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Death in Freeport


Cargando editor
03/11/2014, 22:21

He pensado en un sistema de monedas diferente al descrito en el D&D, que es el siguiente:

- Cobre: Moneda de cobre
- Maravedí: Moneda de plata, equivale a 100 Cobres
- Doblón: Moneda de oro, equivale a 100 Maravedíes

Para saber el precio de cualquier cosa de los manuales, hay que pasarlo a Cobres (equivalencia 1 a 1) y luego se pasa a Maravedíes o Doblones.

Básicamente, los Cobres son monedas de cobre, los Maravedíes son como las monedas de oro (1 gp), y los Doblones son como 100 gp.

Cargando editor
04/11/2014, 21:28
Cyl Xularie

A ver, ¿el doblón equivale a 100 maravedíes o 100 denarios?

Cargando editor
04/11/2014, 21:34

Había una errata, ya lo he corregido. Los denarios no existen.

Cargando editor
04/11/2014, 22:12

Para clérigos y creyentes, adjunto cuatro dioses relevantes en la ambientación.

Si no os gustan, podéis inventaros o coger otros:

Khoronus - The God of Knowledge

The largest temple in the city, belongs surprisingly enough to the God of Knowledge. Khoronus is often seen as the King of Gods and is said to be as old as time itself, thus he is often called Father Time. Khonornus opposes those who seek to destroy knowledge or spread madness such as the Unspeakable One. His symbol is either an open book or an hourglass.

Harrimast - The God of Pirates

All true pirates worship Harrimast, lord of the High Seas. Sometimes he is also called Minroth, the Explorer. Harrimast is the patron of those who follow the pirate’s code of honor, rather than reckless thieves and murders. Harrimast smiles upon those who commit thievery and murder with honor. His symbol is the Jolly Roger; A skull with two bones crossed under it, on a black background.

Proteus - God of the Sea

Proteus is King of the Depths. He can be a useful ally to those lost at sea. Sailors worship him, and are wise enough to know not to anger the lord of the sea. Mermaids and Sea elves know him as Manwara. Albatrosses are said to be messengers of Proteus, and killing one brings bad luck. He is sometimes known to send dolphins in aid of sailors lost at sea. His symbol is the trident, or a Coral Trumpet.

Vanya - Goddess of War

For the Privateer’s, war can mean a fortune’s worth of gold and plunder, and Vanya, the Lady of War, Queen of Conquests looks favourably upon those who seek victory in war. Freeport has grown through its involvements in the wars between the nations of the continent, and Vanya has earned its citizen’s gratitude for the wealth it has brought the city. She scorns cowards and anyone not ready to draw sword or pistol against their enemies, but aids those who fight for glory. Her symbol is a lance crossed by two swords, a double cross or a black lion’s head on a white background.


Cargando editor
15/11/2014, 14:04

Os paso algunos precios como referencia (el resto están en el Players p 158):

- Jarra de cerveza: 4 Cobres
- Jarra de vino de la casa: 10 Cobres
- Alimentación pobre para una jornada: 6 Cobres
- Alimentación modesta para una jornada: 30 Cobres
- Dormir en una habitación comunal: 10 Cobres
- Dormir en una habitación individual modesta: 50 Cobres

Recordad que un Maravedí de plata son 100 Cobres.

Cargando editor
15/11/2014, 14:52

Vuestro mundo se llama Valcia:

La ciudad élfica de Puerto Iteon se encuentra en la costa norte del mar de Eleryn. Aunque en el mapa no lo parece (error cartográfico), todo el reino de Theikon, desde Horokan hasta Terin, es un gran bosque donde reside el reino élfico de Theikon cuya capital es Puerto Iteon.

Cargando editor
01/01/2015, 17:04

El Templo del Conocimiento se encuentra en el distrito de los templos.
La Pluma del Escribano se halla en el distrito de almacenes (warehouse).
El Petrel está amarrado en alguno de los muelles del barrio de los muelles (Docks).
La casa de Lucius se encuentra en algún punto del distrito mercante.


Notas de juego

Un mapa mucho mejor de Freeport, pero no consigo ponerlo en el foro:

Cargando editor
01/01/2015, 17:16

Descripción de los barrios de Freeport y algunos enclaves importantes:

Los Muelles: The Docks are loud and packed with people. The air is pregnant with the stench of seawater mixed with waste, the stink of blood and fish guts, and the myriad of odors wafting up from the people perfumed to cover up body odor. The place is vibrant and exciting, alive with the clash of cultures that call this place home. The buildings sport some damage from the last bout of summer storms. Most buildings are wooden, but some are made of stone. The streets are haphazardly cobbled, and paths formed from old boards allow pedestrians to stay out of the mud, though these routes are often rerouted to the dark alleyways.

Seaside Market: Goods from all over the world change hands beneath the tents and out of the backs of carts. Exotic fruits, grains, livestock, and other perishables can be found here, but this place also holds great treasures for those with the coin to spend.

Drac's End: Tents and makeshift buildings often appear overnight on streets and clearings, only to disappear a short time later. A significant number of non humans, scholars, and artists live and work here. Numerous barrels stand open in the street collecting rain water for drinking and to extinguish the frequent fires that plague the district. The buildings are rundown and occasionally fire-damaged, and are constructed from timber, coarse stone, or mud bricks. The roads and alleys, the two of which are nearly indistinguishable, wind throughout the district and are unpaved. Planks and stones occasionally give pedestrians a place to walk without fear of stepping in the mud or puddles of excrement.

Eastern District: The home of the middle-class. It contains many small businesses, as well as several residential neighborhoods. Easterners were plain but well-made clothing, rickshaws clatter through the streets, and hawkers are a common sight near the Field of Honor in the middle of the district. The buildings are mostly in good repair, generally of a mix of wood and stone. Residential areas are dominated by town houses. Many businesses are two-story, allowing the owners to live above their shops. The streets are fairly wide and cobbled, many radiating from the Field of Honor. There are some narrow and irregular streets near Drac's End and Scurvytown.

Merchant District: Ornate magical street lamps populate every corner, and the forever-burning lights cast out shadows from the entire district. The area is riddled with mansions and ornate buildings that are well designed and kept impeccably clean. Ornate bars cover all windows, not only as decoration, but as a way of thwarting thieves. The broad avenues are paved with neatly fitted cobblestones and are regularly swept free of debris.

Lucius' Home: The small home of Lucius. It is made plaster-coated bricks and is a single story tall. The building is about fifteen feet square, consisting of a main room, a back room, and a basement. The main room contains a cot and a desk covered in scrolls and books, while the back room operates as a junk storage area as well as a kitchen. The basement holds numerous book shelves and a display case, but all are void of contents.

The Old City: The walls to the Old City are always visible from anywhere in Freeport, and act as a reference for finding your way. They fill the horizon and artificially shorten the days. The Old City is quite active and cosmopolitan during the daylight hours, but at night, the welcoming atmosphere vanishes as the street empty - those that remain out are suspicious of strangers and are quick to call the Guard. Near the walls, stone and wood row houses and tenement buildings stand, while closer towards the center the massive stone buildings of the city's government reigns supreme.

Sea Lord's Palace: No expense was spared creating this five story palace - marble walls with twenty foot tall granite gargoyles rest between each full height window, and metal slate roof rises to a brass lightning rod at the center. The entire building is surrounded with fifteen foot walls, crowned with sharpened iron spikes, and a fleet of guards make sure no one lingers too long in its shadow.

Scurvytown (Barrio Escorbuto): The whole district stinks of human waste and rotting fish, and the foul air teems with mosquitoes. Beggards plead for funds or sell their pathetic belongings from broken stalls. The wooden buildings are in a constant state of decay and haven't been repaired or maintained in decades. The roads are unpaved, muddy, and littered with garbage and refuse, while narrow alleys wind through the shadows. The people here are dirty, poverty-stricken, and desperate, turning to crime or begging in order to make ends meet.

Temple District: The Temple District is distinctive not for the impressive churches, no the throngs of pious servants that hustle and bustle, chant and preach, but rather for its atmosphere. The very air is pregnant with divine might, and those who come upon this district feel the heavy hands of the gods resting upon them. The temples here range from small shrines, two enormous cathedrals, and the number of which restrict how many businesses can be found here. The cobbeled streets wind through the district, maneuvering past the larger temples as they make their way to the Merchant District, Old City, or the Cluster in Drac's End. Individual stones often bear carvings that invoke the blessing of a particular deity, or recall a specific historical event that has some religious significance.

El Templo del Conocimiento: The Temple is massive, easily the largest in the Temple District. It is a large square building capped with a bronze dome rising some one hundred feet above the rest of the quarter. A grand walk surrounds it, while two square towers rise from the rear.

Warehouse District: The district is teeming with people by day, but is almost empty at night. The observatory tower of the Pilot's Guild, the tallest building in the city, looms overhead. Children from the orphanage are constantly underfoot, spying on pedestrians for unknown causes. The numerous storage houses vary in size are built from wood or brick and stone. Occasional offices and taverns are found in their shadows. The roads are well-paved and maintained near the larger warehouses, while the rest of the roads are made of packed earth or gravel and are pitted by constant traffic.

La Pluma del Escribano: A reputable inn run by a middle-aged man named Desmond and his two daughters Jen and Elissa. Breakfast is at 8am sharp, and dinner is at 5pm.


Cargando editor
05/01/2015, 13:21

Un comentario sobre las tiradas: para que sea más claro, en la descripción de la tirada, que es el único sitio donde se puede escribir, poned primero lo que queréis hacer y luego en paréntesis la habilidad, el bono que usáis y cualquier otro modificador.

Ejemplo: Perseguir a Enzo sin ser visto (+7 stealth y +2 por ser de noche)