- Reglas aplicables: Será válida cualquier regla no-opcional y de Paizo que aparezca en http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ (el director se reserva la última palabra). El hechizo "Paragon Surge" queda modificado de manera que la dote extra que otorga debe de ser de tipo combate (para evitar cierto combo).
- Alienamientos no permitidos: Alineamientos malvados y caótico neutral no son permitidos.
- Razas no permitidas: Razas tecnológicas o eminentemente malvadas, o con problemas de visión diurna, no serán aceptadas. Mestizos de esas razas sí podrían serlo (ejemplo: semielfos con aspecto drow, o los propios semiorcos).
- Clases no permitidas: No se admiten clases sustituidas en el suplemento "unchained" (sólo se admitirán las versiones unchained de bárbaro, summoner, pícaro y monje).
- Creación de personaje: Se crearán con el sistema de gasto de 20 puntos. Sólo puede tenerse un atributo por debajo de 10, tras aplicar modificadores de raza. Atributos por debajo de 10 deberán de ser interpretados habitualmente por el jugador como problemas de sus personajes.
- Traits: A elegir 2 traits cualquiera, salvo traits de campaña que sean de otras campañas diferentes a Kingmaker. Tampoco se admiten traits de facciones o traits de regiones diferentes a la natal del personaje.
- Background skills: Se aplicará la regla de background skills (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/background-skills)
- Puntos de héroe: Sí se usarán puntos de héroe, otorgados principalmente por interpretación y narración. Los enemigos también los podrán tener.
- Puntos de vida: Los personajes (y mascotas) cuyo diseño esté orientado al cuerpo a cuerpo podrán repetir las tiradas de 1 o 2 en los puntos de golpe. Esto significa que personajes arcanos o diseñados para luchar a varias casillas de distancia (arqueros, por ejemplo) están excluidos de este beneficio.
- Sneak attacks y flanqueo: Si en el combate en curso no se está empleado mapa, se considerará que puede realizarse sneak attack contra oponentes que ya estén enfrentándose a otro personaje en cuerpo a cuerpo. No existirán bonos de flanqueo cuando no hay mapa, si el número de amigos y enemigos está igualado (sí tendrán bono de flanqueo quienes cuenten con sneak attack, por no reventar a los pícaros).
- Enemigos reforzados: Dado que la campaña la jugarán más jugadores de los recomendados, los enemigos y encuentros pueden ser reforzados, seguramente con bonos a las tiradas de ataque y/o los puntos de vida y/o puntos de héroe y/o pociones que gastarán si están prevenidos.
- Iniciativas grupales: Los combates se harán por franjas de iniciativa, como explicó Fids en una ocasión, es decir, los malos actúan todos a la vez y habrán jugadores que actuarán antes y otros después. Cada jugador postea libremente cuando le toque a su grupo y luego yo ordeno las acciones dentro de su grupo, dando prioridad a los hechizos. Si alguien se queda sin objetivo, pues resuelvo yo la acción a la más similar posible, o se retrasa su acción.
- El director realiza algunas tiradas de los personajes: Las tiradas de iniciativa y de salvación son realizadas por el director. Hay que apechugar con lo que suceda, pero si el resultado no gusta, se puede usar un punto de héroe para repetirlo. Tiradas que puedan conllevar la muerte del jugador serán realizadas por el propio jugador.
- Mapas: No se usarán mapas para combates sencillitos, que espero sean la mayoría.
- Sacred geometry está baneada.
Aquí os coloco la ficha de Fids.
