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Esta partida está en revisión. Si el director no da señales de vida o es aprobada por un cuervo será borrada esta noche

Aunque huela no tiene que ser un cadaver

Creacion pjs

Cargando editor
28/03/2010, 16:15
Cargando pj

Clases basicas

  1. Anthropologist
  2. Arson Investigator
  3. Crime Scene Investigator[CSI]
  4. Criminalist
  5. ForensicPathologist
  6. Cop
  7. Trooper
  8. Deputy
  9. Detective
  10. CriminalPsychologist

Ahora la pregunta quereis haceros pjs u os los hago yo?

Solo decidme que quereis ser y hago un par para que compareis, elegis entonces el que mas os guste, el otro sera un nj

Cargando editor
28/03/2010, 21:01
Cargando pj


Hit Dice: d6
Class Skills:

Equipo de Operaciones (INT),
Concentración (CON),
Consejería (CHA),
Diplomacia (Car),
Análisis de la evidencia (INT),
Facial Reconstrucción (WIS),
Recopilar la información (CHA),
Conocimiento: Autopsia (INT),
De Asistencia Médica (WIS),
Policía de la burocracia (WIS).
Investigación (INT),
Toxicología (INT).

Skill points at first level: (6 + INT modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 6 * INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1. Doctor,
  2. Licencia de conducir,
  3. Hacer bromas

Bonus Feats:

  1. Alerta
  2. Evaluación de sospechosos.
  3. Conexión de prueba,
  4. Analisis
  5. Analisis de mordiscos y arañazos
  6. Resistencia
  7. Toma de huellas dactilares,
  8. Gran fortaleza,
  9. Iniciativa mejorada,
  10. Voluntad de hierro,
  11. Soltura con una habilidad,
  12. Competencia con armas simples
  13. Hacerse cargo,
  14. Tenacidad.
Nivel Especial AT Fort Ref Will AC bonus
 1  Dote extra  0  1  0  2  0
 2  Estomago fuerte  1  2  0  3  1
 3  Dote extra  1  2  1  3  1
 4  Chemical/Microscoapnica lysis  2  2  1  4  1
 5  Dote extra  2  3  1  4  2
 6  Respetados en el campo  3  3  2  5  2
 7  Dote extra  3  4  2  5  2
 8  Archivo de conocimientos  4  4  2  6  3
 9  Dote extra  4  4  3  6  3
 10  lmposing  5  5  3  7  3
  1. Estomago fuerte: +2 on Fortitudes en situaciones de escenas morbidas
  2. Chemical/Microscoapnica lysis: +2 a cualquier analisis de la evidencia o identificar narcotico en un laboratorio adecuado
  3. Respetados en el campo:The PC can use their knowledge of a subject to give themselves +2 on checks to promote their opinion
  4. Archivo de conocimientos: The PC gains +2 to any Interview, Knowledge.. Law, or Research roll if using the PC's local archive
  5. lmposing: PC can use their official status to influence the general public They receive + 2 on  all relevant Buff and Intimidate rolls

Elegir una de estos beneficios

  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge:Autopsy and Diplomacy
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Hide and Research
Cargando editor
02/04/2010, 20:09
Cargando pj


Hit Dice: d6
Class Skills:

Autoshop (INT),
Balance (DEX),
Blood SplatterAnalysis (WIS),
Climb (STR).
computer operation (INT),
Concentration (CON), Crime Scene Recording (INf),
Disable Device (INT), Evidence Analysis (INT), Gather Evidence
Gather Information (CHA),
Identify Narcotic (INT).
Knowledge:A utopsy (INT),
Research{ INT),
Search( INT),
spot (wIS)

Skill points at first level: (6 + INT modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 6 * INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1.  Simple Weapon Proficiency,
  2. Side Arm Weapon Proficiency,
  3. Driving License,
  4. Fingerprint Taking,
  5. Chemical/Microscopic Analysis

Bonus Feats:

  1. Alertness,
  2. Bite and Claw Analysis,
  3. Connecting Evidence,
  4. Counter-Surveillance,
  5. Dodge,
  6. Emergency Medic,
  7. Endurance,
  8. Great Fortitude,
  9. Imposing,
  10. Improved Initiative,
  11. Iron Will,
  12. Lightning Reflexes.
  13. Media Handling.
  14. Point Blank Shot
  15. Ready Weapon.
  16. Respected in the Field,
  17. Skill Focus,
  18. Toughness


