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La ciénaga

Movimientos y Sistema de Juego

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18/03/2021, 20:00

SAJA-RAJA (pág. 50)

Cuando ataques a un enemigo en combate cuerpo a cuerpo, tira +FUE.
* Con un 10+, haces tu daño al enemigo y además evitas su ataque. A tu elección, puedes hacer +1d6 de daño y exponerte a un ataque del enemigo.
Entre 7 y 9, haces tu daño al enemigo y el enemigo hace un ataque contra ti.

DISPARAR (pág. 52)

Cuando apuntas y disparas contra un enemigo a distancia, tira +DES.
* Con un 10+, consigues un buen disparo, tira daño.
Entre 7 y 9, elige una (elijas la que elijas, también haces daño):
• Tienes que moverte, y eso te pone en peligro. El DJ te lo describirá.
• Te tienes que conformar con lo que tienes: –1d6 daño.
• Tienes que disparar varias veces, reduce en 1 tu munición.


Cuando actúes a pesar de una amenaza inminente o sufras una desgracia, di cómo te enfrentas a ello y tira. Si lo haces…
… mediante fuerza bruta, tira +FUE.
… apartándote o actuando rápido, tira +DES.
… aguantando, tira +CON.
… pensando rápido, tira +INT.
… mediante fortaleza mental, tira +SAB.
… usando tu encanto y habilidad social, tira +CAR.
* Con un 10+ consigues lo que pretendías y la amenaza no surte efecto.
Entre 7 y 9, tropiezas, dudas o no aguantas: el DJ te ofrecerá un resultado peor, un trato difícil o una elección complicada.


Cuando ayudas o entorpeces a alguien, tira +VÍNCULO con él.
* Con un 10+, reciben un +1 o –2 a su tirada, según elijas.
Entre 7 y 9, siguen recibiendo el modificador, pero también te expones a daño, un castigo o un coste.

DEFENDER (pág. 56)

Cuando defiendes a otra persona, objeto o localización que sufra un ataque, tira +CON.
* Con un 10+, recibes 3 puntos.
Entre 7 y 9, recibes 1 punto. Cuando tú o aquello a lo que defiendes sea atacado puedes gastar esos puntos a razón de 1 por cada una de las opciones siguientes:
• Redirigir hacia ti un ataque contra aquello que defiendes.
• Reducir a la mitad el daño o el efecto del ataque.
• Abrir la defensa del atacante a un compañero, que recibe +1 a la siguiente tirada contra el atacante.
• Hacer un daño igual a tu nivel al atacante.


Cuando consultas tus vastos conocimientos sobre un tema, tira +INT.
* Con un 10+, el DJ te dirá algo interesante y útil sobre un tema concerniente a tu situación.
Entre 7 y 9, el DJ te dirá algo interesante. Depende de ti convertirlo en útil. El DJ puede preguntarte «¿Cómo lo sabes?». Dile la verdad.


Cuando estudias detenidamente una situación o persona, tira+sab.
* Con un 10+, haz 3 preguntas de la lista siguiente al DJ.
Entre 7 y 9pregunta 1. En cualquier caso, recibes +1 a la siguiente tirada cuando actúes de acuerdo con las respuestas.
• ¿Qué ha pasado recientemente aquí?
• ¿Qué está a punto de pasar?
• ¿Qué debería estar buscando?
• ¿Qué hay aquí que sea útil o valioso para mí?
• ¿Quién manda aquí realmente?
• ¿Qué hay aquí que no es lo que parece?


Cuando tengas ventaja sobre un personaje del DJ y lo manipules, tira +CAR. La ventaja puede ser algo que quieren o necesitan.
* Con un 10+, hacen lo que les pides si antes les prometes que les darás lo que quieren de ti.
Entre 7 y 9, harán lo que les pides, pero antes querrán pruebas de que cumplirás tu promesa.

Cargando editor
18/03/2021, 20:09



Cuando estás al borde de la muerte llegas a entrever lo que hay más allá de las Puertas Negras del Reino de la Muerte (el DJ te lo describirá). Luego tira (simplemente tira +nada, a la Muerte no le importa lo guay que seas).
* Con un 10+, has engañado a la Muerte. Estás en una situación comprometida, pero sigues vivo.
* Entre 7 y 9, la Muerte te ofrecerá un trato. Acéptalo y te estabilizarás. Recházalo y cruzarás las Puertas Negras rumbo al destino que te aguarde. * Si fallas, tu destino está sellado. Eres propiedad de la Muerte y no tardarás en cruzar el umbral. El DJ te dirá cuándo.


Cuando haces un movimiento cargando peso, puede que tengas algunas dificultades. Si el peso que llevas es:
•• Igual o inferior a tu Carga, no sufres penalización.
•• Mayor que tu Carga, hasta tu Carga+2, recibes –1 hasta que aligeres tu carga.
•• Mayor que tu Carga+2, tienes que elegir entre fallar automáticamente o dejar caer al menos 1 peso y tirar a –1.


Cuando te acomodes para descansar, consume una ración. Si estás en una zona peligrosa, decide el orden de guardia. Puedes subir de nivel si tienes bastantes PX. Cuando te despiertes tras, al menos, unas cuantas horas de sueño ininterrumpido, cúrate tanto daño como la mitad de tus PG máximos.


Cuando estás de guardia y algo se aproxima al campamento, tira +SAB.
* Con un 10+, eres capaz de despertar al campamento para preparar una respuesta, todo el mundo en el campamento recibe +1 a la siguiente tirada.
* Entre 7 y 9, reaccionas un segundo más tarde, tus compañeros en el campamento están despiertos, pero no han tenido tiempo para prepararse. Llevan sus armas y armaduras, pero poco más.
* Si fallas, estás en desventaja ante lo que sea que esté deambulando más allá de la luz de la fogata.


Cuando viajáis a través de territorio hostil, elegid a un miembro del grupo para que actúe como guía, otro como vigía y otro como intendente. Cada personaje con una responsabilidad tira +SAB.
* Con un 10+:
•• El guía reduce la cantidad de tiempo necesaria para alcanzar vuestro destino (el DJ dirá en cuánto).
•• El vigía detectará cualquier problema lo bastante rápido como para permitiros tener ventaja sobre el mismo.
•• El intendente reduce el número de raciones necesarias en 1.
* Entre 7 y 9, cada uno desempeña su tarea adecuadamente: se consume el número normal de raciones, el viaje dura lo esperado y nadie os pilla por sorpresa, pero tampoco lo pilláis vosotros.


Cuando llegas al final de la sesión, escoge un vínculo que creas que haya sido resuelto (que esté completamente explorado, que ya no sea importante u otra cosa). Pregunta al jugador con el que tienes el vínculo si está de acuerdo.
Si lo está, marca PX y anota un nuevo vínculo con quien quieras. Cuando se hayan actualizado todos los vínculos, echa un vistazo a tu alineamiento.Si lo cumpliste al menos una vez a lo largo de la sesión, marca PX. Luego responded juntos estas tres preguntas:
•• ¿Hemos aprendido algo nuevo e importante sobre el mundo?
•• ¿Hemos vencido a un monstruo o enemigo importante?
•• ¿Hemos obtenido un tesoro memorable?
Por cada respuesta afirmativa, todo el mundo marca PX.


Cuando tengas tiempo para descansar (horas o días) y PX iguales (o mayores) a tu nivel actual+7, puedes reflexionar sobre tus experiencias y perfeccionar tus habilidades.
•• Resta 7+tu nivel actual de tu total de PX.
•• Incrementa en 1 tu nivel.
•• Elige un nuevo movimiento avanzado de tu clase.
•• Si eres un mago también puedes añadir un nuevo conjuro a tu libro.
•• Elige una de tus características e increméntala en 1 (eso puede cambiar el modificador). Cambiar la Constitución incrementará tus PG máximos y actuales. Las puntuaciones de las características no pueden ser mayores de 18.


Cuando volváis triunfantes y hagáis una gran fiesta, gastad 100 monedas y tirad +1 por cada 100 monedas adicionales.
* Con un 10+, elegid 3 de las siguientes opciones.
* Entre 7 y 9, elegid 1 de las siguientes opciones.
* Si fallas, elegid 1 de todos modos, pero la situación se os va de las manos (el DJ dirá en qué sentido).
•• Entabláis amistad con un PNJ útil.
•• Oís rumores sobre una oportunidad.
•• Obtenéis alguna información valiosa.
•• No os involucráis en ningún asunto turbio, os hechizan ni engañan.


Cuando vas a comprar algo con dinero, puedes comprarlo al precio de mercado si se trata de algo que esté fácilmente disponible en el asentamiento en el que te encuentres. Si se trata de algo especial, más allá de lo que suele estar disponible, o no mundano, tira +CAR.
* Con un 10+ encuentras lo que buscas a un precio justo.
* Entre 7 y 9, tendrás que pagar más o conformarte con algo que no es exactamente lo que buscas, pero casi. El DJ te dirá cuáles son tus opciones.


Cuando no haces nada salvo descansar en un lugar cómodo y seguro durante un día, recuperas todos tus PG. Tras tres días de descanso puedes borrar una debilidad a tu elección. Si estás bajo los cuidados de un curandero (sea mágico o no), curas una debilidad por cada dos días de descanso.


Cuando haces saber que quieres contratar ayudantes, tira:
•• +1 si haces saber que la paga será generosa.
•• +1 si haces saber qué te propones hacer.
•• +1 si haces saber que tendrán derecho a una parte de lo que sea que encuentres.
•• +1 si tienes una buena reputación por estos lares.
* Con un 10+, puedes elegir entre una serie de solicitantes hábiles y no hay penalización por rechazarlos.
* Entre 7 y 9, tienes que conformarte con alguien que es casi lo que buscas o rechazarlo.
* Si fallas, alguien influyente y poco adecuado para la tarea declara que quiere acompañarte (algún joven temerario, un bala perdida o un enemigo que aún no sabes que lo es, por ejemplo). Llévalo contigo y acepta las consecuencias, o recházalo. Si rechazas solicitantes, recibes –1 a la siguiente tirada de Reclutar.


Cuando vuelves a un lugar civilizado en el que causaste problemas, tira+car. * Con un 10+, se ha corrido la voz de tus actos y todos te reconocen.
* Entre 7 y 9, lo mismo que antes, pero el DJ elige una complicación:
•• Una autoridad local tiene una orden de arresto contra ti.
•• Alguien ha puesto precio a tu cabeza.
•• Alguien importante para ti ha sufrido las consecuencias de tus actos.


Cuando pasas tu tiempo de ocio estudiando, meditando o entrenando duramente, recibes puntos de preparación. Si te preparas durante una semana o más, recibes 1 punto. Si te preparas durante un mes o más, recibes 3 puntos. Cuando tu preparación sea útil, gasta 1 punto de preparación para recibir un +1 a cualquier tirada. Solo puedes gastar 1 punto de preparación por tirada.

Cargando editor
19/03/2021, 20:08


Os indico el enlace a la descarga de los libretos de cada clase desde la página oficial de NosoloRol

Libretos Dungeon World

Los personajes que habéis elegido son de las clases:





Cargando editor
23/09/2021, 22:50

Más movimientos especiales.


Tira +SAB.

  • 10+ detectas y evitas la emboscada.
  • 7–9 detectas la emboscada con tiempo para preparate o huir.
  • 6- caes en la emboscada.


Control Mental

El pj tira +INT/+SAB:

  • 12+: Se libra del control
  • 10-11: 1 punto de reserva
  • 7-9: 3 puntos de reserva
  • 6 El pj se rompe

Cuando el director pida al pj que haga algo debido a ese control, el jugador gasta 1 punto de reserva y realiza la acción, recibiendo a cambio 1 punto de experiencia.



When you venture into the caves of [Delver’s Defile], roll +WIS:

  • On 10+, You find your way to the vein of precious metal deep within, but getting out is another matter
  • On 7-9, you encounter a foul denizen or deadly hazard (ask the GM what).

Obscured Pits/Falls

When you cross [Ghost Hollow on a misty morning], roll +WIS:

  • On 10+, You notice the drop, and not a moment too soon
  • On 7-9, you step into it, but you have a split-second to save yourself from falling to a fate of the GM’s choosing. What do you do?


When you spend a day seeking food in the wild, and your surroundings are not Barren, roll +WIS:

  • 10+ You gain 1d4 rations, +1d4 rations if you have the knowledge and gear needed to trap or hunt.
  • 7-9 As above, but first face a Discovery or Danger of the GM’s choice.
  • 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.


When you travel by a safe route, through safe or dangerous lands, indicate your destination on the map. The GM will tell you how long the trip takes, and what—if anything—happens along the way. When you reach your destination, choose someone to Manage Provisions to determine how many rations were consumed over the course of the trip.

Make Camp

When you settle in to rest, choose one member of the party to Manage Provisions. Then, if you eat and drink, and have enough XP, you may level up. If you’re bedding down in dangerous lands, decide on a watch order. Then, the GM chooses one person on watch during the night to roll +nothing:

  • 10+ The night passes without incident.
  • 7-9 GM chooses 1 from the list below.
  • 6- Everyone marks XP, and a Danger manifests. You’d better Stay Sharp!
    • The person on watch notices a nearby Discovery
    • One party member of the GM’s choice suffers a restless night
    • One or more followers causes trouble
    • A Danger approaches—it’s not immediately hostile, but whoever’s on watch had better Stay Sharp anyway

Stay Sharp

When you wake from at least a few hours of uninterrupted sleep, and you ate and drank the night before, heal damage equal to half of your max HP.

Undertake a Perilous Journey

When you travel through dangerous lands, and not on a safe route, indicate the course you want to take on the map and ask the GM how far you should be able to get before needing to Make Camp. If you’re exploring with no set destination, indicate which way you go. Then, choose one party member to Scout Ahead and one to Navigate, resolving those moves in that order.

Scout Ahead

When you take point and look for anything out of the ordinary, roll +WIS:

  • 10+ Choose 2 from the list below.
  • 7-9 Choose 1 from the list below.
  • 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.
    • You get the drop on whatever lies ahead
    • You discern a beneficial aspect of the terrain—shortcut, shelter, or tactical advantage (describe it)
    • You make a Discovery (ask the GM)
    • You notice sign of a nearby Danger —ask the GM what it is, and what it might signify

Suggested GM Moves for Scout Ahead

  • Soft Moves
    • The weather worsens
    • Scout attracts unwanted attention
    • Scout becomes lost
  • Hard Moves
    • Scout encounters a Danger
    • Scout is ambushed
    • The rest of the party is ambushed
    • Scout is captured or trapped
    • Scout suffers an injury


When you plot the best course through dangerous or unfamiliar lands, roll +INT:

  • 10+ You avoid dangers and distractions and make good time, reaching a point of the GM’s choosing before you need to Make Camp.
  • 7-9 GM chooses 1 from the list below.
  • 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.
    • You happen upon a Discovery missed by the scout
    • The going is slow, or you wander off course. The GM says which, and where you end up on the map
    • You encounter a Danger; whether or not you’re surprised depends on whether the scout has the drop on it

Suggested GM Moves for Navigate

  • Soft Moves
    • The weather worsens
    • They’re being followed
    • They must backtrack, losing valuable time
  • Hard Moves
    • Someone slips and is injured
    • They stumble into a Danger
    • hey get lost

Manage Provisions

  • When you prepare and distribute food for the party, roll +WIS:
  • 10+ Choose 1 from the list below.
    • Careful management reduces the amount of rations consumed (ask the

GM by how much)

    • The party consumes the expected amount and the food you prepare is excellent—describe it, and everyone

who licks their lips takes +1 forward

  • 7-9 The party consumes the expected amount of rations (1 per person

if Making Camp, 1 per person per day if making a Journey).

  • 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.

Suggested GM Moves on Manage Provisions

  • Soft Moves
    • They bicker over ration shares
    • Local animal life is attracted by food
    • Someone becomes weak until they eat 1 additional ration
  • Hard Moves
    • Water is discovered to be tainted or poisonous
    • 1d4 rations are lost due to spoilage or over-consumption
    • Someone gets food poisoning and becomes shaky and sick
    • Nearby Danger is attracted by food


Hunker Down

When you take shelter to wait out the elements, choose 1 party member to roll +nothing:

  • 10+ It doesn’t take long for things to clear up.
  • 7-9 Things aren’t going to change any time soon. You can Forge Ahead, or Make Camp here for the night and hope things have changed by morning.
  • 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.

Forge Ahead

When you push on despite powerful opposition from the elements, roll +CON:

  • 10+ You go as far as you are able before needing to pause for a rest.
  • 7-9 Choose 1 from the list below.
  • 6- Mark XP, and GM makes a move.
    • You go as far as you are able, but overtax yourself and become weak, shaky, or sick (choose one).
    • You go as far as you are able, but the weather takes its deepest toll on your gear (ask the GM how).
    • On second thought, maybe you’re better off staying put.

If you make progress, ask the GM where you end up on the map, and if the weather shows any sign of relenting.

Adventurer vs Adventurer

When you attempt to best a fellow party member in a conflict, you both roll+STAT.

  • On a 10+, you have shown off your skill and your opponent has not gained any advantage over you.
  • On a 7-9, you have put up an impressive display but your opponent has also been able to deal some blows, learn a weakness, or somehow gain an edge over you. Describe how and you gain -1 ongoing until the contest ends (stacking).
  • On a 6-, the contest ends, either because you have lost or you have been interrupted by something terrible.


When you cross swords for honor, roll +STR or +DEX. *On a 10+, hold 3, on 7-9 hold 2 and the enemy gains a touch on you. You may spend hold on the following:

  • Draw a small amount of blood, dealing 1 point of damage (2 hold).
  • Avoid the enemy's strikes (1 hold)
  • Touch the opponent without drawing blood (sometimes duels are to a certain number of touches, rather than blood)

*On a 6-, choose one of the following: 

  • You took the enemy's normal damage roll, and lost the duel.
  • You dealt your normal damage roll, and offend some witness for not showing restraint.




When you take damage from fire (incidental damage, not damage from a creature), you take…

  • 1d4 damage if it’d cause small, localized burns: a torch, a sleeve on fire, etc.
  • 1d6 damage if it’d cause sizeable, painful burns: a campfire, a brazier full of hot coals, getting splashed with flaming lamp oil, etc.
  • 1d8 damage if it’s a big and engulfing: a bonfire, a house fire
  • 1d10 damage if it’s incinerating: hellfire, a roaring wildfire, lava

When you stop, drop, and rollroll +CON:

  • On 10+, the flames go out, but the GM might ask you to pick 1 if you were seriously lit up
  • On 7-9, the flames go out but the GM picks 1, and might ask you to pick another
    • Mark a debility : Weakened, Shaky, Sickened, or Scarred (your choice)
    • Something you were wearing burns up; ask the GM what
    • Take damage from the flames; ask the GM how much
  • On a 6-, burn, baby, burn. Roll additional damage as well as anything else the GM does.



Crafting new spells

When you create a spell for your spell book (one not available on your class spell list), tell the GM what you’re trying to achieve. The GM will give you one to four of the following conditions:

  • It’s going to take days/weeks/months
  • First you must ____
  • You’ll need help from ____
  • It will require a lot of money
  • It will also require _____
  • The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited
  • It will cost you a point of ____
  • You’ll have to disenchant ____ to do it


When you finish spell research, roll+Int

  • On 10+, the spell is created and works as intended
  • On 7-9, choose two
    • The spell research is successful but costs you a point of Constitution
    • The spell research is successful but costs you a point of Intelligence
    • Complication of sorts (?)
    • Complication of sorts (?)
  • On 6- the spell research is ruined and must be started again as well as any other moves the GM takes

Discerning Trouble Ahead

When you announce a significantly dangerous ability {or resource} a potential foe is rumored to have, roll + WIS.

  • On 10+, that rumor is probably true; should you ever find that it is, your foreknowledge lets you take +1 when acting in response. Meanwhile, right now the GM will tell you a weakness that foe also has; you take +1 forward the first time you act on either the rumor or revealed weakness.
  • On 7-9, that rumor is probably correct, and your foreknowledge will grant +1forward if you ever have to act in response.
  • On 6-, who knows how reliable that rumor is? Moreover, right now the GM will reveal an unwelcome truth .


Resist Disease

When you make camp while afflicted by a disease and try to resist the effects, roll +CON

  • On a 10+, the disease stage is reduced by 1.
  • On a 7-9+, the disease stage remains the same.
  • On a miss, the disease stage is increased by 1.

A disease normally starts at stage 1. If the disease enters a new stage, the effects of the new stage normally stacks with the effects of the old one. When a disease reaches stage 3, the effects are permanent unless a cured is found.


Don't You Know Who I Am?

When you try to cite songs of past exploits or your reputation to gain favor with someone roll+Nothing.

  • On a 10+, they've heard the songs of your dauntless skill and bravery and are wowed by your reputation. Take +1 forward. Tell us what they've heard.
  • On a 7-9, choose one:
    • They've heard of you, but it wasn't in the most favorable light. Whatever you did, it was foolish/scandalous/embarrassing. Still, at least it was entertaining. Take +1 forward. Tell us what they've heard.
    • Your deed may be mighty, but your publicity needs some work. This person has never heard of you.
  • On 6-, they've heard of you, but it was nothing good. Perhaps they're an old rival stoking a grudge, or they've only heard of your brutal, murderous ways. Tell us what they know.



When you spend some time fishing in a spot where the fish are biting, roll+WIS.

  • On 7-9, you take in enough to feed yourself and your companions; these count as rations if you Make Camp in that same day.
  • If you roll 10+, choose 1 additional:
    • You find a mysterious item as you clean your catch – an engraved ring, a crystal key, a treasure map, or whatever the GM tells you
    • One of the fish you reel in speaks your tongue, and offers you a boon if you will spare its life.
    • You gain a new understanding of a companion that fishes with you – you can rewrite a bond you have with them, or they can rewrite a bond they have with you
    • You attract the attention of a curious and mostly benign creature or spirit.
    • One of these fish swam through the Well of Wisdom in the land of Faerie; the next time you Spout Lore, treat a 6- as a partial success.
    • You become familiar with the countryside and wildlife around you – take +1 ongoing to whichever role you choose when you Undertake a Perilous Journey in this area.
    • Tell the GM what person, place, or thing you recently encountered and are spending your time thinking about, and ask them one question from the Discern Realities list about it.


Love Letter

Un movimiento creado específicamente para un jugador o el grupo con el que se intenta establecer el resultado de alguna acción, proyecto o proceder abordado durante bastante tiempo (Por ejemplo, algo que cueste meses de trabajo). La spersonas implicadas tirarán los 2d6 de rigor y sumarán el bono de la habilidad que parezca más apropiada para su manera de abordar el desafío.
Como es usual, un resultado de 10+ es perfecto, e soluciona el conflicto y se obtiene alguna ventaja adicional, con 7-9 se puede haber logrado el objetivo, pero a cambio de un alto coste, y con 6- se falla o los costes exceden lo conseguido.
También se pueden emplear al inicio de una partida para implicar a los personajes o para introducir a un personaje si lleva tiempo sin participar en la partida.
En ocasiones pueden ofrecer varias posibles opciones negativas para el jugador/grupo. Si sacan 10+ escogen una opción, con 7-9 escogen dos opciones, y con 6- el director escoge dos opciones.


Mind Control


When you are compelled to act against your will, mark XP if you act as bidden. If you resist, roll +WIS:

  • On 10+, you shake off the compulsion and act as you wish;
  • On 7-9, choose 1:
    • Stand dazed, fighting for control of your mind
    • Start acting as compelled but stop yourself at the last moment
    • Harm yourself to regain control (1d6 damage, ignores armor)
  • On a 6-, you come to your senses having done gods-know-what.

Under The Influence

When you are ensorcelled, beguiled, or charmed, ask the GM to describe what the enchantment would have you do (such as “keep the secret of the Blue Idol,” “please the dryad and earn her affection,” “treat Bargle as a trusted friend and confidant,” or “burn it all down”). Write this directive down, along with as many boxes as the GM says

  • 1 box for a weak enchantment
  • 3 for a powerful one
  • 5 for a truly mighty one).

While you are so enchanted, the GM gains this move:
Compel them to act on their enchantment When you act according to your enchantment, without being compelled to do so, mark XP. Each session, you can mark XP this way only once per box you have drawn (marked or not). When you would act contrary to your enchantment, it compels you to do otherwise. When you resist the compulsion of your enchantment and roll a 10+, mark one of the boxes. If you roll a 6-, add another box. When you mark the last box, you break free.


Navigating The Lower Depths

When navigating the Lower Depths, spend 1 ration per party member and roll + WIS.

  • On a 10+, choose 3.
  • On a 7-9, choose 2.
  • On 6 or less, choose 1 in addition to whatever else the GM says.
    • You don't become so lost you cannot return to where you started from;
    • You are not ambushed;
    • You find what you are looking for;
    • You don't spend an extra day (and an extra ration per party member) finding your way;
    • You discover something unexpected and useful.


Prowling about

When you move silently and hidden from sight, hold 3 Cloak. When you risk revealing your presence while holding Cloak, roll 2d6+ Cloak :

  • On a 10+, you remain undetected.
  • On a 7-9, choose 1 (the GM will fill in the details):
    • You arouse suspicion and lose 1 Cloak.
    • You are spotted but have the drop on them.
    • You stumble on an obstacle you did not expect.
    • You leave behind incriminating evidence.
  • On a 6-, lose 1 Cloak in addition to whatever the GM says.

When your Cloak reaches 0, the jig is up.


Reaction check

When you approach a wary or hostile NPC and try to communicate, roll +CHA:

  • on 10+, they'll hear you out and choose 2
  • on 7-9, they'll hear you out and choose 1
    • They are impressed, intrigued, or amused by you, as the GM sees fit (otherwise, they remain wary or hostile)
    • You've got their complete attention, for now at least (otherwise, they remain alert)
    • You glean a valuable insight; ask a question from the Discern Realities list at take +1 forward to act on the answer


Read the Fates

Divination can be added to a custom playbook or added as a custom move for anyone with a mundane or magical oracle device and the skill at using it.

During Make Camp, you can spend some time (an hour or two) attempting divination. Ask a question about the most likely fate of a specific person, location or object.  Roll 2d6 + WIS.