Nombre | Clase | Nivel | Experiencia Actual | ||||
Alineamiento | Raza | Religión | Siguiente Nivel | ||||
Sexo | Altura | Peso | Pelo | ||||
Edad | Ojos | Piel | Ciudad Natal |
Puntuación | Mod | Temp | Mod. Temp | |
FUE | ||||
DES | ||||
CON | ||||
INT | ||||
SAB | ||||
Puntos de Golpe | DG | Velocidad | ||||
Poder de Clase | RESTAN | |||||
Ataque Base | ||||||
Idiomas | ||||||
Iniciativa | ||||||
Dinero |
CA | = | BASE | Armadura | Esc. | Des. | Tamaño | Natural | Mejora | Desvío | Suerte | Misc. | |
= | 10 | |||||||||||
Toque | Desprevenido | Resistencias Elementales | RD/ | RC | FCA | |||||||
Inmunidades |
Carga Ligera | Carga Media | Carga Máxima | |||||||||
Alzar | Levantar | Empujar |
Total | Base | Característica | Magia | Otros | Temporal | Condicionales | |
Fortaleza | |||||||
Reflejos | |||||||
Voluntad |
Total | Base | BAB | Fuerza | Destreza | Tamaño | Magia | Otros | Condicionales | |
BMC | = | No | |||||||
DMC | 10 |
Habilidad (X+INT) | X | Atributo | TOTAL | Base | Rangos | Clase | Otros | PA |
Acrobacias | DES | |||||||
Artesanía () | INT | |||||||
Averiguar Intenciones | SAB | |||||||
Conoc. Conjuros | INT | |||||||
Concentración | XXX | |||||||
Diplomacia | CAR | |||||||
Disfrazarse | CAR | |||||||
Engañar | CAR | |||||||
Escapismo | DES | |||||||
Interpretar () | CAR | |||||||
Intimidar | CAR | |||||||
Inutilizar Mecanismo | DES | |||||||
Juego de Manos | DES | |||||||
Lingüística | INT | |||||||
Montar | DES | |||||||
Nadar | FUE | |||||||
Oficio ( ) | SAB | |||||||
Percepción | SAB | |||||||
Sigilo | DEX | |||||||
Saber (Arcano) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Geografía) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Historia) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Ingeniería) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Local) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Mazmorras) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Naturaleza) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Nobleza) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Planos) | INT | |||||||
Saber (Religión) | INT | |||||||
Sanar | SAB | |||||||
Supervivencia | SAB | |||||||
Tasación | INT | |||||||
Trato con Animales | CAR | |||||||
Trepar | FUE | |||||||
Usar Objeto Mágico | CAR | |||||||
Volar | DES | |||||||
Nombre | Descripción |
Rasgos Raciales | |
Rasgos de Trasfondo | |
Rasgos de Clase | |
Dotes | |
Nivel | CD | Conjuros Base | Conjuros Adicionales | Conjuros Conocidos | Conjuros Memorizados |
0 | |||||
1 | |||||
2 | |||||
3 | |||||
4 | |||||
5 | |||||
6 | |||||
7 | |||||
8 | |||||
9 |
Nombre (Raza) | ![]() |
Alinemiento Tipo Tamaño Iniciativa X; Sentidos: X |
CA X Toque X Desprevenido X (Bonos) |
Velocidades X |
Fue x, Des x, Con x, Int x, Sab x, Car x |
Poderes de Familiar/Trucos Aprendidos: x | |
Equipo: x |
Cantidad | Nombre | Descripción | Ubicación | Peso | Valor |
Totales |
Aquí dejo los traits de la campaña, todo en perfectísimo inglés.
Bastard (limited to human characters): One of your
parents was a member of one of the great families of
Brevoy, perhaps even of the line of Rogarvia itself. Yet
you have no substantive proof of your nobility, and you’ve
learned that claiming nobility without evidence makes
you as good as a liar. While you might own a piece of
jewelry, a scrap of once-rich fabric, or an aged confession
of love, none of this directly supports your claim. Thus,
you’ve lived your life in the shadow of nobility, knowing
that you deserve the comforts and esteem of the elite,
even though the contempt of fate brings you nothing
but their scorn. Whether a recent attempt to prove your
heritage has brought down the wrath of a noble family’s
henchmen or you merely seek to prove the worth of the
blood in your veins, you’ve joined an expedition into
the Stolen Lands, hoping to make a name all your own.
You take a –1 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks
made when dealing with members of Brevic nobility but
gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves as a result of your
stubbornness and individuality. (The penalty aspect
of this trait is removed if you ever manage to establish
yourself as a true noble.)
Brigand: You hail from the River Kingdoms or the
more lawless reaches of Brevoy. Life has been hard for
you. Perhaps your parents and siblings were crooks and
con artists, or maybe your rough, lonely life lead you to
fall in with thieves and worse. You know how to ambush
travelers, bully traders, avoid the law, and camp where
no one might find you. Recently, you’ve run into some
trouble, either with the law or with other bandits, and
you’re looking to get away to somewhere no one would
ever think to look for you. An expedition into the rugged
wilderness seems like a perfect way to lie low until the
trouble blows over. You begin the campaign with an
extra 100 gp in ill-gotten gains. You also gain a +1 trait
bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive
checks when dealing with brigands, thieves, bandits, and
their ilk.
Issian: You were raised northern Brevoy, a land of
misty shores and harsh hill lands, of snowy vistas and
violet-hued mountains. You are descended from an able
and intelligent people, and you have grand ambitions, a
mind alert for opportunity, and the tenacity to fight for
your goals no matter the challenge. You care for little
more than achieving your aspirations and opportunities
to win wealthy and grandeur, for which few costs
prove too great. You see yourself as a citizen of Brevoy
through and through. The call for champions willing
to help take back your country’s rightful holdings in the
Stolen Lands has inflamed your dreams of profit and
possibilities, so you have joined an expedition to quest
south. Your agile mind grants you a +1 trait bonus on all
Will saves made to resist mind-affecting effects.
