a nasty temperment.
Benefits: You gain darkvision up to 30 feat. Barbarian is a favored class for you. You are not considered an orc for effects related to race.
Special: You may only select this feat at first level.

Pureblooded Suel: Undiluted Suloise blood flows through your veins hearkening back to ancient empires and making you an attractive potential associate to pro-Suel racists.
Regions: Suel
Benefits: Your notoriously short temper gives you a +1 bonus on Intimidate checks, while the resolve and magical aptitude of your ancestors grants you a +1 bonus on all saving throws versus spells and spell-like effects. You also receive a +2 bonus on Charisma checks made with members of the Scarlet Brotherhood.
Special: You may only select this feat at first level.

Raider's Spirit: You're a fearless raider.
Regions: Bone March, Frost Barbarians, Half-Orc, Ice Barbarians, Iuz, Olman, Paynims, Pomarj, Rovers of the Barrens, Snow Barbarians, Stonehold, Tiger Nomads, Ull, Wolf Nomads
Benefits: You get a +4 bonus to saves against fear effects and a +2 bonus on all Intimidate checks.

Rapscallion: Your stunning wit improves the credulity of your frequent lies.
Regions: Bandit Kingdoms, Dyvers, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Rock Gnome, Sea Barons, Urnst States (County only), Wild Coast
Prereq: Int 13+
Benefits: In addition to your Charisma modifier, add your Intelligence modifier on all Bluff checks.

Rustic Charm: Others tend to underestimate you due to your rural upbringing.
Regions: Ahlissa, Furyondy, Keoland, Nyrond, Rock Gnome, Sunndi, Urnst States, Veluna 
Benefits: You suffer no penalties on Diplomacy checks related to social class, as upper class NPCs tend to view you as a charming rube. Others suffer a -2 penalty on Sense Motive checks made against you.

Sagacious Method: You've learned magic from the Sagacious Society of Nyrond, a loosely organize assembly of scholars, sages, and mages who trade arcane information in an effort to improve the defensive strength of the Kingdom of Nyrond.
Regions: Nyrond
Prereq: Ability to prepare and cast arcane spells.
Benefits: You receive a +4 bonus to Spellcraft checks to decipher scrolls. You also receive a +4 bonus on caster level checks to successfully cast a scroll with a caster level higher than your level. Add the following to the list of bonus feats you may select as a wizard: Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.

Shadowbound: The Black One of the Valley of the Mage cast a powerful spell upon you, fusing your soul with a fragment of the Plane of Shadow.
Regions: Valley of the Mage
Benefits: You can cloak yourself in an umbra of shadowstuff, granting you a +2 bonus to Hide checks. Once per day you may cast a spell with the shadow descriptor as if it was prepared with the Empower Spell feat without requiring a higher-level spell slot.

Silent Method: You learned magic at the Lonely Tower of the Silent Ones of Keoland, a secretive order that seeks to protect the last vestiges of ancient Suel magic and ensure that such magic does not fall into the hand of those who would abuse it.
Regions: Keoland
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all dispel checks and on all caster level checks made for the Break Enchantment spell. Add the following to the list of bonus feats you may select as a wizard: Combat Casting, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.

Spirit of the Sea: You're most alive on the deck of a ship at sea an know all too well the dangers of open waters.
Regions:Ekbir, Lendore Isles, Lordship of the Isles, Scarlet Brotherhood, Sea Barons, Wild Coast, Zeif
Benefits: You get a +8 bonus to Survival check made while aboard a boat or ship.

Tested: You've passed through the Moonarch of Sehanine, been tested by the gods, and have emerged with great insight. The process has granted you intense inner calm, but it has instilled in you an aloofness that many find off-putting. You and other People of the Testing share a desire to protect old forest lands, faerie folk, and areas secret and precious to elves. You strive to keep hidden evil banes, magic, and secrets. You see the world as it is meant to be seen, you know the things that were meant to be known, and your destiny is forevermore intertwined with that of the elven race.
Regions: Gray Elf, High Elf, Wild Elf, Wood Elf
Prereq: Faerie Mysteries Initiate, character level 10th.
Benefits: You receive a +2 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made against elves. This bonus increases to +4 on checks made against other elves with the Tested feat. Additionally, your ordeal in the Moonarch of Sehanine has granted you one of the following powers (choose when you select this feat). 
Gift of Prophecy: The elven deities encountered during your Moonarch trial took an especial liking to you and have granted you the ability to communicate with their agents during your nightly trance. Once per day, while in trance, you can cast the Commune spell as a 10th level cleric. This is a supernatural ability.
Gift of Sight: Your experience has granted you the ability to pierce obfuscation, seeing the world in terms of absolute truth. Once per day you can cast True Seeing as a 10th level cleric. This is a spell-like ability.
YeCinds Ear: Within the mysterious Moonarch, you encountered the elven demigod YeCind, who increased your understanding of traditional elven music. Once per day, you may add a +6 bonus to your effective bard level for purposes of bardic music effects. This is a supernatural ability.

Tongue of Mouqol: You know your way around business negotiations.
Regions: Baklunish, Bissel, Ket
Benefits: You receive a +3 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks related to business deals.

Troll Blooded: Your family tree contains the blood of the trolls of the Thillonrian Peninsula. 

Prerequisite: Toughness 
Region: Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Pale, Snow Barbarians, (Oerth). 
Benefit: You gain regeneration 1 as an extraordinary ability. Fire and acid deal normal damage to you. If you lose a limb or a body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 days. You can reattach the severed member as a full round action by holding it to the stump. You are fatigued while exposed to sunlight. 
Special: You can take this feat at 1st level only. 

Vathrin Stigmata: More than 1,000 years ago, the Flan deity Vathris, patron of the Kingdom of Itar, fell in battle against the Kingdom of Sulm, a wickedly barbed black longspear piercing his chest. You have the ability to manifest a stigmatic wound in your own chest in memory of the deathblow of Vathris, but unlike your patron's poisonous wound, yours has the ability to heal the sick.
Region: Bright Lands
Prereq: Patron Deity: Vathris.
Benefits: Once per day, you can cause your chest to seep a black, tarry substance from a psychosomatic spear wound. If consumed within an hour of collection, this substance has the ability to detoxify any poison (as Neutralize Poison) and cure any disease (as Remove Disease). Your wound seeps enough substance for only one application per day. The substance is considered to have a caster level of 5 for purposes of dispel checks. Manifesting the stigmata is a supernatural effect and causes you to become exhausted.

Vatun's Touch: You have little difficulty with cold environments.
Regions: Frost Barbarians, Ice Barbarians, Ratik, Snow Barbarians, Stonehold
Benefits: You don't need protection when operating in natural cold weather and automatically succeed at saves to stave off nonlethal damage. You do not add a cumulative +1 to the DC of checks to resist cold weather effects.

Wastri's Blessing: You are a "servant" of Wastri, the hopping prophet.
Regions: Blackmoor, Keoland, Sunndi
Prereq: Patron Deity: Wastri.
Benefits: You can hold your breath a number of rounds equal to three times your Constitution score. You leave no trail in swampy terrain and cannot normally be tracked. You may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Well Read: Your readings have granted you extensive general knowledge about a wide range of affairs. 

Region: Great Kingdom, Celene, Dyvers, Ekbir, Furyondy, gray elf, Greyhawk, high elf, Irongate, Keoland, Lendore Isles, Lordship of the Isles, Nyrond, Solnor Compact, Suel, Urnst States, Valley of the Mage, Veluna, Verbobonc, Zeif. 
Benefit: All Knowledge skills are considered class skills for you. 

Well Traveled: Your travels across the Flanaess have given you a strong depth of local knowledge and a broad repetoire of far-flung tales.
Regions: Half-Elf, Lightfoot Halfling, Stout Halfling, Tallfellow Halfling
Benefits: You gain 2 ranks in the Knowledge (local) skill and can draw upon your experiences to influence those willing to converse with you. When dealing with a non-hostile creature that you can communicate with, you can use your Knowledge (local) skill in place of your Diplomacy skill.

World Weary: Your crushed spirit makes you difficult to scare or intimidate.
Regions: Great Kingdom, Bandit Kingdoms, Bone March, Geoff, Iuz, North Kingdom, Pomarj, Rovers of the Barrens, Scarlet Brotherhood, Shield Lands, Sterich, Tenh
Benefits: You receive a +4 competence bonus on saves against fear. Treat fear conditions as one rank lower, so an effect that would make you panicked would make you frightened, while an effect that makes your frightened merely makes you shaken. Effects that make you shaken have no effect.

Zagyg's Favor: It's not that you're insane, it's just that "normal" people don't understand the world the way you do. Either way, you're difficult to dominate effectively.
Region: Greyhawk
Prereq: Patron Deity: Zagyg
Benefits: You receive a +4 bonus on Will saves against Compulsion effects.

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27/10/2016, 12:03

Lenguas Antiguas y Modernas

Muchos estudiosos afirman que sólo cinco de los incontables dialectos al Este de Oerik, han sido o son hablados por suficientes personas como para considerarlos lenguas o idiomas. Estos son: Común, Baklunio Antiguo, Suelio, Viejo Oeridio y Flaenio.

Suelio: Este antiguo idioma estaba muy extendido hasta que casi llegó a extinguirse cuando la Lluvia de Fuego Incoloro destruyó el Imperio Suelio. Hoy en día prácticamente no es hablado, incluso por los estudiosos que conocen la lengua.

Flaenio: Sin duda la lengua más antigua que todavía sigue en uso. Muchos siguen hablando Flaenio en toda Flaenia, aunque éste ha ido transformándose durante los años. Hoy en día surgen dificultades para traducir antiguos textos Flaenios.

Baklunio Antiguo: Es uno de los antecesores de la lengua Común. Los Baklunios siguen usándola como forma de identificar a su pueblo, aunque ha sufrido muchos cambios. Las tribus que continúan usándola están aprendiendo la lengua Común porque es importante para el comercio.

Viejo Oeridio: Se trata de una nueva lengua, hasta hace unos años estaba apartada de la influencia de otras lenguas. Como resultado, sus características lingüísticas son únicas y su traducció a cualquier lengua exceptuando el común, es imposible.

Común: Es una combinación entre el Baklunio Antiguo y el dialecto del Viejo Oeridio que se habla en el Gran Reino. Cualquiera que cruce una frontera debería hablar común o al menos tener unas nociones básicas. Muchas lenguas pasan por el común para ser traducidas a otras lenguas, debido a su carácter universal.

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27/10/2016, 12:09

CONDADO DE SUNNDI  (Miembro de la Liga de Hierro)

Su Brillante Señoría, el Conde Hazendel de Sunndi

Capital: Pitchfield (3000)
Población: 60000
No Humanos: Elfos grises (7000), Enanos de las montañas (3000+), Gnomos (2000+)
Humanoides: Diversos
Recursos: Electrum, Platino, Gemas

El Condado de Sunndi una vez fue un feudo dentro de un feudo, concedido a un compañero leal de un Herzog del Virrey de ​​la Provincia del Sur del Gran Reino. Después de un largo período de impuestos desmesurados, brutalidad de las tropas reales y del Herzog y acoso a sus habitantes no humanos, éstos últimos se unieron a los nobles de la zona formando una insurrección general contra el gobierno Aerdio y en 455 CY se convirtió en parte de la Liga de Hierro. El condado está bien protegido por barreras naturales que le permiten defenderse: el denso Bosque Rieu y colinas al este y al oeste, la península Tilvanot al sur que hacen de Sunndi un gran pantano semisalado (esto es un arma de doble filo , ya que hay un gran número de criaturas muy desagradables que habitan en él). Los bienes del condado provienen tanto de sus recursos naturales (incluyendo la agricultura) como del comercio: por tierra con Idee , por mar con Duxchan. Sunndi está amenazado continuamente, sin embargo, desde el norte por las legiones del Herzog, desde el este por las fuerzas del Santo Censor de Medegia y por los barones del mar a lo largo de sus costas.

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27/10/2016, 12:15

Notas de juego

Mapa realista de la zona. Para más información geográfica y mapas no olvidéis visitar

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27/10/2016, 13:01

El Pantano Vasto

La zona pantanosa en forma de V por encima del cuello de la Península Tilvanot está hundida por el centro terminando en acantilados a lo largo de ambas costas. Este ahuecamiento hace que el agua forme estanques permanentes y arroyos y riachuelos de variable caudal y forma. El laberinto de agua resultante y su vegetación se conoce como el Pantano Vasto. El movimiento del agua dentro de él indica que, en general drena hacia el sur. Debe haber canales subterráneos a través de los cuales ejecuta su salida. Sobre un lecho de piedra caliza, arcillas, limos, y turba de la vegetación en descomposición se ha generado un rico ecosistema. lirios fabulosos, enredaderas, helechos y cipreses se aglomeran entre las aguas turbias del pantano.
Los vecinos de Sunndi al norte de la vasta ciénaga tienen opiniones encontradas sobre el Pantano. Por un lado, es una gran protección contra las invasiones de los siniestros habitantes de la Península de Tilvanot, pero es un nido de enfermedades y está lleno de peligros tales como Fuegos Fautos y muchas otras criaturas. Los cocodrilos gigantes del centro del pantano ganan su asombroso tamaño debido a una dieta muy peculiar, pero el número de esos batracios es casi ínfimo.
Hombres lagarto y trogloditas compiten por el espacio vital con los degenerados hombres rana y todo tipo de sapos venenosos, serpientes, insectos que se suman a la impresionante variedad de desagradable flora y fauna . Se dice que existe una comunidad de elfos grises salvajes hacia el sur, maestros viticultores, por encima de las aguas del pantano prácticamente intransitables. Existen muchos cuentos y leyendas relativas a esto, sobre todo en tiempos antiguos antes de que el pantano fuera tan amplio como lo es ahora. La más frecuentemente es la del Semiliche Acererak, que se dice gobernó el pantano en un pasado distante y ahora tiene su Tumba en algún lugar dentro de sus confines.