Partida Rol por web

Yours to Keep


Datos de la partida

Yours to Keep


Director: Marko
Reglamento: Changeling, el Ensueño
Sistema: Rol por web
Jugadores: 5
Nivel requerido: Medio: jugadores con un mínimo de experiencia
Ritmo de juego: Medio: un mensaje cada 2-3 días
Fecha de comienzo: 04/03/2019
Estado: Suspendida


The Dreaming reaches out to everyone who is willing to receive it. Unfortunately, in the Autumn World, hearing its message is a difficult thing, and as such, the awakening of any new changelings is a precious moment. The appearance of new nobles especially is a rare and wonderful event — and the loss of one all the more devastating.

“Yours to Keep” follows a small-town motley as they investigate the disappearance of a recently-awakened changeling visiting their community. They’ll have to locate the missing boy, safely retrieve him from the hands of his captors, and make their way back to the safety of their freehold...even if they have to take it back from their enemies.


Point Avalon is a shore town that slumbers most of the year, with a small, closely-knit population that keeps the town from being completely deserted from fall on through to spring. For most of the year, many of the businesses temporarily shutter or run on diminished schedules and staff, but all the residents agree on one thing: Even without the bustle of the summer crowds, there’s a quiet magic to the little town. Something about the way the sun gleams off the water and the wind plays through the dune grass betrays the subtle glamour of the place, as does the way the scent of the ocean carries even miles away from the shore.

While a group of the population accepts it simply as the enchanted nature of life near the sea, a small but healthy portion knows the truth. Hosting a surprising number of changelings year-round, Point Avalon thrums in resonance with the Dreaming, alive with all manner of chimera and hosting an impressive balefire in its hearth. Known as a popular tourist destination, the town comes alive in the summer months, attracting a regular group of part-time residents as well as a number of steadily rotating groups that visit for a weekend or two and flit away again. Among these temporary visitors are always more changelings, either following the paths of Glamour that lead them to the small town or else following the tales of the selkies and eshu that frequent it.

Each of the characters in “Yours to Keep” has a close relationship with at least one other character, and the entire group as at least generally familiar with each other. Point Avalon is small enough that its year-round residents almost all know each other by name, and the fae community is even tighter-knit than its mundane counterpart. If the players want to flesh out their less-defined relationships or tweak the details of their characters, they can discuss and decide amongst themselves how they want to know each other. If the group wants to establish more details about their retinue, they can each also describe a companion their character knows

Notas sobre la partida

Partida de C20.

Personajes pregenerados.

Las cosas que copio y pego están en inglés porque soy muy vago, pero la partida es en español :-p