Noble Born: You claim a tangential but legitimate
connection to one of Brevoy’s noble families. If you
aren’t human, you were likely adopted by one of
Brevoy’s nobles or were instead a favored servant or
even a childhood friend of a noble scion. Whatever the
cause, you’ve had a comfortable life, but one far from
the dignity and decadence your distant cousins know.
Although you are associated with an esteemed name,
your immediate family is hardly well to do, and you’ve
found your name to be more of a burden to you than a
boon in many social situations. You’ve recently decided
to test yourself, to see if you can face the world without
the aegis of a name you have little real claim or care
for. An expedition into the storied Stolen Lands seems
like just the test to see if you really are worth the title
“noble.” Choose one of the following noble families
and associated benef its.
Garess: Your family’s long association with the dwarves
of the Golushkin Mountains has left its mark. You ignore
the movement penalty for the first 5 feet of rocky difficult
terrain you move through per round. This applies only
to terrain made difficult by rocks or ruins. In addition,
you gain a +2 trait bonus on Appraise checks to assess the
value of natural stones or metals. Your family motto is
“Strong as the Mountains.”
Lebeda: Your family’s history of trading along the shores
of Lake Reykal pervades your blood. As a deft merchant of
the region, you gain a bonus language: Dwarven, Elven,
Hallit, Gnome, Giant, Halfling, Skald, or Sylvan. Your
family motto is “Success through Grace.”
Lodovka: Your family has made a living off the coasts of
the Lake of Mists and Veils since before Brevoy existed.
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks, and Swim is
always treated as a class skill for you. Your family motto
is “The Waters, Our Fields.”
Medvyed: Your family has long a deep respect for the
wilderness and is superstitious about the creatures that
dwell therein. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Diplomacy
checks made to deal with fey creatures and a +1 trait bonus
on Will saves made against their spells and supernatural
abilities. Your family motto is “Endurance Overcomes All.”
Orlovsky: Your family has a reputation for avoiding
conflicts. You gain a +1 trait bonus on your CMD. In
addition, choose Acrobatics, Diplomacy, or Stealth—you
gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill. Your family motto is
“High Above.”
Surtova: Your family is well known for their political agility
and scheming natures. You deal +2 damage when attacking
a flat-footed opponent while wielding a light or one-handed
weapon. Your family motto is “Ours is the Right.”
Pioneer: You have long lived along the southern
border of Brevoy, in the shadow of wilderness known
as the Stolen Lands. Life has been hard, but through
hunting, trapping, trading, and coaxing crops from
the freezing earth, you’ve learned how to survive on
the rugged frontier. With the wilderness ever at your
door, you’ve also learned much about its denizens and
the wild creatures that lurk in that unwholesome land.
Your family might even claim holdings in the Stolen
Lands, with elders telling stories of being driven from or
robbed of a lost ancestral homestead, fertile farmlands,
bountiful orchards, or a hidden mining claim. Whether
because of your personal expertise and familiarity with
the borderlands or in order to reclaim your family’s land,
you’ve joined the expedition into the Stolen Lands. You
begin play with a horse. Also, choose one of the following
skills: Climb, Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature),
Perception, Ride, Survival, or Swim—you gain a +1 trait
bonus on this skill.
Rostlander: You were raised in the south of Brevoy, a
land of dense forests and rolling plains, of crystalline
rivers and endless sapphire skies. You come from hearty
stock and were raised with simple sensibilities of hard
work winning well-deserved gains, the importance
of charity and compassion, and the value of personal
and familial honor. Yours is the country of the Aldori
swordlords and the heroes who refused to bend before
the armies of a violent conqueror. You care little for
matters of politics and nobles or of deception and
schemes. As you are thoroughly Brevic, the call for
champions willing to expand your land’s influence into
the Stolen Lands has inflamed your sense of patriotism
and honor, and so you have joined an expedition to quest
southward. Your hardy nature grants you a +1 trait bonus
on all Fortitude saves.
Sword Scion: You have lived all your life in and around
the city of Restov, growing up on tales of Baron Sirian
Aldori and the exploits of your home city’s heroic and
legendary swordlords. Perhaps one of your family members
was an Aldori swordlord, you have a contact among their
members, or you have dreamed since childhood of joining.
Regardless, you idolize the heroes, styles, and philosophies
of the Aldori and have sought to mimic their vaunted art.
Before you can petition to join their ranks, however, you
feel that you must test your mettle. Joining an expedition
into the Stolen Lands seems like a perfect way to improve
your skills and begin a legend comparable to that of Baron
Aldori. You begin play with a longsword or Aldori dueling
sword and gain a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat
maneuvers made with such weapons.
A partir de ahora se permite repetir una vez los resultados de 1 en las tiradas de d20.
El motivo es el gran número de unos que salen en comunidad umbría. Si la segunda tirada es otro uno, entonces se aplica fallo automático como es normal. Recordad que en este sistema no hay pifias.
Para ver los diferentes títulos: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules...