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Introducción y dudas sobre la ambientación

Cargando editor
04/02/2010, 14:33

The Division of Public Safety was formed to protect the interests of Archon--a sovereign city-state built on a manufactured island in the Persian Gulf to be the new headquarters of the United Nations. The DPS deals with acts of terrorism and cybercrime--threats which are both on the rise. With over 150 embassies and being the home of the general assembly and Security Council, Archon has become a political microcosm. Its position in the global community has made it a target from every radical, fundamentalist, and anarchist in the world. The defense of this city falls to many organizations but no single agency has more power and has encountered more controversy, than the members of the Division of Public Safety. The DPS has been granted jurisdiction over all of Archon, including every embassy within the city, the only group on the planet with that authority. With accusations of militarism and the possibility of a police state, the DPS enjoys virtually no oversight in the application of their enforcement. Less than two years after its opening ceremonies, the foundations of Archon will fall under threat.

Nations are becoming increasingly paranoid. The onslaught of globalization and cyberization has linked nearly every mind on the planet in a massive neural network where memories and likenesses can be uploaded and traded. Robotics and nanotechnology have allowed the perfect representation of synthetic life. Prosthetics have progressed to surpass their organic counterparts. Genes can be altered and customized from the moment of birth. With every facet of society adjustable, mutable, nations found their heritage and sovereignty threatened. This increased paranoia and tension between the traditions of the past and the dreams of tomorrow. In this future, everything can be manipulated.

The increase of terrorist and internet attacks may not be from fundamentalists or anarchists, but from a new growing population of people rejecting their assigned role, their assumed nationality--a digital nation with no borders, no land, only citizens.

Notas de juego

En general trabajáis para el departamento de seguridad publico de la ONU, vuestra ciudad es Archon, una especie de embajada con la tecnología mas punta y con todos los líos políticos posible. La ciudad se ha convertido un poco en el ultimo hogar de todos los amantes de la tecnología y las libertades y es bastante centro de la ira de otros países.

Luego miro a ver si pongo un poco de la linea histórica de las fechas actuales.

En todo caso si tenéis preguntas, por favor, no os cortéis.

Cargando editor
17/04/2010, 02:05


2025 November        -The annexation of Belarus by Russia
2028                 -Guinea civil war
2029                 -African oil explosion--the sudden surge of 
                      petroleum investment in Africa
2030 March           -The collapse of Burundi
     July            -The start of Second South Ossetia war 
                      between Georgia and Russia.
     August          -The start of the Second Sierra Leone War
     September       -The start of the Sudanese Civil War
2031 May             -The end of the Second South Ossetia war. 
                      Russia pulls out from Georgia.
     August          - Abkhazia recognized as a sovreign nation.
     December        -Independence of South Ossetia
2035 January         -The Iranian civil war
     October         -Zangezor Peace Accords
2038                 -Tajik War of Uzbekistan.
2039 March           -UAE initiates the Progressive Arab 
                      Reform (PAR)
     July            -Honshu Nanotech Incident
2040 2050          -Nigerian Civil War
2040 April           -Sudan officially takes control of 
                      territory previously claimed by the 
                      Central African Republic
     November        -Formation of the AMC (Asian Monetary 
                      Coalition) and the AMU (Asian Monetary 
2044 March           -First proposal of UN-ARMA.
2045-2055            -The Carbon Collapse
2044                 -Togo is classed as a failed nation.
     July            -Publication of the Micromachine 
                      Strategic Forecast
     August          -Massive global economic crash known as 
                      the "Micromachine Bubble."
2045 February        -Sudan officially takes control of 
                      territory previously claimed by Chad.
     December        --The United Nations Space Agency (UNSA) 
                      replaces the UN Office for Outer Space 
2046 March           -Royalty of Morocco deposed.
     May             -Placement of the South African Military 
                      Provisional Authority
2050 May             -People's Revolution of North Korea
     June            -Formation of the Commonwealth of Papua.
2051 October         -Namibia is appropriated by the nation 
                      of South Africa.
2052 May             -The closing of the border between India 
                      and Bangladesh
     August          -The treaty of Kangwon
2053 February        -The Kargil incident between India and 
2055 January         -Arabian Restructure
                     -Irish Reunification
                     -The collapse of Somalia
     March           -The indipendance of Aceh and Papua from 
     April 10th-20th -The 10 Day War between Israel and Palestine.
     April 19th      -Emergency Special Session at the UNGA.
     June 2nd        -The signing of the Jericho Accords
     June 30th       -The official creation of the IAZ
     August 15th     -The signing of UN-ARMA
                     -The dissolution of the CCASG.
     September 11th  -The official decleration of United Nations 
                      International Territories
     October 10th    -Syria takes possesion of the Golan Heights.
     November 30th   -The formation of the PAC. Initial 
                      countries--Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, 
                      Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab 
     December        -Bratislava Accords
2055 - 2065          -East African War
2056 July            -Yemen joins PAC.
2065 July            -Aceh and Papua admitted to the UN General 
2056 April           -UAE and Qatar begin construction of the 
                      largest artificial island in history, 
                      dubbed "Haven."
     June            -Expansion of the International Monetary 
2056 October         -Creation of the Corpus Security Force is 
2057 April           -UN Enacts the Charter of International 
                      Law against vocal oppostion.
2058 March           -New York denies the UN the option to 
                      expand their headquarters. The UN 
                      announces it is leaving New York. 
                      Dozens of other countries put forward 
     June            -The Haven project starts proceedings 
                      for bankruptcy.
     November        -Swaziland is invaded and dissolved by 
                      South Africa
2060 October         -The absorbtion of Somalia by Ethiopia.
     November        -The collapse of Sudan and its 
                      absorbtion by Ethiopia.
     December        -The No Man's Land accord which erases 
                      national borders of failed nations 
                      in Africa.
2061 February 27th   -Opening ceremonies of I/O Eden
2063 March 10th      -Official introduction of the 
2065 January         -Japanese acquisition of South Kuril 
                      Islands from Russia.
     March           -Aceh declares independence.
     May             -Papua declares independence.
     June            -Egypt joins PAC.
     August          -Palestine joins PAC.
     September       -The Final Border War between Ethiopia 
                      and Eritrea concludes with the 
                      expansion of Ethiopia into Eritrea.
     December        -Liberia classed as a failed nation.
                     -Ikoro founded by Naomi Mudabwe.
2069 March           -Ethiopia claims a successful nuclear 
                     -South Africa claims a successful 
                      nuclear test.
     April           -Algeria joins PAC.
                     -Lebanon joins PAC.
     September       -The American Plymouth Rock 
                      Incorporated Mining Enclave 
                      goes bankrupt from stock 
     October         -Moonbase Tycho declares independence 
                      and forms LuFA.
2070 September 21st  -The Oman Complex Attack.
     October         -Formation of Lupus Kanti
     December        -Djibouti joins PAC.
                     -Libya joins PAC
2071 September       -South Africa eliminates the monarchy 
                      of Lesotho.
2074 February        -Morocco joins PAC.
2075 July            -The Tunisia "Powerway" to Europe is 
                      destroyed by Concord terrorists.
                     -American National Bank replaces US 
     August          -Benue declares independence.
     October         -Syria joins PAC
2076 December 25th   -"Archon" officially wins the contest 
                      as the name of SAMAZ
2077 April           -First evidence of Concord surfaces.
2078 August 4th      -United Tower-1 (UT-1) officially takes 
                      the record as the tallest free 
                      stranding structure in the world.
2075 March           -International Security Authority 
                      takes charge of all law enforcement 
                      in UNITs
2081 May 3rd         -Archon Opening Ceremonies
                     -Programmer Nebur Shakrah (founder 
                      of CyRev commits suicide)
     July 3rd        -First General Assembly meeting at 
                      United Tower-1
2089                 -The rebuilt Tunisia "Powerway" to 
                      Europe is destroyed by Concord terrorists.
2090 January 1st     -Archon Public Safety Act (APSA) signed.
                     -Division of Public Safety formed.
     January 2nd     -ISA officially relinquishes authority of 
                      law enforcement in Archon
Cargando editor
21/04/2010, 01:09


Archon is the name of an autonomous, sovereign city-state run by the United Nations to be its world headquarters. Its full title is Special Administrative Municipal Autonomous Zone-Archon. During its construction, it also went by the nickname “Nowhere.” It is located on, and occupies the entirety of, a man-made island in the Persian Gulf between Qatar and Bahrain originally designed to be the Pan Arabian Coalition’s capital city before funding fell through. At the same time, the UN headquarters in New York was considered obsolete and despite the United States' attempts to move the HQ to San Francisco or South Dakota, the proposal was rejected. The United Nations have a permanent contract with the PAC for use of the island. This contract has no conditions and remains the property of the UN until which date they were to vacate the island.

Archon is a United Nations Messenger City and holds the conference twice a year. It operates along with all other UN sanctioned locations like Vienna and Nairobi. Archon established new world headquarters for every organ of the UN though the original locations of these organizations were not shut down, many becoming regional offices for those groups and declared international territories by UN mandate. By its completion, Archon was the largest member of a family of regional designated United Nation's International Territories (UNITs). UNITs were effective UN embassies with no sovereign claim by any country and controlled exclusively by the UN and enforced by UN personnel. These locations included Peace Square in Hague, International Square in New York, Ark One on LS (Lunar Station) Clavius, WHO HQ in Geneva, Vienna International Center in Austria (UNO City), UNON in Nairobi, the IAZ in the Middle East, and I/O Eden located south of India.

Despite located off the coast of Qatar and Bahrain, Archon is not between those nations, but outside their contiguous zones. It sits outside the Arab nations’ responsibility to respond should Archon come under attack, but this also means they cannot enforce any of their laws. The bridges connecting Archon to Qatar and Bahrain are a different matter entirely and although classed as UN territory, PAC nations have also stated they would enforce their laws within their region if so pressed. Such a situation has not occurred.

Archon is separated by water channels into four distinct segments, each with its own status but all part of the sovereignty of SAMAZ.
Archon International (“Freeport”): The first island completed was the massive international airport and sea dock known as Archon International. Even though many locations on the planet are considered a free port, this island became known simply as "Freeport.” It is one of the largest of its kind in the world with its own police force, monorail, and diplomatic status--classed as a free economic zone. This was established to encourage investors in the project before the larger islands were completed. The special economic status of Freeport doesn't extend to the rest of the territory and most large corporate chains have locations in Freeport with none in Archon. The avant-garde and revolutionary architect Jean Baptiste Chirac imagined a monstrous sea serpent as the basis for his design and from the air and even when approaching from the bridge in Archon, the airport resembles a gigantic squid, with its colossal tentacles reaching out to connect to aircraft. The top shell appears to breathe as it raises and lowers depending on the time of day to maintain internal pressure of the facility. Freeport status means it is not an international territory though it still falls under the control of Archon. It has its own law enforcement but even they must relinquish authority to the DPS if asked. There are no taxes in Freeport. It receives its power and funding from Archon.

Archon Actual Authority (“A3” or “Archon Actual”): A3 is the main island of Archon. It consists of the main city, various smaller districts, stadiums, apartment blocks and condominiums along with embassy city (home of over 150 embassies and the financial district. It also holds the majority of the diplomatic accommodations and the UN Headquarters. When one thinks of the famed skyline of Archon, it is Archon Actual that comes to mind. The most famous buildings here include the International Commerce Towers and United Tower--the largest free standing structure in the world. The city was planned entirely from the ground up. The streets were straight and easy to navigate. Buildings interlinked like perfect puzzle pieces. Archon displays three primary colors through its design motif, white, green, and blue. White comes from the common color of all the buildings in the city. Blue comes from the UN designated color which tops all UN organ headquarters; and green from the huge environmental approach to keep the city clean and clear. Buildings are topped with a gardens. Real trees run along all the roads. Any flat open areas are landscaped and planted by various greens.

United Residential Territory (“URT” or “Loka”): Apartments and condominiums are linked in the center of an expanding urban development of spacious and luxurious homes. The island, the smallest of the four, contains less that .5% of the state's population. Along with dignitaries and most members of the General Assembly, celebrities, business owners, and expatriate national leaders make their home here. With low property tax and virtually no sales tax, Loka is a haven for those seeking escape from the regulations of normal paranoid countries. URT also has zero crime, as serene as an empty lake at dawn.
SAR 1--Refugee Zone (“REZ”): The second largest island, the REZ began as a wildlife preserve and park with various resort spots to cater to the ultra rich. Before completion, the UN was forced to evacuate personnel from a peacekeeping mission at the bastion of Kisangani. Nearly 1500 people were taken to the newly formed city as no nearby African nations would accept them. This expanded eventually to house defectors, escapees, political dissidents, unlicensed immigrants, and expatriates that have fled their country of origin and seek out Archon, politically neutral with no extradition policy. In some cases, they have applied for Visas and have been granted employment in the city. Other than that, residents are not permitted to leave the island except the way they arrived. It is governed independently as a Special Administrative Region to Archon and has a unitary authority which only answers to the Chief Executive of Archon. Four million people currently live in the REZ.

Two eight-lane bridges connect Archon to Bahrain and Archon to Qatar with one six-lane tunnel connecting Archon to Qatar. Two subterranean metro lines run to both Qatar and Bahrain. These all fall under the authority of Archon though the PAC claims jurisdiction for twenty kilometers from their coast. Driving in the tunnel is only available to public transit and for vehicles slaved under the automatrix. All the connections link to Archon Actual save for one bridge which links to Freeport. The tunnel opens into central Archon. The Mass Gravity Transits (MGT) that connect to Bahrain and Qatar also link with an extravagant elevated network of the same name which snakes through the city. The island composition prevented a complicated underground rail, though an express system, the Principal Express Transit (PET)--a silent and extremely fast (555 kph) underground rail with increased security –runs from Freeport to Paxis Square and from Paxis to the URT. Freeport, one of the largest airports on the planet, also operates its own rail system, the AFR (Archon Freeport Rail). The speed limit on the bridges and tunnels is an impressive 120 kph, 140 kph if the vehicle is in autodrive.

While in the city, the global green shift has prevented the inclusion of petrol filling stations in mass numbers with Archon only has three petrol fueling stations in its territory. Unfortunately, the efficiency to cost ratio was never fully resolved and hydrogen fuel cells, despite being better for the environment, are not available in Archon. After the “carbon collapse” eliminated biodiesel as a mass alternative fuel source, purely electric cars became the preferred choice. Oil companies attempted to halt the progress of purely electric cars but after the release of nano-wire batteries, they became the standard for mid-size city vehicles. Gasoline accounts for 95% of all supercars and other executive and high priced vehicles but this accounts for less than 1% of all vehicles in Archon. Though diesel hybrids are still prevalent, they are reserved for long range transport vehicles and only account for 3% of all global vehicles, with none of them in operation in Archon. Petrol and diesel vehicles are not permitted in underground tunnels around Archon.

This leaves purely electric vehicles, comprising of 59% of all world vehicles. Hydrogen fuels cells are limited in North America, Australia, and certain European countries while electric are exclusive to the rest of the world, including Archon, where it is used almost solely. This was not a popular decision.

Archon Actual is broken up into seven districts separating common interests and goals. Although there is a distinction in design, overall the city looks homogenous. There is no separation of ethnic groups except where the diplomatic missions are concerned. Religion is present but strictly regulated (churches are taxed in Archon). Nearly every religion has some location of worship set aside within the city. Community events are limited and ethnic and religious conflicts in the city are harshly put down. The city expands from its core with radial streets intersected by avenues. The core is dominated by UT-1, or United Tower 1, at the center of United Plaza.

The main city features multiple layers of transportation. Layer 1 comprises of all ground transport. Layer 2 involves whisper aircraft, namely the dirigibles that are a common site on postcards and photographs. These are supplied solely by Skyways International, the only company in Archon with exclusive rights to operate whisper aircraft. Along and above them are vertol fanjets including executive aircraft and law enforcement vehicles, the latter being the only aircraft permitted at all altitudes through Archon.

United District: United District, also called United City, houses both United Plaza and The UN Headquarters, pierced by the United Tower, the tallest skyscraper in the world at 1495 meters, 95 meters taller than the previous record holder. UT-1 is the signature landmark of the entire city--a single towering spike reaching to heaven, dwarfing the skyscrapers around it. There is a solitary observation post 20 meters from the peak. UT-1 is located at the center of United Plaza, where the Secretariat Building and DO-1 through 4 (Diplomatic Office) are located. The Secretariat Building (TSB) is one of the largest buildings in the world at 125 floors. This block is saturated with artwork, sculptures, and gardens. Nearly every roof is topped with photovoltaic cells, prevalent throughout the entire city. These only supply 35% of the city’s power, with three nuclear reactors built deep underground supplying the remaining energy.

A block away from United Plaza is Paxis Square. It matches the style of United Plaza and houses the global headquarters of both the ICJ and the ICC, separated between them by the recently built command center of the Division of Public Safety. One building in Paxis Square most people forget is the singular INTERPOL National Central Bureau office. It is located across from UNAPOL HQ. Both Paxis and United Plaza feature the blue accents dominant with all UN buildings in Archon. Other noteworthy locations in the core include the WHO Middle Eastern Regional Office and UNICEF, both positioned between Paxis and United Plaza.

Financial District: The dominant region of the Financial District is the International Commerce Square, where the third and fourth largest office buildings in the world sit (the International Commerce Towers ICT-1 and ICT-2--110 floors each). Though painted predominantly white, they do not sport the blue tops of UN buildings. The World Bank HQ was reformed to be directly under authority of the UN. It is no longer affiliated with the United States.