Nivel Especial AT Ref Fort Will AC bonus
 1  Dote extra  0  1  0  0   1
 2  Estomago fuerte  1  2  0  0    2
 3  Dote extra  1  2  1  1    2
 4 Crime Scene Hazard  2  2  1  1    3
 5  Dote extra  2  3  1  1   3
 6  Walking the area  3  3  2  2   3
 7  Dote extra  3  4  2  2   4
 8  Take charge  4  4  2  2   4
 9  Dote extra  4  5  3  3    5
 10  Archivo de conocimientos  5  5  3  3    5
  1. Estomago fuerte: +2 on Fortitudes en situaciones de escenas morbidas
  2. Crime Scene Hazard: +2 bonus to all relevant Spot and  Search rolls when at a crime scene.
  3. Walking the area:Get +2 to all relevant Spot and Search rolls.
  4. Take charge: PC  is skilled at using authority to deal with people at a crime scene.  When  processin a crime scene, PC gains + 2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate
  5. Archivo de conocimientos: The PC gains +2 to any Interview, Knowledge.. Law, or Research roll if using the PC's local archive

Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Benefits: Gain the an additional 2 ranks in Gather Information and Sense Motiuve
  • Benefits: Gain an additional2 ranks in Bluff and Surveillance
  • Benefits: Gain the feat Appraise Suspect and an additional 2 ranks in Counseling.
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Identify Substance and Forced Entry
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Hide and Research
Cargando editor
09/04/2010, 21:42
Cargando pj


Hit Dice: d6
Class Skills:

Autoshop (INT),
Ballistics (INT),
Blood Splatter Analysis (WIS),
Computer Operations (INT),
Concentration (CON),
DNA Profiling (INT),
Crime Scene Recording (INT),
Entomology (INT).
Evidence Analysis (INT),
 Facial Reconstruction (\A/IS),
Gather Evidence (WIS),
Medical Assistance (WIS),
 Research (INT),
 Search (INT),
Spot (WIS).

Skill points at first level: (7 + INT modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 7 + INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1. Driving License 
  2. Respected in the field.


Bonus Feats:

  1. Alertness.
  2. Crack a Joke,
  3. Dodge,
  4. Doctor,
  5. Driving License,
  6. Endurance,
  7. Fingerprint Taking.
  8. Geographical Profiling,
  9. Great Fortitude,
  10. Handwriting Analysis,
  11. Improved Initiative,
  12. Iron WiIl,
  13. Lightning Reflexes.
  14. Long Arm Proficiency,
  15. Point Blank Shot,
  16. Psychological Profiling,
  17. Ready Weapon,
  18. Side Arm Proficiency,
  19. Simple Weapons Proficiency,
  20. Take Charge
  21. Toughness,
  22. Walking the Area.


Nivel Especial AT Fort Ref Will AC bonus
 1  Bonus feat  0  1  0  2   0
 2 Connecting evidence  1  2  0  3    1
 3  Skill Focus  1  2  1  3    1
 4 Bonus Feat  2  2  1  4    1
 5  Skill Focus  2  3  1   4   2
 6 Estomago fuerte  3  3  2  5   2
 7  Bonus Feat  3  4  2  5   2
 8  Media Handling  4  4  2  6   3
 9  Skill Focus  4  4  3  6    3
 10 Crime scene Hazard  5  5  3  7    3


Specializations: The Forensic specialist is a very focused role that allows characters to have a number of skills and be good at many things, or they can specialize and become a renowned expert in a particular field.
As a result, this character class can add the Feat "Skill Focus" cumulatively to any of the following Feats at 3rd, 5th, 9th levels:

  1. Ballistics
  2. Blood Splatter Analysis
  3. DNA Profiling
  4. Entomology
  5. Identify Substance

Players can also discuss any dedicated skill of their own with the GM as a suggestion for their skill focus.


Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Benefits: Gain the an additional 2 ranks in Gather Information and Sense Motiuve
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Identify Substance and Forced Entry
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Hide and Research
Cargando editor
09/04/2010, 22:03
Cargando pj


Hit dice: d6
Class skills:

Anthropology (INT),
 Computer Operations (INT),
Concentration (CON),
Crime Scene Recording (INT),
Diplomacy (CHA),
DNA Profiling (INT),
Evidence Analysis {INT),
Facial Reconstruction (WIS),
Knowledge: Autopsy (INT),
Odontology (INT),
Research (INT),
Speak Language (INT),
Surveying (wIS)

Skill points at first level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 6 * Int modifier


A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1. Driving license,
  2. Chemical/Microscopic Analysis.
  3. They also start with an additional 4 ranks in their Anthropology skill.

Bonus feat:

  1. Archive Knowledge,
  2. Alertness,
  3. Appraise Suspect.
  4. Connecting Evidence,
  5. Crack A Joke,
  6. Dodge.
  7. Doctor,
  8. Endurance.
  9. Fingerprint Taking,
  10. Great Fortitude,
  11. Handwriting Analysis,
  12. Imposing,
  13. Improved Initiative.
  14. Iron Will,
  15. Lightning Reflexes,
  16. Point Blank Shot,
  17. Psychological Profiling.
  18. Ready Weapon,
  19.  Skill Focus.
  20.  Side Arm Proficiency,
  21. Simple Weapons Proficiency,
  22. Toughness


Nivel Especial AT Fort Ref Will AC bonus
 1 Bonus feat  0  1


 1   1
 2 Respect in the field  1   2  0  2   1
 3 Bonus feat  1  2  1  2   2
 4 Bite and claw analysis  2   2  1  2    2
 5 Bonus feat  2   3  1  3   3
 6 Estomago fuerte  3   3  2  3   3
 7 Bonus Feat  3   3  2  4  4
 8 Take charge  4   4  2  4   4
 9  Bonus feat  4   4  3  4   5
 10 Library access  5   5  3  5   5


  1. Respect in the field<<< The PCc an uset heir knowledge of a subjest to give themselves +2 on checks to Promote their opinion  [necesito 4 o mas rangos en la habilidad seleccionada]
  2. Bite and claw analysis<<< Gains +2 circunstance bonus when dealing with Bite and claw wounds
  3. Estomago fuerte<<<+2 on Fortitudes en situaciones de escenas morbidas
  4. Take charge<<<PC  is skilled at using authority to deal with people at a crime scene.  When  processin a crime scene, PC gains + 2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate
  5. Library access<<<

Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Hide and Research
Cargando editor
11/04/2010, 14:37
Cargando pj


Hit dice: d8
Class skills:

Computer Operation(INT),
Forced Entry (STR),
Gather Information (CHA),
Interview (INT),
Intimidate (CHA),
Knowledge: Law (INT),
Listen (WIS),
Search (INT),
Sense Motive (WIS)
Speak Language (NONE).

Skill points at first level: (4 + INT modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 4 + INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1. Driving license,
  2. Side Arm Weapon
  3. Proficiency.
  4. Simple Weapon Proficiency.

Bonus feat:

  1. Alertness,
  2. Appraise Suspect,
  3. Ballistic Armor Proficiency,
  4. Bribing,
  5. Chemical/Microscopic Analysis,
  6. Combat Reflexes,
  7. Connecting Evidence,
  8. Counter Surveillance,
  9. Crack Driver,
  10. Dodge,
  11. Emergency Medic,
  12. Endurance,
  13. Good Right Hook,
  14. Great Fortitude,
  15. Hostage Negotiation,
  16. Imposing,
  17. Improved Initiative,
  18. Iron Will,
  19. Lightening Reflexes,
  20. Long Arm Firearm Proficiency.
  21. Marksman,
  22. Media Handling,
  23. Point Blank Shot,
  24. Precise Aim,
  25. Promotion: Lieutenant,
  26. Promotion: Captain.
  27. Ready Weapon,
  28. Skill Focus,
  29. Take Charge,
  30. Toughness,
  31. Weapon Finesse


Nivel Especial AT Fort Ref Will AC bonus
 1 Bonus feat  0  1  1  0  1
 2 Archivo de conocimientos  1  2  2  0  2
 3 Bonus feat  2  2  2  1  2
 4 Strong Stomach  3  3  3  1  3
 5 Bonus feat  3  3  3  1  3
 6 Informant Handling  4  4  4   2  3
 7 Bonus Feat  5  4  4  2  4
 8 Weapon specialization  6/1  4  4  2  4
 9  Bonus feat  6/1  5  5  3  5
 10 Walking the area 7/2  5  5  3  5
  1. Archivo de conocimientos
  2. Estomago fuerte<<<+2 on Fortitudes en situaciones de escenas morbidas
  3. Informant Handling
  4. Weapon specialization
  5. Walking the area:Get +2 to all relevant Spot and Search rolls.

Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Gain the feat Imposing and an additional 2 ranks in Gather Information.
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Bluff and Surveillance
  • Gain the feat Media Handling and an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Law
  • Gain the feat Appraise Suspect and an additional 2 ranks in Counseling
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Medical Assistance and. Spot
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knoutledge: Autopsy and Diplomacy
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Analyze Narcotics and Undercover
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Lau and Knowledge: Street Sense


Cargando editor
11/04/2010, 15:58
Cargando pj



Hit Die: d8
Class Skills:

Autoshop (INT).
 Bluff (CHA),
Concentration (CON).
Diplomacy (CHA).
Drive: Chase (DEX).
 Medical Assistance (INT),
 Sense Motive (WIS),
 Spot (WIS),
Surveillance (wIS).

Skill points at first level: (2 + INT modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 6 + INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1. Crack Driver.
  2. Driving License,
  3. Side Arm Weapon Proficiency,
  4. Simple Weapon Proficiency'

Bonus feat:

  1. Appraise Suspect,
  2. Ballistic Armor Proficiency,
  3. Bribing,
  4. Chemica/Microscopic Analysis,
  5. Combat Refl exes,
  6. Dodge,
  7. Endurance,
  8. Fingerprint Taking,
  9. Good Right Hook,
  10. Great Fortitude,
  11. Imposing,
  12. Improved Initiative,
  13. Informant Handling,
  14. Iron Will,
  15. Lightening Reflexes,
  16. Marksman,
  17. Point Blank Shot,
  18. Precise Aim,
  19. Promotion: Lieutenant,
  20. Promotion: Captain,
  21. Strong Stomach,
  22. Take Charge,
  23. Toughness,
  24. Weapon Finesse,
  25. Weapon Specialization.
Nivel Especial AT Fort Will Ref AC bonus
 1 Bonus feat  0  1  1  0  1
 2 Long arm firearm proficiency  1  2  2  0  2
 3 Bonus feat  2  2  2  1  2
 4 alertness  3  3  3  1  3
 5 Bonus feat  3  3  3  1  3
 6 emergency Medic  4  4  4   2  3
 7 Bonus Feat  4  4  4  2  4
 8 Ready weapon  5  4  4  2  4
 9  Bonus feat  5  5  5  3  5
 10 Skill focus 6/1  5  5  3  5
  1. Long arm firearm proficiency
  2. alertness
  3. emergency Medic
  4. Ready weapon

Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Gain the feat Imposing and an additional 2 ranks in Gather Information.
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Bluff and Surveillance
  • Gain the feat Media Handling and an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Law
  • Gain the feat Appraise Suspect and an additional 2 ranks in Counseling
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Medical Assistance and. Spot
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knoutledge: Autopsy and Diplomacy
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Analyze Narcotics and Undercover
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Lau and Knowledge: Street Sense



Cargando editor
11/04/2010, 15:59
Cargando pj


Hit Die: d8
Class Skills:

Counseling (CHA),
Dog Handling (CHA)'
Drive: Tailing (WIS),
Gather Evidence (WIS),
Gather Information (CHA),
Hide (DEX),
Interview (ntr),
knowledge: Autopsy(INT),
Knowledge: Street Sense (INT),
Police Interrogation(CHA),
Sense Motive (wIS

Skill points at first level: (2 + INT modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 6 + INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1. Driving License,
  2. Side Arm Weapon Proficiency,
  3. Simple Weapon Proficiency

Bonus feat:

  1. Alertness,
  2. Appraise Suspect,
  3. Ballistic Armor Proficiency,
  4. Chemica/Microscopic Analysis,
  5. Connecting Evidence,
  6. Counter-Surveillance,
  7. Dodge,
  8. Emergency Medic,
  9. Endurance.
  10. Fingerprint Taking,
  11. Good Right Hook,
  12. Great Fortitude,
  13. Imposing,
  14. Improved Initiative,
  15. Iron Will,
  16. Lightening Reflexes,
  17. Long Arm Firearm Proficiency,
  18. Point Blank Shot,
  19. Promotion: Lieutenant,
  20. Promotion: Captain,
  21. Ready Weapon,
  22. Skill Focus,
  23. Strong Stomach,
  24. Take Charge,
  25. Weapon Specialization.


