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Segundo Mes: Extreme Rules

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30/03/2011, 15:40
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Resultados del segundo mes de juego (supuestamente Mayo)

Cargando editor
30/03/2011, 15:41
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RAW (week 1)

- Last Man Standing rematch: Mark Henry vs Ted Dibiase Jr. with Maryse (KO)

- Aspirante USA: The Miz vs R-Truth

- Elimination 6-Man Tag: John Cena + Sheamus + Randy Orton vs New Nexus (Punk+Mason+Husky)

- Aspirante USA: Dolph Ziggler vs John Morrison (Tap Out)

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30/03/2011, 15:42
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Superstars (week 1)

- Triple Threath Match: Santino vs Daniel Bryan vs The Great Khali

- Handicap Match: Maryse vs Natalya + Eve

- Opportunity Royal Rumble: Delfar vs Chuspi vs Kaval vs Brodus Clay vs Skip Sheffield vs Michael McGillicutty vs Cody Rhodes vs Shad Gaspard vs Vance Archer vs Mike Knox vs Druida vs A.J. Styles vs Darren Young vs Justin Gabriel vs Jey USo vs Zack Ryder vs Jimmy Uso vs Yoshi Tatsu vs Heath Slater vs Tyson Kidd vs Curt Hawkings vs Goldust vs Shelton Benjamin vs Primo vs Matt Hardy vs JTG vs David Otunga vs Tyler Reks vs Trent Barreta vs

Cargando editor
30/03/2011, 23:31
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Smackdown (week 1)

- Submission Challenge: Chris Masters vs Christian with Edge (KO)

- Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntyre

- Tag Team Falls Count Anywher no hold barred: Kane + Wade Barrett vs Alberto del Río + ???=Tyler Reks

- Elimination Aspirante Pesado: Rey Mysterio vs Big Show vs Undertaker

Cargando editor
30/03/2011, 23:37
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RAW (week 2)

- Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero vs R-Truth with Eve (Dolph entra en Lay-Cool)

- Tag Table Match: Big Show + Kane vs Santino Marella + Vladimir Kozlov

- John Morrison vs Ted Dibiase Jr. with Maryse (DQ) [Inter. R-Truth]

- Aspirante WWE Ladder: Sheamus vs Randy Orton [Inter. New Nexus]

Cargando editor
30/03/2011, 23:41
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Superstars (week 2)

- The Corre: Justin Gabriel + Heath Slater with Wade Barrett vs Trent Barreta + Curt Hawkins

- William Reagal + Darren Young vs Alex Riley + The Miz (New Tag Team) [Inter. Morrison]

- Mejor de 3 Tag: Cabal-Ines vs The Usos [Inter. Santino]

Cargando editor
31/03/2011, 23:13
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Smackdown (week 2)

- JTG vs Alberto del Rio with Brodus Clay (Tap Out) [Paliza Edge]

- Ladder Match: Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio [Inter. Swagger]

- Kelly Kelly + Rosa Mendes vs LayCool (Michelle + Layla with Vicky)

- No Hold Barred: Edge with Christian vs Ezekiel Jackson with Wade Barrett (KO)

Cargando editor
31/03/2011, 23:56
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RAW (week 3)

- Steel Cage: Dolph Zigler + Ted Dibiase vs John Morrison + R-Truth

- Gauntlet Submission Match: Daniel Bryan vs New Nexus: Husky Hurris + Michael McGillicutty + Mason Ryan (KO)

- Tamina + Natalya with Gail Kim vs Melina + Nikki Bella with Brie Bella

- Last Man Standing Finisher Match: John Cena vs The Rock [Inter. The Miz]

Cargando editor
31/03/2011, 23:56
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Superstars (week 3)

- Handicap Match: Yoshi Tatsu vs Primo + Zack Ryder (KO) [Inter. Darren Young]

- Elimination Fatal 4 Way: Maxine vs A.J. Lee vs Naomi vs Kaitlyn

- Royal Battle: Curt Hawkins vs Delfar vs JTG vs Trent Barreta vs Tyler Reks vs Brodus Clay

Cargando editor
01/04/2011, 14:50
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Smackdown (week 4)

- Big Show vs Ezekiel Jackson with Heath Slater

- Trish Stratus vs A.J. Lee

- Tables: Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio [Inter. Big Show]

- Edge + Christian vs Alberto del Rio + ???=Delfar

Cargando editor
19/04/2011, 17:58
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RAW (week 4)

- CM Punk vs John Cena

- 6-Man Tag Elimination Match: Mark Henry + Great Khali + Triple H vs Sheamus + Tyson Kidd + Darren Young

- Triple Aspirante: Melina vs Natalya vs Eve

- Randy Orton vs The Miz

Cargando editor
19/04/2011, 20:17
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Superstars (week 4)

- Trent Barretta vs Mason Ryan

- Handicap Tag: Bella Twins vs Tamina + Gail Kim + Angelina Love

- Battle Royale: David Otunga vs Jey Uso vs Michael McGillicutty vs David Hart Smith vs Daniel Bryan vs Jimmy Uso

Cargando editor
19/04/2011, 21:19
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Smackdown (week 4)

- Aspirante Intercontinental: Cody Rhodes vs Kofi Kingston

- Aspirante Woman's: Kelly Kelly vs Beth Phoenix

- Aspirante parejas: Cabal+Ines vs Get Burn

- Rey Mysterio vs Drew McIntyre

Cargando editor
19/04/2011, 22:04
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- USA (No DQ): Ted Dibiase Jr. vs R-Truth

- Parejas (Escaleras): Chavo Guerrero + Tyson Kidd vs Cabal-Ines

- Intercontinental (Tables): Cody Rhodes vs Drew McIntyre

- Divas: Natalya vs Melina vs Maryse

- Pesados (Extreme): Alberto del Rio vs Big Show

- WWE (Extreme): Randy Orton vs The Miz