Another location is the diamond-shaped IMF building. The IMF, or International Monetary Fund, moved their HQ to Archon, though they still have an office in Washington DC.

Education District: The education district, once only comprising of the United University of Archon, has since expanded to include several other schools as well as science and research establishments. Archon's education system is run via UNIS--United Nations International Schools. The UNIS-District (UNISD) located here coordinates all 10 UNIS schools in Archon (numbered UNIS-1 through UNIS-10). Six of the UN International Schools are located in Archon with four in the URT.

The largest section of the Education District is occupied by the United University of Archon (UUA)--A major educational center and one of two UN locations granted by the UN to bestow degrees at Masters and Doctoral levels (the other being the University for Peace in Costa Rica). Unlike UPEACE, the UUA is under the blanket of the UNGA and is subject to UN Regulations. It still has its own council and its president has a seat in the General Assembly as an observer. The UUA is fully recognized in the world scene. Because of its location in Archon, the UUA accepts applicants from any citizen of UNGA nations. The UUA operates a Model UN every two years for both post secondary and elementary students. The UUA is not an evolution of UNU in Tokyo.

Also located in the Education District is the FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization) scientific branch, where they are employing nanotechnology and genetic engineering to improve current crops in the attempt to stave the massive food shortages occurring worldwide. Oddly enough, this building is constantly placed on yellow alert by the DPS. Not because of biotechnology running amuck, but because of the controversies surrounding bioengineered food, despite the fact it is currently responsible for the feeding of billions. The FAO got into controversy when it challenged Biofuel research in exchange for improving food supply. The FAO’s original HQ in Rome was destroyed by a terrorist attack.

Embassy District / City: Embassy City, as it is most often called, houses every embassy in Archon, all 165 of them, representing nearly every nation of the UN. Although the United States has reserved and later purchased one of the embassy lots, they have yet to officially populate it with permanent personnel and is still not officially considered US territory. This is in objection of the policy of the DPS. Embassy City was constructed as a whole. Permanent members of the Security Council were given first choice and selected the larger facilities. Several nations, like all SC members, operate larger buildings. The embassies are all segregated with high walls and advanced security systems, making the city resemble a checkerboard from the sky. There is no correlation between global position and embassy location though many countries attempted to acquire embassies next to allies and away from rivals, regardless of actual geographical distance. Canada is between India and China, which is across the street from the United Kingdom. Japan is next to the United States, which is next to Australia.

The buildings cannot see one another save for their flags, flapping proudly from above the barricades. All digital lines carry out of the embassy through SIM. A transmission between neighboring embassies must to circumvent the entire city to get to its destination. Each embassy has aerial access via roof landing. Street access does not employ double gates or advanced electronic security measures. To enter an embassy requires only one manned gate, fully equipped with computer databases and military hardware. To gain access via vehicle involves driving through a chicane--an impedance every embassy is equipped with, making it impossible for a vehicle to rush a gate.

There are still unoccupied embassies, including most African bastions, North Korea, Montenegro, and the United States.

Olympic District: There are four stadiums capable of a variety of different sporting events, from football, to polo, to baseball. Two are enclosed and built with a climate control system to keep ice frozen. Smaller centers are open for casual recreation and a variety of smaller sports. Because of the ethnic diversity of Archon, this district sees constant influx. Every week, a completely different sport has taken over, be it baseball one week or polo the next. Although this would be considered an economy, all money earned from these events go to the overall budget of the UN and not directly to Archon.

The most impressive feat of the Olympic district is the Formula 1 race track that snakes through and around the four major stadiums. The Grand Prix of Archon finally found itself on the 8th leg of the FIA schedule in 2088 and has remained on list since then. It entertains nearly 350,000 people over the three-day event.

Leisure District: With shopping and recreation centers, tourists by the millions arrive in Archon every year and never travel outside the Leisure district. Along with virtual cafes and movie theatres, the leisure district maintains three 18-hole golf courses, four waterparks (including a submarine ride), and the immense six-level United Mall, packed floor to ceiling with local and international stores (though very few big chains). The United Mall is the only shopping centre in Archon with laxed business tax, leaving this mall the only location in Archon to purchase certain goods (it is the only location in Archon with car dealerships).

United Mall occupies the majority of the Leisure District though it also has a lively night club circuit with karaoke bars and simulation spas. However, in keeping with the region, Archon officially sells no alcohol (though it has been found from time to time) and operates no gambling establishments.

Government District: The government district is separated from the UN as it only deals with internal affairs dealing specifically with Archon and is sovereign claims. It coordinates all communication with UNITs across the world as well as serving as the Archon branch of the UNPK. The pyramid-shaped Civil Service Authority building is the most recognizable location in the district. It houses the thirteen members of the Executive Council with the Chief Executive at the head. This entire system is completely separate from the Courts. Also located here is the plain looking Municipal Zone Police aerial division and precinct, which is part of UNAPOL. The P3 and UNPK forces stationed at and around Archon are coordinated by the local office--a rather unimpressive building in the shadow of the 30 story tall white pyramid.

Pan-Arabian Coalition: The PAC founding members surround Archon on all sides, including two of its most enthusiastic supporters, Bahrain and Qatar. The United Arab Emirates, another large investor, is located south. These three nations constitute the closest neighbors of Archon and the most influential members of PAC. The UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, and Oman emerged from the Carbon Collapse far stronger than they were before. Wise investing and internal stability allowed them to compensate for the massive drop in oil demands from industrialized nations. Bahrain and the UAE have managed to compensate with the reduced demand with sales in tourism and real estate. This allowed these small nations to prosper while others like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait faltered. Though none of these nations collapsed, their overall income from oil dropped too drastically and they were unable to balance with any other export.

Well before these nations had restructured their business model, they had already undergone a massive progressive shift away from conservative and fundamental views. Although sill predominantly Muslim, new voices have preached and paved the way for equal women's rights, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of expression. This started occurring before and after the carbon collapse and despite accusations from fading fanatics, this shift in internal and foreign policy was not due to influence from western nations. The irony was that nations like the UK and the United States openly objected to the formation of the PAC, including when they introduced the khaleeji as their united currency to compete in the world market.

Non PAC Members: The only non-PAC member in the immediate region, Iran, also enjoyed massive prosperity from a similar progressive shift. That nation's rise started far earlier, nearly 20 years before the collapse, as fundamentalist views in power were voted out from the growing outspoken youth. This occurred as well in Afghanistan, though their rise to power would not be as meteoric as Iran. In India, the massive deluge of immigrants from Bangladesh via the carbon collapse nearly destroyed the country. Political instability and social unrest exploded in a revolution some were claiming mirrored that of the French 300 years prior. Neighboring Pakistan felt endangered by India's instability and threatened military action if the turmoil was not settled. A fully blown nuclear was averted and India came gradually under control. Immigrants were processed, though many would not settle in India, and shepherded all across the world to as far off as Canada. The refugee problem in India is still a severe concern and the REZ in Archon is a direct reflect of that, as India refuses to take any more immigrants and after processing, ships them off to Archon to be sent elsewhere. This is not a solution and with Archon finding fewer and fewer countries to take the refugees, the REZ is coming close to breaking itself.

Chasmose: The purpose of Chasmose might have been noble at one point. It has since then turned into an eyesore in a relatively peaceful region. Chasmose started life as an oil derrick that had been slated for demolition. It was instead purchased by the wealthy eccentric, Robert Clamp. He planted housings and claimed it as a micronization. He did little with it except live on it for ten years until he opened his doors to create a free economic zone with no oversight. Anything can be sold without risk of prosecution. Chasmose would cater to any vice and any product. Clamp sold real estate by the square inch and made millions off the facility, even to the extent of a modest security force.

Chamose mixes national waters with Archon and the UN has accused Clamp of various violations of international policy and law. In 2085, Clamp left the micronation to visit a dying family member in the Netherlands. On a stopover in Turkey, he was arrested and charged with fifteen counts under ICC law. He committed suicide before sentencing. His son, William, took over the estate and has never left the island. Since taking over, Clamp has increased security and expanded the facility by another two thousand square feet, adding in a medical wing and housings for 500 people. Clamp claims alliances with several nations and is believed Chasmose acts as a broker for several larger corporations and governments. It is an eyesore in Archon's horizon.

Military: The military presence in Archon is broken up into three entities:

UNPK: The UNPK, or UN Peacekeeping force, deals strictly with international concerns. They have fingers in several regions throughout the world. They are not tasked with defending Archon and have no jurisdiction within the city. They can’t even be called by executive order for military action within the city, only for humanitarian aid. Their numbers have ballooned since the previous century and now have their own military bases staffed with dedicated UNPK personnel rather than assigned military on loan from other charter nations. Citizens can directly join the UNPK force and undergo training and assignment without swearing their name to one country's military.

The UN Peacekeeping Force opened its first military base on Archon in an exclusive zone. Five more UN Bases have been built around the world, staffed by permanent UN PK personnel. These personnel account for the 20,000 exclusive UNPK armed forces. There is still an additional 60 000 on loan from member nations

The PPA--Perimeter Patrol Authority: This force is tasked with defending the interests of Archon. They are considered a border patrol organization. They operate the bridge gates, man the bulkhead, and operate security for Freeport. They are classed as a military group, which has stirred some controversy. They also function as the coast guard and regularly patrol the waters between Archon, Bahrain, Qatar, and Chasmose.

The UNSDF--The United Nations Self Defense Force. A division of the UNPK force that was separated and given authority to deal with scaled aggression towards Archon and to any UNITs. They are an elite military force fully equipped with the latest in military hardware to deal with any act of aggression. They can be called into the city to deal with military threats but only under direct orders from the Chief Executive under a state of direct threat or extreme emergency. They operate a military base in Freeport. They share no authority or personnel with the UNPK.

Office of Internal Oversight: Dating from the previous century, the OIO is an internal affairs agency for the UN. Originally formed to maintain efficiency, it expanded to oversee Archon during its construction phase, and again to maintain order of the various organizations located within Archon after it was christened. Considering the PAC security underequipped and undertrained, the OIO formed the Internal Security Authority, or ISA, to assist and eventually replace this security force. Because the OIO was founded under guidance of the Security Council and was staffed by military personnel from those countries, mostly American and British, the ISA was considered a military organization and eventually demoted exclusively to security, which also removed the OIO from a position of authority in Archon. They no longer function in the area of law enforcement in Archon.

Civil Service Authority (CSA): Even though A3 is broken into seven districts, the entirety of Archon is segregated further into thirteen municipalities. Each division has all its city-based civilian and government operations shunted through one individual, the CSA. This is a democratically voted civilian post. A fourteenth post is reserved for the Chief Executive, who oversees all divisions, but whose primary responsibility is coordinating the various sections of the city and the communicating of city affairs to the UNGA. The executive has an observer seen in the UNGA and has civil authority over the PPA and the UNSDF, but not the UNPK. It should be noted that neither SAR-1 nor Freeport has a CSA. By mandate, the Chief Executive and the UN President cannot be the same person, though the Executive does hold provisional authority should the President not be able to administrate his/her position (and vice-versa).

United National Police--UNAPOL: Also known as the Municipal Zone Police or MZP, UNAPOL was formed as a self administrated law enforcement agency to handle local crime. This agency comprises of the majority of Archon law enforcement, outnumbering INTERPOL, ISA, and DPS agents combined. They handle any crime not designated as terrorist acts or crimes that threaten national security. They do not have special authorization from the UN so have no jurisdiction within embassies, Freeport, or inside any UNITs outside of Archon. The MZP often must relinquish authority to the DPS when such situations arrive. MZP have a heavy support response division nearly as equipped as the DPS and can, under authority of the DPS, assist them on a crises, permitted such a crisis occurs within the MZP’s jurisdiction. The REZ and Freeport are locally policed by their own security forces.

Internal Security Authority--ISA: When the city was originally being built, the authority of Internal Oversight was tasked with maintaining efficiency and running security, which resulted in the formation of the ISA. It was assumed the ISA would take charge of law enforcement but since the OIO was under the same umbrella as the PK force, accusations of a military state forced the ISA into bodyguard status, though a loophole in their charter still allowed them jurisdiction to handle internal matters in other UNITs. The UNGA turned then to INTERPOL considering the matter of international authority. Although INTERPOL could have jurisdiction, they usually only advise current law enforcement and a political maze would have to be worked any time an INTERPOL agent wanted to enter an embassy. INTERPOL also didn’t have enough manpower at the time to transfer personnel to meet demand. This eventually shifted to the formation of the civilian commanded DPS, which has crossed swords with ISA on numerous occasions. The ISA can still be seen escorting diplomats and running security at gatherings. They are allowed to be armed but are not permitted to make arrests or enter foreign territory.

Archon is seen as a utopia by its residents. No less than ten years into its life, it claims its own demographic of people with no loyalty to any other nation. Every day ,citizens renounce their heritage and embrace a nation with no history of its own. Archon has no traditions, no fundamental values, only the common interests of its people to create a peaceful world. It has no alliances or affiliations with any country. It has no extradition agreements. It is a legion of many minds but singular in spirit. Its residents are passionate about that independence and the ideals and values the city was built upon. The people are known to be open and friendly with little care over ethnic or religious differences. The majority of these new thinkers look upon Embassy city with some disdain, as it represents the paranoid views of aging nations that keep society back rather than letting it progress forward. There are quite a few in Archon that believe the city should be the center of a world parliament and that all nations should serve under its umbrella. Some would even go further to desire an erasure of past borders in favor of a fresh start. This has gone against the conservative view of many nations' leaders. As the promise of Archon looms over them, dozens of countries have voted their conservatives back in power in order to preserve the sovereignty and values of their nations. In contrast, Archon has also seen the rise of the anarchist--those seeking to shatter the pillars the city is based on, as it represents a world order where everyone must think and act the same, an accusation the city’s residents refute.

Critics have attacked Archon for its "big brother" mentality, with cameras on every corner and along every street. The city even constructed one of the largest computer systems in the world, SIM, to analyze and filter all communication coming in and out of the city. Corporations have condemned the city because of its restrictions on its financial sector. Corporate offices within the city are limited in their employee population, funding of state affairs, and in their relative influence of government policy.

The official language is English but practically every resident of the city, despite where they live, is bilingual with secondary languages covering nearly every dialect in the world. No single specific ethnic group comprises more than 5% of the total population (5% is Indian). Broader ethnic groups are slightly different with the largest ration being Asian at 22% and Middle Eastern at 21%. North American and European only account for 10% each. There are surprisingly large ratios of certain nations given their global population. Denmark, Japan, and Australia have higher percentages than the United States or Canada. There is also a large population of cybernetically enhanced and prosthetic people, the largest ratio outside of Japan. The city also has one of the largest populations of robots. 20% of the UN Secretariat is comprised of androids, mostly in the field of translation. There is such a saturation of different races and peoples, the concept of racism is never considered. Foreigners entering with their hatred are looked upon as obsolete with 90% of crime in Archon being committed by recent arrivals and tourists.

Archon is smoke free and bylaws are in place to prevent tobacco use in all public areas. Cigarettes are not sold in any government building (they are free and accepted in the URT and SAR-1). When Android technology developed, there was no way for Archon to prohibit gynoid prostitution. Brothels are not permitted in Archon Actual though merchandise is permitted to operate anywhere in the city. Organic Prostitution is officially illegal in Archon but Prosthetic Prostitution has found a loophole to remain, both with cybernetic and organic brains. The MZP prefers to regulate the practice rather than outlaw it.

Archon relies heavily on UN support to survive. It operates no farms or fishing. It relies entirely on national donation. All countries donate to keep Archon operation. The annual expenditures is 1000 times what the UN was prior to Archon’s existence. In many ways, it operates like the Vatican, garnering its entire income from donations. Because of this situation, the land is owned by the same organization that pays the majority of the population, meaning 50% or more of earned income passes from one hand to another hand of the same body. New income only stems from tourism and from corporate income tax. Corporate Income tax is high at nearly 40% but personal income tax peaks at less than 10%. There is no payroll tax and no goods or services tax.

The DPS is a counter-terrorism unit trained to specifically deal with external and internal threats to national security in Archon. They are granted power under the Special Executive Authority, a UN appointed position that deals with threats to state health with no oversight. This occurred after Oman Complex Attack in 2070 but did not become official until January 1st, 2090.

The DPS is neither part of civilian law enforcement nor part of the military. They have their own structure and share no personnel with any military branch. The majority of DPS personnel are permanent transfers from the PPA, the UNPK, the UNSDF, or from Law Enforcement, with a small percentage being brought in from other organizations, both local, and international.

The DPS was formed under the umbrella of the Secretary-General. The Special Executive Authority is not a member of the Secretariat and does not have to inform the Secretary General of operations unless specifically asked. This has upset certain countries in the Security Council that insisted the DPS be placed under control of the Security Council--an objection that was overruled in General Assembly as the DPS has no authority outside of United Nations international territories, and cannot be used by the Security Council. The DPS's charter was worded specifically to stretch its authority to every section of Archon.