Nivel Especial AT Fort Ref Will AC bonus
 1 Bonus feat  0  1  1  0  1
 2 Archive knowledge  1  2  2  0  2
 3 Bonus feat  2  2  2  1  2
 4 Crack driver  3  3  3  1  3
 5 Bonus feat  3  3  3  1  3
 6 Informant handling  4  4  4   2  3
 7 Bonus Feat  4  4  4  2  4
 8 Precise Aim  5  4  4  2  4
 9  Bonus feat  5  5  5  3  5
 10 Toughness 6/1  5  5  3  5
  1. Archive knowledge
  2. Crack driver
  3. Informant handling
  4. Precise Aim
  5. Toughness

Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Gain the feat Imposing and an additional 2 ranks in Gather Information.
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Bluff and Surveillance
  • Gain the feat Media Handling and an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Law
  • Gain the feat Appraise Suspect and an additional 2 ranks in Counseling
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Medical Assistance and. Spot
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knoutledge: Autopsy and Diplomacy
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Analyze Narcotics and Undercover
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Lau and Knowledge: Street Sense


Cargando editor
11/04/2010, 16:00
Cargando pj



Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills:
Analyze Narcotics (WIS),
Bluff (CHA).
Computer Operation(INT),
Drive: Tailing (WIS),
Gather Evidence (WIS),
 Interview (INT),
 Intimidate (CHA)
Knowledge: Autopsy (INT).
 Police Bureaucracy (WIS).
Police Interrogation (CHA),
Sense Motive (WIS),
Tailing: On Foot {WIS).

Skill points at first level: (4 + INT modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 4 + INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1. Simple Weapon Proficiency,
  2. Side Arm Weapon Proficiency,
  3. Driving License.

Bonus feat

  1. Alertness,
  2. Appraise Suspect,
  3. Bribing,
  4. Counter-Surveillance,
  5. Crack Driver,
  6. Dodge,
  7. Endurance
  8. Fingerprint Taking,
  9. Great Fortitude,
  10. Hostage Negotiation
  11. Imposing,
  12. Improved Initiative,
  13. Iron Will,
  14. Lightening Reflexes,
  15. Media Handling,
  16. Point Blank Shot,
  17. Precise Aim,
  18. Promotion: Lieutenant,
  19. Promotion: CaPtain,
  20. Ready Weapon,
  21. Skill Expertise,
  22. Strong Stomach,
  23. Toughness,
  24. Weapon Specialization.
Nivel Especial AT Will Ref Fort AC bonus
 1 Bonus feat  0  1  1  0  1
 2 Informant Handlig  1  2  2  0  2
 3 Bonus feat  2  2  2  1  2
 4 Ballistic Armor Proficiency  3  3  3  1  3
 5 Bonus feat  3  3  3  1  3
 6 Connecting Evidence  4  4  4   2  3
 7 Bonus Feat  4  4  4  2  4
 8 Walking the Area  5  4  4  2  4
 9  Bonus feat  5  5  5  3  5
 10 Take Charge 6/1  5  5  3 5
  1. Informant Handlig
  2. Ballistic Armor Proficiency
  3. Connecting Evidence
  4. Walking the Area
  5. Take Charge

Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Gain the feat Imposing and an additional 2 ranks in Gather Information.
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Bluff and Surveillance
  • Gain the feat Media Handling and an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Law
  • Gain the feat Appraise Suspect and an additional 2 ranks in Counseling
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Medical Assistance and. Spot
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knoutledge: Autopsy and Diplomacy
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Analyze Narcotics and Undercover
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Lau and Knowledge: Street Sense



Cargando editor
11/04/2010, 16:00
Cargando pj


 Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills:

Bluff (cHA),
ComPuter OPeration (INT),
 Counseling (CHA),
Diplomacy (CHA),
Interview (INT),
 Knowledge: Autopsy (INT)
Listen (WIS)
Medical Assistance (INT).
Sense Motive (wIS)

Skill points at first level: (4 + INT modifier) x 6
Skill points per level: 6 + INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1. Appraise Suspect 
  2. Driving License.
  3. They also start with an additional 4 ranks in the skill Sense Motive

Bonus feat:

  1. Alertness,
  2. Archive Knowledge,
  3. Bribing,
  4. Connecting Evidence,
  5. Doctor,
  6. Dodge,
  7. Emergency Medic,
  8. Endurance,
  9. Great Fortitude,
  10. Hostage Negotiation,
  11. Imposing,
  12. Improved Initiative,
  13. Lightening Reflexes,
  14. Media Handling,
  15. Promotion: Lieutenant,
  16. Promotion: Captain,
  17. Ready Weapon,
  18. Side Arm Proficiency,
  19. Simple Weapons Proficiency,
  20. Strong Stomach,
  21. Take Charge,
  22. Walking the Area,
  23. Weapon Finesse,
  24. Weapon Specialization


