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Death in Freeport

Capítulo III: La Ciudad de Freeport

Cargando editor
23/12/2014, 15:20


Tras descubrir que Thrott el enano era realmente un guardia imperial élfico del reino de Theikon que enviaba mensajes con pájaros a varias fragatas de la Paz del Mar Interior, el Capitán Dosvientos y su tripulación encubierta se amotinan contra Romo El Tuerto y le cuelgan del palo mayor.

Huyen de las fragatas élficas por los pelos al llegar al estrecho de Amerys, ya que sus perseguidores no se adentran en el Océano de Lisaris. La travesía transcurre sin problemas hasta amarrar en el puerto de Freeport, donde el Capitán les entrega su paga de 100 Cobres por cabeza más otros 100 Cobres por haber sido leales a él.

La ciudad de Freeport es el lugar ideal para gastar el Cobre que no se necesita y a eso se dispone el grupo cuando son asaltados por ocho maleantes que pretenden venderles como esclavos. Una buena paliza les advierte de que son más duros de lo que a primera vista pareciera, hecho que no pasa desapercibido para el hermano Egil, sacerdote del Templo del Conocimiento. Se acerca al grupo presentándose amablemente y ofreciéndoles 5 Maravedíes (uno al aceptar, cuatro al terminar) a cada uno si encuentran a su compañero y amigo Lucius, desaparecido hace un par de días.

Cargando editor
23/12/2014, 15:34

Lo que Egil os cuenta:

I have known Lucius for most of my life. We were both brought up in the temple. He became a librarian and I, a priest. But six years ago, something strange happened. He seemed to change overnight. One day he was my friend of many years, and the next he was a complete stranger. He asked bizarre questions, seemed to remember nothing of our friendship, and treated the temple as his own personal library. Some months later he was caught violating the sanctum and was expelled from the temple. Shortly thereafter, he left Freeport entirely and was gone for four years.

 When Lucius reappeared, he was like his old self. He came to the temple and begged to be readmitted, saying that he had no memory of the previous fi ve years. Thuron, the high priest, seemed adamant about refusing Lucius’s petition but changed his mind after a private meeting with him.

 Lucius returned to the temple, and it was just like old times for eight or nine months. Then he started to look haggard, and he told me he wasn’t sleeping well. Something was  disturbing him, but he wouldn’t say what. He started asking a lot of questions about what he had been like right before his expulsion. The high priest talked to him about it, but Lucius wouldn’t let it go.

 I grew increasingly worried for my friend. He seemed on the brink of insanity, as if one small thing could push him over the edge. Two days ago, he failed to come to the temple. I went to his home and found it empty. I searched all over but could not find him. The priests of my temple deny it, but I know that something has happened to Lucius. I want you to find out what.

Cargando editor
23/12/2014, 15:42

Las preguntas que le hacéis a Egil:

Where did Lucius go when he left Freeport?
I don’t know for sure, but Lucius seemed to think he had traveled quite widely.

Why did the high priest let him back into the temple?
That question has puzzled me as well. Thuron is not a man who changes his mind easily, yet something that Lucius said or did during his meeting with the man swayed the high priest.

Can we search his house?
Yes, certainly. I can take you there whenever you like.

Can we talk to Thuron or other members of the temple?
Yes, but please do not mention my involvement. Better to say that you are friends of Lucius from abroad and that you’ve come to Freeport to see him.

Can you recommend a place to stay?
Certainly. The Scholar’s Quill is a fi ne tavern located between Lucius’s home and the temple. Many visitors to the temple lodge there, and it doesn’t have the rough clientele that many local inns do.

Cargando editor
23/12/2014, 15:44

En la casa de Lucius:

Apparently, being a librarian in a trading city is not a lucrative job. Lucius’s small home has only the ground fl oor, consisting of two rooms, although there is a basement. Most of the main room is cluttered with books, scrolls, quills, ink pots, and other tools of the scholar’s trade. A cot is jammed into one corner, and there’s a small desk under the front window. The small backroom is part kitchen, part junk storage. A trapdoor leads down to the basement.

En la casa encontráis varios libros de historia, geografía y cultura general además de una nota manuscrita por Egil:

Escondido en el falso fondo del escritorio, un diario:

Cargando editor
23/12/2014, 15:48

Buscando el barco de Scarbelly:

The Bloody Vengeance is a crudely built orc ship, roughly 90 feet long. The ship is battle-scarred but seaworthy, and you note that no other ships have moored nearby. The sail is furled, but the crow’s nest holds an orc lookout armed with a shortbow. Two other orcs guard the gangway, their scowls and jagged swords encouraging passersby to keep on walking.