"The Division of Public Safety shall have complete authority over law enforcement within regions designated as international territory by the United Nation. This supersedes any sovereignty or claims by other nations. This authority can only be overridden by the secretary general or by majority UNGA vote."
   - Special Executive Authority Press Release

At the same time, the agency that preceded the DPS, the ISA, found its charter revised, removing their authority from Archon and from any region with contested authority. This still allowed them access to UNITs outside of Archon. The DPS was formed secretly in 2086 and permitted a provisional staff of four. It would be six years before their numbers were increased to twelve and their existence made public. The members were a group of highly vetted representatives of international elite from various fields of expertise. The original team included Po-Yi Liu from the Chinese army, Nikol Chernenkov from Spetsnaz, Faaris Valco from Iraq, and William Owen, a British ex-MI6 officer working for INTERPOL. Most of the remaining members were pulled from the MZP or from the UNPK. Any military authority they might have had was terminated and their enlistment revoked. The United States objected to the DPS and cited its existence as the primary reason for the lack of a US embassy in Archon. A compromise was the demand of US personnel in the DPS. When, in 2090, the assigned SEA fell to an American, Richard Heppner, US policy had coincidentally shifted and the US embassy began development. Other nations, like China and Russia, only permit entry of DPS personnel if they have citizenship in their respective countries. The DPS is adamant that the inclusion of personnel from those countries is not due to this condition and have said that condition will not be respected if the need arrives to enter embassy territory in Archon.

The DPS facility was built in Paxis Square and features a large population of robotic personnel, with a building equipped virtuant and slave body. Despite the impressive size of the building and the number of organic and inorganic staff, the field team still sits at twelve. There have been discussions in increasing that number but it has yet to come to pass. Although the DPS is not forced to carry an international profile, staff nationality is taken into account and no two members of the DPS field team are of the same nationality.

The International Criminal Court deals with any crimes the DPS takes on but not arrests made by regular Law Enforcement (a local court is responsible for that). This is because of the DPS’s charter, granting them jurisdiction over embassy territory in Archon so any arrests they make must be tried under the ICC. The ICC was given universal jurisdiction in Archon and all UNITs after the USA failed to defeat the proposition. The ICC still has limited jurisdiction in the global theatre but it has increased significantly in the past century.

The DPS responds to any act of aggression against any UNIT and Archon specifically that is classed as a terrorist act. Cybercrimes and any crimes with questionable jurisdiction that occur in those same regions also involve them. General Assembly sessions automatically place the DPS and ISA on general alert yellow for the duration of the session, regardless of any threats placed. Personnel from both organizations must be on hand during the proceedings. To date, no DPS field operative has ever been killed in the line of duty.

Cargando editor
22/04/2010, 20:13


Archon is considered the prototype of not only a new
government, but a new mindset. It is considered by
proponents and critics alike as the catalyst for the slow
elimination of ethnic groups and traditional values. This
is due not only by the city's policy, but by its level of
technological advancement and that advancement's
effect on its population and state of mind. Archon is not
alone in this trend, though it is considered the
trailblazer. Other progressive municipalities, like
Tokyo, Berlin, and Brasilia, although following this
similar trend, and decades ahead of most of the rest of
planet, still pale in the progress of Archon, the test bed
of nearly every technological breakthrough not
subsidized or controlled by one government. The most
obvious and significant example of this development is
the SEED, which is prevalent in 99% of the working
population of Archon, more than any other region on
Earth. Archon also has a largest ratio of prosthetics and
virtuants, though Japan still prides itself the largest
manufacturer and operator of robots. With no history to
call its own, Archon became the refuge of millions
seeking a new life or seeking to escape their old one,
thus the draw by those with questionable ethnicity. As
the development of cybernetics increased and the
potential of the Seed expanded into regions the
designers thought possible yet the public was not
expecting, the mindsets of the residents of Archon began
to differ from those living in traditional nations. This
included their concepts of free will, consumerism, self-
identity, and the definition of what makes one human.


When the SEED prototype was revealed, it was
advertised as the greatest single advancement of
mankind since the internet, not in as much as the
breakthroughs of cybernetics and nanotechnology but in
its potential effect on the human race. Before, internet
users were limited to sharing clumsily worded blogs or
ineffectual data bursts of 140 characters. More devoted
supporters would upload and share video and music files
across massive social networking sites. With the SEED,
such archaic social circles became obsolete. Not only
could every brain be a hub of social interaction, but
there was no longer a limit on which human senses
could be conveyed. With the SEED's capacity to record
incoming stimuli, new networking sites that popped up
strained the bandwidths of current internet providers.
By then, traffic had already reached a point of hundreds
of petabytes of data being moved across the planet every
minute. The entire planet would have to share the
workload to meet the demands of the new generation.
There were few networks which were rooted entirely in
one location, facilitating the demand for even more
powerful central computers, which led to gargantuan
servers like MCP and SIM. With a free and virtually
unlimited refuge of data, the amount of uploadable
information skyrocketed, which resulted in even more
consumers purchasing and installing SEEDS. The
majority of this uploaded information came in the form
of human memory, which users were recording and
uploading at an alarming rate. Not just the venue of
pornography, these "memory-swaps" grew in size as
people began uploading their vacations, sports victories-
-any event that someone else could find entertaining.
Eventually, even the mundane found demand. Some
users got to uploading every single moment of their
lives, in some insane drive for immortality. A user
wishing to access the memory need only stream it from
the site and experience it as fresh as if he or she were
living in the moment.


The fear emerged that people would stop living their
own lives and the true progress of civilization would
only experienced by a handful and shared with the
mindless masses. They would unplug themselves from
their more interesting surrogate to eat and sleep and
resume following the loves and pains of the one that
actually lived. A later modification made the addition
even more alluring, when a brilliant programmer by the
name of Akira Okuda developed the TCA protocol.
Okuda had attention deficit disorder and had grown
impatient with his streaming memoires. The Time
Compression Algorithm software became standard with
GNOSOS 1.2. Okuda had calculated how fast a human
being could receive and process a memory and
developed a system which streamed the incoming
memory much faster than real time. To the viewer, the
memory appeared normal and the experience was
"lived" in normal time, but when disengaged from the
memory, less than a fifth the time had actually passed.
Now the concern would be that people wouldn't make
room for their own memories, only download more from


The eventuality that did occur was not expected.
Although millions of people would download memories
daily, most of the time, the memories they preferred to
experience were their own, which they would replay
from home servers. Many times, instead of
downloading new memories, they would repeat older
ones personally experienced over and over again. This
new addiction was unforeseen and psychoanalysts
attempted to classify this dependence. It was easy to
identify why an individual would prefer their own
memories over others, but to spend their lives repeating
those over and over confounded many. Even today, vast
numbers of people world-wide stopped forming new

memories, merely reliving events of their youth. This
addiction was eventually called Pervasive Reminiscence
Replication Disorder (PRRD).


This addiction is much more prevalent in lower-class
communities, and especially in nations with a lower
quality of living. In Archon, this addiction is only
noticed in areas like the REZ. In A3 and Loka, it is
virtually nonexistent. That being said, the downloading
of "foreign" memories is more popular than ever in
more advanced nations.


The drawback with recorded memory, of course, is a
complete lack of control over the experience. The user
would see the face of the real source of the memory in a
mirror and have no influence over his or her actions,
even to the point of being unable stop actions that go
against the moral fortitude of the downloader. This
introduced another psychological condition: Cognitive
Proxy Separation Anxiety (CPSA). CPSA had its roots
over a century ago as experts analyzed the effect of
violent visual and auditory stimuli on children, namely
with the introduction of violent television and movies.
It was discovered that an extremely small percentage
couldn't separate the anxiety encountered by characters
on a screen from their own. Further, these stimuli
influenced their behavior as it exposed them to actions
they found a compulsion to replicate. Even more found
the experiences desensitizing. However, the vast
majority were able to detach experiences seen on a
screen with those actually experienced. Downloadable
memories, unfortunately, circumvent that barrier the
human psyche places on stimuli received from a
TV/movie screen or from a radio. The event feels
completely real and is regarding as a true memory by the
one streaming it, despite the jarring shifts in self-image
and attitude. CPSA occurs in individuals that develop
other deep-rooted psychological conditions from
viewing other people's memories. They develop post-
traumatic stress disorder and phobias as well as social
anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders. Some
patients went further and had complete emotional and
psychological breakdowns from which they never
recovered. This is in despite of the emotional state of
the person originally experiencing it.


For example, a popular choice for memory downloads were experiences by soldiers in armed combat. These were streamed by the millions, especially by teenagers addicted to simulated combat via computer games. But the soldiers recording those memories were trained for months if not years to handle such stresses and with no such padding, the streamed memories caused significant emotional damage, especially since, with the advent of the TCA protocol, the entire memory could be downloaded and experienced in minutes before the brains desire for food or sleep overrode the reproduced memory. When experiencing a memory, a person is emotionally connected to it and most people can't terminate the experience once it begins unless certain fail safes kick in, including any stimuli from the outside world meant to jostle the subject. Those that have no such event occurring, and place no such fail safes themselves, are often forced to experience the memory until its conclusion. Websites where memory systems were exchanged became known as "Memory Swaps", while the actual memories themselves were nicknamed ProMs (Proxy Memories). Soon after, ProMs were defined specifically as real memories created by one source and downloaded by others. Syms, or Synthetic Memories are nearly identical except the memory has been intentionally modified or is fabricated from the ground up to alter reality. Synthetic memories are not as popular as genuine memories as users want the authenticity of reality. If they wanted something completely fabricated, another type of virtual experience was waiting to cater to that desire. Those addicted to these experiences, including sufferers from CPSA, have been called "Proxiphiles", "Loose Strings", and sometimes just "Zeros".


While memory swaps were gaining in popularity, other aspects of the SEED were maturing. Users could make phone calls and surf the net without ever requiring a screen or keyboard. Companies started developing passive spam simulations, which involved creating advertisements in one's visual field when they enter certain areas. It expanded into the entertainment industry; instead of clumsy and unrealistic holograms, gamers would simply tie into the Seed network. It was then easy to fabricate an artificial environment using direct sensory input, leading into two distinct experiences, virtual recreation and total immersion experiences. Virtual recreation involves matting virtual images into real backdrops. This includes simulated people and even sets. This makes the experience authentic and makes rendering cheaper as the backdrops don't need to be digitized. Several large recreation facilities offer day-long virtual adventures in hanger-sized sets with little more than a few boxes, a handful of buildings, and rows of artificial plants. Total immersion, a far more expensive option, disengages the subject's motor functions and overrides all sensory input. In these sceneries, there is no limit on the extremity of the event. Several corporations install catheters and food tubes for immersion experiences that can last for days or weeks. Total immersion allows the use of time compression, allowing a dozen hours of gameplay in compressed time. Both of these experiences allow direct user input to change events and circumstances.

Players can look like themselves or anyone else they wish. There was still the problem of CPSA. Though the vast majority of users could separate fantasy from reality, those susceptible to CPSA could not as the barrier the human mind places on traumatic images and stories relayed by an external device was circumvented. Society, unfortunately, was unwilling to wait for treatments or tolerances before moving on.


The overriding or augmentation of sensory input started increasing worldwide. The user would enter an area with a simulation marker, that marker would ask the user if it can present the simulation. The simulation carries an "invisible" ID tag that tells the brain the image is not real, regardless of the detail of the actual simulation. Users can be set to "auto-receive" or "auto-refuse" or selective prompt, not unlike cookies for computers. Most hackers, unable to crack that defense feature, have been forced to hack the simulations, which could always be turned off. Hackers able to break the GNOSIS defense protocols are few. Beyond advertising, these open-simulated areas, or "Osim" expanded to dozens of applications, including sporting events (relaying driver information over the race cars as they circled the track), combat training (tracking enemy hits), and education (showing graphs and equations without worrying over eyesight and clumsy chalkboards). Photo realistic simulations were and still are extremely difficult to produce, preventing the home consumer from fabricating illusions on the fly. Programs could be purchased allowing one to hang great pieces of art from the walls of their home without the pesky complications of buying the art or nailing a frame to a wall. The program would install the image and display that image on a marker you place on the wall. With this technology, the only limit was the lack of tactile and olfactory response. Visual and auditory stimuli could be replicated with precision if given enough time and money. Tactile impute required a great deal of additional information and was only capable with total immersion experiences which shut down all external inputs.


The newest craze to hit the digital age relating to Seeds are virtual cafes, real locations that allow the mingling of virtual and physical people. Users downloading to the location pay for access to the cafe while real people need only order food or coffee. The cafe creates a perfect representation of the individual you want to be (either from a template or from photos you provide) and generates the avatar in the cafe all other Seeds users there can talk and interact with. Virtual Cafes have expanded to also be arenas, schools, and stores, where simulated people can access for a small fee (or no fee depending on the situation). This form of telepresence gave those afraid of the outside world access they had not previously believed. These introverted individuals stopped leaving their homes altogether, refusing to interact with anyone unless through their virtual self. These simulated representations, known as "proxies" would occupy more than half of these real/virtual locations.


Archon has the highest number of V/P Sites (Virtual / Physical) in the world. UN policy prohibits any employee or diplomat from using a proxy in the work place. The UN buildings are limited in their Seed simulations, only making exceptions for dignitaries unable to attend certain events. It has been estimated that nearly 500,000 people telepresence into Archon from outside the city every day.


The variety of organic and synthetic representation has brought an examination of the definition of humanity and the mark of a civilized being. Philosophy classes around the world began specialized lectures dedicated to this new mindset. It was beyond the definitions of the soul but in the value of an intelligence wasted in comparison to an intelligence utilized. There were an increasing number of humans on the planet that were no longer being productive. This was not because of poverty or mental disability. This growing demographic had no such limitations; many of them were wealthy. These individuals would stop generating new memories in exchange for experiencing the memories of others. In addition, those generating new memories are now able to transmit their likeness to other places in the world without ever leaving their home. They are going places without having travel, which cut heavily into the tourism market. Countries started attacking Memory Swap sites because of the damage being caused to their economy. Pay sites were making a modest profit but their traffic paled in comparison to the hundreds of free sites across the world.


As the number of memories exploded in a matter of months, it was easy to download a lifetime worth of memories that were not your own. What defined a human being if it wasn't memory? Their personality? Personality is shaped by genes but also by life events. Memory was now an open domain for all to experience any event anyone else wanted to share...and share they did. Everything from sexual encounters, thrill sports, to crime could be found. At the same time, a person's heritage and race was also in question as a definition of one's self. Beyond plastic surgery and sexual identity operations, people could now change everything about them. Some did it via virtual imagery, some through a slave robot, but many allotted to swapping their body out altogether, the only organic part remaining being their brain. Sexual preference, racial profiling, and gender roles simply didn't matter in the wake of undefined human identity. Alarmists feared a growing insanity was about to burst--as individuals with no roots, heritage, or race would turn to anarchy. Although a few did, most turned to Archon. A city with no heritage was the perfect refuge for those abandoning their old lives. This new demographic refused to envy the past. Fanatics from nearly every religion accused those abandoning their flesh as renouncing god and dozens of prosthetics fell to hate crimes. Even still, prosthetics could still be defined as human, as they had a human brain. But a human brain in an artificial body filled with synthetic and surrogate memories can hardly be considered human. Mankind had just learned to accept the growing nugenic population--people whose god-given genes were modified against nature's will by parents looking to improve upon the design.


Robots, on the other hand, were an easy target for hate. Few of them looked human and those that did could only barely simulate human responses. Even the companion robots, believable in almost every way, still lacked a certain spark. Despite the arguments of their owners, robots didn't have souls or personalities. Artificial Intelligence was just that-- a simulated intelligence that mimicked behavior through programming rather than a soul. No matter how intelligent they got, or how human they appeared, they were not sentient, until the virtuants appeared.


Virtuants are created in a simulation similar to the basic building blocks of DNA. The basic disposition is formed using algorithms meant to mimic a newborn. The synthetic personality is then grown with artificial and surrogate memories, shaped into the exact final form as ordered by the buyer. Virtuants are aware of their purpose and are raised with the desire to carry it out, forgoing the need of parameters and failsafes. Virtuants lived their youth with fake memories but, upon emerging into the real one, begin creating their own. They are generally not allowed to telepresence outside of the location of their central server and the majority don't wish to. They seldom experience synthetic memories. Even total immersions experiences seldom excite them. Virtuants use human-based prosthetic bodies which are indistinguishable from ones used by organic brains, though a mandatory visible marking allows others to distinguish them. They also have true personalities, not a series of programmed responses. They act human and look human as most others encountered, yet society refuses to accept them as such. Unlike some organic humans living through the memories of others and producing nothing with their intellect, virtuants strive to earn their place. Despite their worth in society, they have yet to gain the same rights as their masters.

 As this new consciousness grows and expands, newer extremes have emerged. This includes humans with no body, wired directly into a machine without a prosthetic, or humans that have implanted so many of their memories in digital storage, they have been able to swap out more and more of their own organic brain. If a human is able to transfer his or her intellect to a machine, would that intelligence have rights? What would define it as being human? In addition, it has been theorized that a cloned human brain with cybernetic implants may be implanted with a virtuant personality. Would that be a human? As the progressive side of humanity pushes further into future, the disparage between them and the traditionalist side widens. As this traditional segment of the popular grows more fearful and fanatical, it threatens to tear certain countries apart. Archon is seen as the flagship of this new self identity and the center point where like minded individuals congregate.



Cargando editor
18/05/2010, 10:02


Initially, when this procedure came to the public attention, nanotechnology had created artificial limbs in robots more articulate than their human counterparts. However, these were rooted to large assemblies and could not be replicated when attached to a hip or shoulder of an organic human. A power source needed to be installed, muscle fibers needed to be anchored higher in the body. A paraplegic to gain full movement would have to swap out his entire lower torso. Around this same time, nanotechnology had also made leaps and bounds in muscle and nerve reconstruction, removing the need for cybernetic replacement altogether. The new blossoming technology of cybernetic limbs died before it had begun as any medical application--i.e., the replacement of damaged limbs or organs--was considered obsolete since organic replacement was less evasive and could do so without scarring. The parts were genetically identical and better as they were removed of any defects. But the limits of the organic could not be avoided and after ten years of hibernation, experts in micronization had made a breakthrough some thought not possible: They were able to break through the blood-brain barrier utilizing nanotechnolgy and cybernetics. This permitted the development of total body prosthetics. The initial demand was made for medical patients considered too extreme for simple organ swap--those whose entire bodies had failed them. The first step was the removal of a subject's entire brain and placement in the complete life support of an artificial system. Once this technology was able to be miniaturized into a normal body, that body could then be enhanced with a variety of cybernetic hardware. Initially, the spinal column and brain were the only pieces retained, though eventually, even the spine itself would be deemed unnecessary. The final development came in the form of removable brain cases, allowing a user to swap between a variety of bodies. It was at this point where the technology gained popularity. This permitted even a suffering child to upgrade prosthetic bodies through his or her life and maintain a normal existence.
In the field of military applications, the concept of swapping bodies of critically injured personnel, even in the field, was a prospect too good to pass up. Huge bonuses were offered to volunteers willing to enter into the first prosthetic brigade. Complete cybernetic soldiers could be given enhanced strength, tougher bodies, immunity to poison and if there were damaged beyond repair, the brain case could be removed and swapped into a replacement within hours with no loss in skills or rank. Eventually, the largest ratio of prosthetic bodies emerged from military use.
The psychological aftereffects would take longer to determine, but as the technology increased, so did the capacity of the prosthetic to mimic human qualities. Tactile sensations, touch, smell, were all developed to be indistinguishable to the real thing. Eventually, only the most exacting observation could not tell a prosthetic from an organic. The unfortunate sacrifice is still too high for many to bear. The cost is the maintenance required for the prosthetic, the switching over to synthetic food, and an incapacity to reproduce have prevented a mass shift towards prosthetic bodies. The dominant reason, however, is the social stigma. Even more so than nugenics, prosthetics are more difficult to blend into a crowd. As the body can be adjusted to look like any race or gender, the subject often goes through an identity crisis, a conflict reflected in the society in which they live. Are they still human and does their opinion matter now that they are able to live beyond many of the hurdles other suffer with? When religion went after nugenic children, the arguments were heavy handed about the manipulation of god's hand. When prosthetics became commonplace, the fanatic went for social order and morality, claiming the freeing of the flesh meant an abandonment of god's will. As a result, prosthetics often congregated in cities and societies more progressive and were seldom seen in smaller towns.
To make matters worse, most medical coverage plans wouldn’t cover full body prosthetic maintenance. Countries like France, Japan, and Sweden are some of the few that offer socialized medical coverage which covered full body prosthetics.
Despite claims of 20th century fiction, the desire to gain cybernetic limbs to replace perfectly functional organic ones for purely aesthetic or artistic reason never gained any ground. Regardless of the promises made by nuebotic pioneers, the advantages of cyberlimbs were never tempting enough for it to be marketable. The second issue was the potential gains with a cyberlimb failed with said limb's connection to the organic body. An advanced nuebotic cybernetic arm wasn’t much more effective than plastic and steel limbs from the previous century unless the cyberization took root all the way into most of the torso. Given this, most people preferred organic replacements when accidents occurred. With this, cyberization became an industry with very little range.
Limb replacement eventually vanished altogether. Against the desire of a small number of consumers wanting a cybernetic limb to conceal electronics or perform functions a normal limb couldn’t do, said promises couldn’t be fulfilled with a simple replacement. With a leg, the entire lower torso would have to be swapped. This caused the cyberization industry to falter until the development of full body prosthetics, which leapt over limb replacement. The number of “halfers” in the world is slim--where an individual is partially cybernetic and partially organic in ratios which are nearly even. In most cases, these are athletes which were crippled that attempted to increase their potential beyond the capacity of organic limbs. When this trend began, the Paralympics became world famous when they dramatically broke every Olympic record on record. Shortly after, the Paralympics were renamed the Cyberlympics and any records held by cybernetically enhanced humans were rejected. Since then, the event has grown to be nearly as popular as its non-augmented predecessor, drawing in sponsors for its athletes, though instead of energy drinks and shoes, its cybernetic limbs and prosthetic bodies. The promise of nuebotically grown organic organ replacement satisfied anyone handicapped by a physical disability. However, The final goal immortality, was a promise only cyberization could fulfill.
Note: Unless stated, you cannot have more than one of the same cybernetic.
“It kills over a 100,000 people every day. We wouldn’t accept those odds if they were cars or cancer. Why have we let this demon run amok all these years? Time to put it in its place”
Dr Robert Stewart
Symposium of Death
With nuebotics capable of curing nearly every physical deficiency, and with nugenics emerging, the human race was poised to break down the final hurdle in medicine, mortality. Nugenic humans lived longer. Nuebotically grown organs were never rejected and surpassed the lifespans of the originals. Despite this, people still died when their time was up. Geneticists working alongside nuebotic medical scientists were convinced they could halt the senescence of the human body with genetically redesigned organs or by artificial viruses. They continually failed at this search.
Cyberization was the solution some were looking for to finally deny the grim reaper of his prize. Full body prosthetics began with the development of androids. When neubotics reached a point where they were able to recreate the entire human body without deficiency, there was already a technology in place for humans to control them using their seeds. This created splinter fads like surrogate androids and real-world simulation gaming. Eventually, this grew into the possibility of transplanting one’s mind directly within a machine.
The development of a life support system for the brain had already been established years earlier but a working system to completely remove the brain and spinal column was still in the future and although androids could replicate a human appearance, they could not properly reflect the human experience. A full body prosthetic would have to replicate every facet of ahuman life. The onset of a nuebotic suspension fluid not only kept a brain alive when detached from its body, it also suspended the senescence of the brain, allowing a conscious mind virtual immortality.
The first prosthetic body was designed for a 25-year old woman whose body was utterly destroyed in a house fire. She was given the option and became the first human implanted within an artificial body. She would go about swapping her body a dozen more times and decades later, is still alive. Soon, elderly billionaires wishing to live on past their fated death were able to cheat the end with a relatively low investment. From there, the trend moved onto to those already mostly cyberized and then to others that hated their genetic makeup. You had the potential of changing your age, race, even your sex.
By a rule, subjects qualifying for full body prosthesis could not suffer from any major mental disease nor could they be over 80 years of age when the process is started. Likewise, FBPs are also prohibited for those less than 19 years of age in most countries though some nations have made exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
The unfortunate side-effect of prosthetic bodies is the loss of reproduction. Critics of the technique also claim the prosthesis on such a scale would result in the dehumanization of the subject while others claimed it would eliminate traditional national culture and ethnic identity. This is, in fact, slowly occurring.
Cargando editor
18/05/2010, 10:06


The prototype of the Seed was in its infancy well before the onset of the nano age. These were archaic wires planted across the brain which ran to an external computer. This was like comparing a phonograph to an MP3 player. The second generation devices never passed the test group, where volunteers were implanted with a synaptic communicator which transmitted via hardline to a detachable computer. Despite an initial demand, the companies that proposed the project couldn’t justify a production line. Even though cyberpunk enthusiasts supported the concept, the general public could not accept such visible artificiality, even if the device was capable of being detached and when it was, it still left an open port in the back of someone’s head. Of the ten test subjects, one died from infection when they failed to properly and regularly clean the port. Another was forced to have brain surgery to remove the device after two months after incessant itching around the port dislodged the device, nearly causing an aneurism. It was clear the only solution was to find a way to directly tap into the brain without surgery or create an implant which would be completely wireless. Although popularized in fiction, plugging wires into one’s brain was simply not realistic.

After the explosion of nanotechnology and the development of nuebotics, the blood-brain barrier was no longer an impedance for modern medicine. This lead the way for a host of new technologies utilizing nuebotics in hundreds of medical applications. While initially built using organic components, the potential of synthetic nuebotics being used in the body was clear to see. Organic construction was limited to man-made viruses and bacteria, albeit beneficial ones. Synthetic construction, already being developed outside the medical profession (having proven itself in construction and environmentalism), could create microscopic machines to rival what bacteria and viruses did with evolution. Medical neubots have the capacity to repair bloods vessels, eliminate infection, and even fabricate tissue while inside the body. After a successful attempt at using synthetic nuebots to repair damaged myelin in a child suffering from adrenoleukodystrophy, the technology took off. After synthetic neubots were found capable of building complex structures in the body, several companies began investigating the capacity to construct prosthetic organs without surgery. The idea of injecting nuebots which would actually merge into a prosthetic organ seemed farfetched but within a few years, such a concept appeared possible. That potential fell out of favor in exchange for using nuebots in the implantation of organic replacement organs which were genetically perfect to their original. While the first prosthetic limbs built from nanotechnology was moving along, other engineers were simultaneously attempting to create a brain implant which would allow a user to connect wirelessly to the internet. The first and most well known company was the Cyrev Group.
The Cyrev prototype, dubbed “the Spider” took center stage at the Geneva Science Conference where it premiered, less than ten years after the nameless child was cured of ALD. The spider was a neubot construction which was created under the skull by a microscopic injection. It its entirety, the injection didn’t amount to more than two milliliters, which instantly snaked its way to connect to various parts of the brain. The majority of the device floated in the cerebrospinal fluid as a microscope “mesh” with dozens of nano-thin filaments that transmitted and received information from positions in the brain the strands connected to. The mesh was also a transmitter that allowed the brain to receive and broadcast information without the need of a direct wired link. The miniscule power demands of the system were originally planned to leach directly from electrochemicals in the brain. When this proved inefficient, the design team reconfigured the concept to accept additional power directly from a wireless transmission, functioning both as an information transfer technique and a power system. This facilitated the need to redesign current cellular technology. The Spider prototype only allowed the remote operation of a computer and various machines that were tied to the system. This was not their original objective and they asked for more money. They got it.
Two years, and two billion dollars later, the spider was released again. The new model, utilizing the same volunteer, built upon the previous implant, had expanded to three milliliters and now was able to transmit information directly to the optical and auditory parts of the brain including recording information being relayed from those sensory inputs. This allowed one’s experiences to be recorded to an external device. Tactile sensations quickly followed and by year’s end Cyrev had finally realized their dream--to create a device which could recreate and record experiences, allowing individuals to share their lives with others.
Cyrev would not reap huge benefits from this. While Cyrev was negotiating contracts for the distribution of the “Spider” with both Phyrine Biomechanics and Neo-Nuebot-Cybertech, the much larger Kheiron Biotechnologies (KBT) announced the production of the virtually identical SEED, or Synaptic Embedded Electronic Device. Their slogan, “planting the seeds of a new generation” was simple and appealing to the masses. Their goal was to pitch the safety of their design and simplicity of its use. Their propriety software, however, wasn’t as good as the Cyrev model though the Seed had the additional ability of acting as a cell phone, video player, and music player as well. With a simple and attractive name, the Seed became a brandnomer associated with all such devices, include the Cyrev Spider, in limited circulation at the time. Cyrev's superior GNOSIS language written for their Spider was virtually impossible to hack. It was also incompatible with Seed implants for years until Cyrev officially went bankrupt five years later. The GNOSIS language was purchased by Cyber-Soft and updated to be compatible with the new generation of Seeds being released. These new models were able to store recorded information onto the brain directly as well as download memories onto an external device. This was only limited to only a few hours of recording time but was sufficient for users to refrain from carrying around storage devices wherever they went. Although the advancement of wireless communication allowed the transmission of such massive data transfers, this feature remained popular.
At the same time Cyber-Soft licensed the Gnosis 2.1 to KBT, an open-source variant of GNOSIS, dubbed Nomad, was leaked to the net. It boasted increased security and prevented the relaying of information to unauthorized networks. It also, by claim, removed a security feature from GNOSIS that allowed someone’s location to be pinpointed on the planet using their Seed, a feature KNB insisted, was implanted only to help facilitate proper bandwidth allocation. Since then, it's already been confirmed used in the application of law enforcement. Despite attempts to shut down Nomad distributors, it remains the OS of choice for many users who don’t wish to be monitored. Nomad is thought to be installed in less than 0.5% of all Seeds on the planet.
Despite the Seed name being a trademark, it is the colloquial title for every cybernetic wireless communication device on the market, replacing other terms like the aforementioned “spider” as well as “Buunta,” “Cyberbrain,” “Cortech”, and “iMind”. Today, nearly a dozen companies construct them. They have replaced all forms of media players, cell phones, and pagers. The Seed rendered nearly all portable electronics obsolete.
The installation, perfected by KBT, involves using the “helmet”--a harness that fixes a microscopic needle in an exact position over the skull. It takes ten minutes for the injection to complete, with virtually no pain or discomfort to the user. Because the helmet is automated, the technique was boasted as being as safe and easy as getting one’s ears pierced.
By default, Seeds are on all the time. They allow continuous access to the internet as well as voice and video communication. Fears of hacker infiltration are virtually zero and are thought that the pervasiveness of viruses in seeds is less that 0.01 percent of the ratio compared to computers. This is mostly due to network firewalls as well as the near bulletproof nature of the GNOSIS protocol though many believe Nomad is even more secure. That being said, hackers have been known to crack the Seed system and tamper with its functions as well as the human brain. Because of the Seed's nature, a skilled hacker could, in theory, reverse the functionality of the device, forcing images, thoughts, or even memories into the brain. It is possible to sever one’s external connection to the net via a process that has been dubbed “going paranoid.” When in this state, you are virtually immune to hacking but are also severed from your externally stored memories as well as all wireless communication.
Seed Rules: These are the rules regarding the seed.
Activation Assumption: Seeds are assumed on unless stated otherwise. They automatically turn on at the start of each day.
Wireless Communication: Every Seed owner is assigned a Seed contact number, which is akin to a cell phone number. If you know the ID number of the person you wish to communicate, you can contact them anywhere in the world (assuming you are not being jammed). The line allows two-way communication and up to 4 people in a conference. Larger conferences are also available but those involve running a program. This form of communication still requires you to speak aloud (though certain programs circumvent this). Contact/phone numbers are not GIAs.
Memory Recording: Each Seed has at least one hour of full cognitive recording--able to store all visual, auditory, optionally, tactile and olfactory input. Any of these can be suppressed upon playback. Emotional states have been known to carry over as well but these rarely occur and only do under extreme situations. This flash memory can be instantly recalled in a moment's notice and played back for yourself or other Seeds through streaming connection. The Seed is always recording and will keep a constant one hour behind present time. It will not store the memory permanently unless told to at which case the time the experience occupies remains in the flash memory until it can be transferred to a permanent source. Memories you wish to store permanently can be shuffled to your external memory. After you flush the flash to its external or delete it, you can resume recording upon the flash memory. This allows you to instantly pass any skill rolls dealing with memory recall if it occurs within the last hour. Seeds can be modified to hold more data. The flash memory can hold hard data as well. The basic flash memory holds 80 gigabytes of data.
Paranoid: Going paranoid involves setting your firewall to extreme protection, cutting off all incoming and outgoing transmissions without disrupting the power required for Seeds to function. If a firewall cannot close (by a hack power, by a program, or being breached the previous round), the target cannot go paranoid. Targets that go paranoid do not kick out any programs a manipulator may have deposited. Most servers and AIs cannot go paranoid. It takes a free action to go paranoid but the effects do not go into effect until the beginning of your turn. When paranoid, the following conditions apply:
--You suffer a -3 penalty to all knowledge skill checks.
--You lose all wireless communication unless you have an external backup. Without wireless communication, your voice is limited to 20 squares, 10 in an encounter (if you yell).
--You cannot be subjected to a “hack” attack unless certain conditions have worked around being paranoid. This also does not stop programs already behind your firewall.
--You do not gain any bonuses offered by external devices (satellites, other characters, etc). Any powers that require such a connection cannot be activated.
--Powers with the “open” keyword require you to be close to the subject using the power to gain any effects.
--To go off paranoid also requires a free action to activate but the system will not be back online until the end of the current encounter (or five minutes, whatever takes longer).
Being paranoid is not foolproof. Certain viruses, hacking keys, and backdoor programs can give you the illusion you are paranoid while you are actually not.
There are hundreds of Seeds on the market. They are not all name-brand Seeds, but the term is accepted for them all. These have a limit on the number of neural implants you can have at any one time. They also list the number of programs you can have in your internal memory. A few offer additional abilities listed below. You can only have one Seed in your brain.
All players receive the KBT Full-Play for free at character generation. Seeds can never be sold back or traded in.
Programs: This refers to how many programs can be held in memory at any time.
Enhancement: This value serves multiple purposes
--This is the enhancement bonus to hack attacks vs. Firewalls, but not to hack attacks vs. Will, damage rolls or firewall defense.
--This value +1 is the limit of neural implants the Seed can maintain.
Kheiron Biotechnologies Full-Play
The world’s most famous model--cheap, easy to acquire, and the first most everyone ever gets.
Enhancement +0 (+0) 50*
Programs: 1
*All players receive this Seed for free at character generation.

Notas de juego

Pongo aquí el Seed que tienen todos aunque esta no sea la sección de reglamento.

Ahora crearé un post en reglamento sobre la lista de Seeds, Firewalls y esas cosas.