Nivel Especial AT AC Bonus Fort Ref Will
 1  Dote extra  0  1  0  0   1
 2 Informant Handling  0  2  0  0    2
 3  Dote extra  1  2  1  1    2
 4 Skill Focus  1  2  1  1    3
 5  Dote extra  2  3  1  1   3
 6 Psycholigical Profiling  2  3  2  2   3
 7  Dote extra  3  4  2  2   4
 8  Iron Will  3  4  2  2   4
 9  Dote extra  4  5  3  3    5
 10  Handwriting Analysis  4  5  3  3    5
  1. Informant Handling
  2. Psycholigical Profiling
  3. Iron Will
  4. Handwriting Analysis

Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Gain the feat Imposing and an additional 2 ranks in Gather Information.
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Bluff and Surveillance
  • Gain the feat Media Handling and an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Law
  • Gain the feat Appraise Suspect and an additional 2 ranks in Counseling
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knoutledge: Autopsy and Diplomacy
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Analyze Narcotics and Undercover
  • Gain the feat Promotion: Lieutenant and an additional 2 ranks in Hide.


Cargando editor
16/04/2010, 20:13
Cargando pj

==CSI version policia==

Hit Dice: d6
Class Skills:

Autoshop (INT).
 Balance (DEX),
 Climb (STn),
Computer Operation (INT),
Concentration {CON),
 Crime Scene Recording (INT),
Disable Device (INT),
Evidence Analysis (INT),
 Gather Evidence (WIS),
Gather Information
Knowledge: Autopsy (INT),
 Search (INT),
 Spot (wis)

Skill points at first level: (6 + INT modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 6 * INT modifier

A primer nivel comienza con las dotes

  1.  Simple Weapon Proficiency,
  2. Side Arm Weapon Proficiency,
  3. Driving License,
  4. Fingerprint Taking,
  5. Chemical/Microscopic Analysis.

Bonus Feats:

  1. Alertness,
  2. Connecting Evidence,
  3. Counter-Surveillance,
  4. Dodge,
  5. Emergency Medic,
  6. Endurance,
  7. Great Fortitude.
  8. Imposing,
  9. Improved Initiative,
  10. Iron Will,
  11. Lightening Reflexes,
  12. Media Handling,
  13. Point Blank Shot,
  14. Precise Aim,
  15. Promotion: Lieutenant,
  16. Promotion: Captain,
  17. Ready Weapon,
  18. Skill Expertise,
  19. Toughness.


Nivel Especial AT Ref Fort Will AC bonus
 1  Dote extra  0  1  0  0   1
 2  Estomago fuerte  1  2  0  0    2
 3  Dote extra  1  2  1  1    2
 4 Crime Scene Hazard  2  2  1  1    3
 5  Dote extra  2  3  1  1   3
 6  Walking the area  3  3  2  2   3
 7  Dote extra  3  4  2  2   4
 8  Take charge  4  4  2  2   4
 9  Dote extra  4  5  3  3    5
 10  Archivo de conocimientos  5  5  3  3    5
  1. Estomago fuerte: +2 on Fortitudes en situaciones de escenas morbidas
  2. Crime Scene Hazard: +2 bonus to all relevant Spot and  Search rolls when at a crime scene.
  3. Walking the area:Get +2 to all relevant Spot and Search rolls.
  4. Take charge: PC  is skilled at using authority to deal with people at a crime scene.  When  processin a crime scene, PC gains + 2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate
  5. Archivo de conocimientos: The PC gains +2 to any Interview, Knowledge.. Law, or Research roll if using the PC's local archive

Eliga uno de estos beneficios:

  • Benefits: Gain an additional 2 ranks in Listen and Sense Motive
  • Gain the feat Imposing and an additional 2 ranks in Gather Information.
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Bluff and Surveillance
  • Gain the feat Appraise Suspect and an additional 2 ranks in Counseling
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knoutledge: Autopsy and Diplomacy
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Analyze Narcotics and Undercover
  • Gain an additional 2 ranks in Knowledge: Law and Knowledge: Street Sense
  • Gain the feat Promotion: Lieutenant and an additional 2 ranks in Hide.