En cuanto preguntáis por Scarbelly y no recibís respuesta, la situación se empieza a poner tensa:

Aggro ducks out of the forecastle, revealing a huge frame. He loudly snorts, hawks, and spits while you inquire about Lucius. When you are done, Aggro says, “He was here last week, sniveling for an audience with the captain. I told him the same thing I’m telling you: Sod off!” You notice that the archer in the crow’s nest has an arrow nocked. Aggro and the guards are fingering the pommels of their wicked scimitars. They’re clearly itching for a fi ght. It’s obvious they
have something to hide on their ship, all right—but is it Lucius?

Finalmente lográis encontrar al capitán Scarbelly en una taberna tomando cervezas, y os cuenta lo que sabe:

The captain recognized Lucius right way, for he had indeed been on the Bloody Vengeance some four years ago. The
librarian bought him a drink and asked many questions about that time, which seemed odd to Scarbelly: The human had been right there! Lucius had paid Captain Scarbelly a handsome sum to travel with the pirates, observe them, and take notes. The orcs found it strange, but his money was good, and he stayed out of the way during fights. After a few months, Lucius moved on, and that was the last Scarbelly saw of him until a few days ago. In his money pouch the captain also has a note from Lucius, passed to him by Aggro. It reads:

Captain, my name is Lucius and I believe you know me. I’d like to talk to you about my time on your ship. Please tell your mate to let me aboard next I call.

Cargando editor
23/12/2014, 15:55

Cuando vais al Templo del Conocimiento:

The temple is an impressive structure, its vaulted frame soaring up one hundred feet. Large bronze doors stand open, revealing a tiled atrium. Statues of the god indicate that this chamber is the center of worship, but balconies lined with books reach all the way to the frescoed ceiling. This place appears as much library as temple, and the
rows of silent scholars working in the balconies attest to this fact.

A young man approaches you. He introduces himself as Norton, a temple novice, and asks how he can be of assistance.



Cargando editor
23/12/2014, 15:59

Hablando con Milos:

Your requests to speak with High Priest Thuron are fl atly rejected by Milos. “I’m afraid such a meeting is impossible,” he says. “The high priest is extremely busy planning the dedication of the Lighthouse of Drac. He cannot be disturbed. However, I am Thuron’s eyes and ears around the temple, and you may ask me your questions.”







 Las respuestas de Milos:

What is the Lighthouse of Drac?
You must have seen it on your way into Freeport—an enormous structure. Sea Lord Drac, the ruler of Freeport, is building it to commemorate his glorious ancestors. The lighthouse has been under construction for some ten years, and its dedication is in three months.

What can you tell us about Lucius?
He is an excellent librarian, though he made several poor choices in his time. He was away from the temple a good four years but returned last year. He has not been here in a couple of days, and I do not know where he is.

Has Lucius been acting strange lately?
He has appeared increasingly haggard over the past several months. He also began asking some very strange questions. The high priest himself had a talk with the man, but this seemed to do no good.

What sort of questions was Lucius asking?
He was asking about his activities in the temple in the time leading up to his expulsion. As if he weren’t here himself! No one needs to be reminded that Lucius violated the sanctum, but he would not let it rest.

What did the high priest say to him?
Lucius has been very lax in his duties of late, and Thuron warned him to be more diligent. The high priest told him to forget the past and concentrate on the present: The events of five years ago are best forgotten by everyone.

Did Lucius have any enemies?
None that I am aware of. Anything may have happened in the years he was gone from Freeport, of course, but I know nothing about that time.

Why was Lucius let back into the temple?
He had acquired a very interesting library of books during his worldly travels. He offered to donate this collection to the temple as a penance, and the high priest accepted.

Can we see these books?
They have not been made public yet. Our experts are still evaluating them and checking their authenticity. They should be available next year.

If Lucius is missing, why aren’t you looking for him?
We do not have the resources to mount search parties for every librarian who fails to come to work. In any case, there is no evidence of foul play. I am sure Lucius is just sleeping off a hangover somewhere.

Cargando editor
23/12/2014, 16:08

Sin más pistas que seguir y cansados de todo el día de investigaciones, os dirigís a la posada La Pluma del Esciba.

The sun is setting in the west, silhouetting the Lighthouse of Drac beautifully with its dying rays. You are nearly back to the inn, ready for a hot meal and a stiff drink, when you hear the unmistakable thwack of crossbows discharging. As the bolts fl y through the air, you see a group of warriors carrying yellow shields burst out of a nearby alley with swords drawn.

Looks like dinner will have to wait.