Open (1) This spell will open any physical lock or cancel out a magical Lock spell. The door, chest or lock must be touched to be affected.
Grand Illusion (4) This spell is a more powerful version of the rank 1 Illusion spell, and can include other senses such as smell, sound and even touch. This means that anyone struck by the illusion will believe themselves to be injured. The Illusion will fight with a SKILL equivalent to the casters MAGIC characteristic plus their Magic-Wizardry special skill. Of course, any wounds inflicted by the Illusion will be just that; illusionary. Anyone “killed” by the Illusion will merely be unconscious for a round, and will then wake up realising what has happened. The illusion will otherwise last for 3 minutes.
Invisibility (4) This handy spell will turn the caster or one other target invisible, along with currently carried clothes and equipment. This spell will not however make the target silent, and doors etc will still need to be opened. The effects will last for 3 minutes or until the caster either hits an opponent, is hit by an opponent or casts another spell.
Wall (4) This spell creates a circular wall, 5m in diameter, around the caster or one nominated object. The wall lasts 5 minutes, and is completely impervious to all attacks, objects and even spells. Only a Counter Spell can cancel the wall, although if anything or anyone inside touches the wall, it will disappear immediately. The wall will remain stationary for the duration.
Speak to Animals (4) Similar to the Languages spell, this useful casting will allow the caster to speak to any animal for the following 10 minutes. Although the caster can communicate, this does not guarantee that the animal will be interested in talking as some have very limited attention spans!