  • On a 10+, you receive (from the GM) a detailed vision of images, sounds, smells, etc., of the object of your query and can ask 3 additional questions that the GM will answer honestly.  If any unleashed Grim Portents involve the object, that information may be introduced by the GM if it seems relevant.  
  • On a 7-9, you are presented with somewhat nebulous and hard to interpret visions of the object of your query and can ask 1 additional question.  
  • On a 6-, you are presented a disturbing or unclear vision in addition to any GM move. 


Replacing a Signature Weapon

When you acquire a new weapon to replace your lost signature weapon , Roll +Int

  • On 10+ You are able to quickly adapt to this new weapon. It fits you almost as well as your lost Signature Weapon. Choose the new base description, range, and look. Then choose 1 new enhancement from the normal signature list. After your nextMake Camp or Recover move, choose the second enhancement.
  • On 7-9: This weapon may be similar, but it's just not the same. Use a d8 damage die until your next "Make Camp" or "Recover" move. This becomes your new Signature Weapon after a few modifications (spend 100 coin in a city with a blacksmith).
  • On 6-: This weapon is nothing at all like you are used to. Use a d8 damage die until your next "make camp" or "Recoer" move. This weapon will never become your Signature Weapon. If hunting for a new weapon using the Supply move, treat all 6- as a 7-9


Scouting Ahead

When you go off on your own to explore a dangerous area, tell us how you do it then Roll+:

  • DEX if you rely on stealth and agility
  • CON if your path is one of hardship and endurance
  • CHA if you blend in with the locals

On a 7+, you make it back safely and the GM will describe what you encountered. Then:

  • On 10+ pick 3:
  • On 7-9 pick 1:
    • Ask a question from Discern Realities about what you encountered (you can choose this more than once)
    • You were able to sneak something out of there; ask the GM what
    • You made some preparation or created some advantage to exploit upon your return; work out the details with the GM
    • You got away clean: leaving no trace, rousing no suspicion, etc.

Regardless of your choices, answer the GMs questions about what happened out there. On a 6-, mark XP and choose 1 plus anything else the GM does:

  • You make it back to the others but with trouble hot on your heels!
  • You're missing in action; the details will be revealed late


Seek Out

When you go looking for someone you know, describe them and roll+CHA:

  • On 10+, choose 2
  • On a 7-9, choose 1
    • You don’t owe them a favor
    • They’re not already in some sort of trouble
    • They don’t have a dangerous secret
  • On 6- The GM might wish you’d never found them in the first place.


Serving Notice

When you warn people (NPCs) of an Impending Doom or Grim Portent ...Roll+CHA

  • On a 10, they believe you and do what they can to help.
  • On a 7-9 pick one:
    • They are hesitant to believe you until there is more evidence.
    • Some panic and do something foolish.
    • The trouble will arrive sooner than any expected.


Strength of Will

When being questioned while under the effects of (the Truthspeak spell, the Grand Inquisitor of Elik the Reaping's gaze, too much booze, etc) roll + CHR and obey the results for the remainder of the conversation.

  • 10 + : Your character can say whatever they like.
  • 7-9 : Your character cannot directly lie, but can lie by omission or balance their statements to give false impressions.
  • 6- : Not only can you not lie, either in spirit or literally, you feel compelled to answer any questions. You also blurt out something ... unfortunate... and true. The GM may 'help' you with coming up with your error.



When you go to build or create something never seen before, tell the GM what you are trying to invent and what it does. The GM will give you one or more of the following conditions and costs:

  • It requires considerable study
  • You need someone else's expertise to see it to completion
  • The components are rare and hard to come by
  • The components are expensive
  • It will take a very long time.
  • It will require continuous experimentation. 


Trouble Ahead

When you announce a significantly dangerous ability a potential foe is rumored to have, roll + WIS:

  • On 10+, that rumor is probably true; should you ever find that it is, your foreknowledge lets you take +1 when acting in response. Meanwhile, right now the GM will tell you a weakness that foe also has; you take +1 acting on that knowledge, too.
  • On 7-9, that rumor is probably correct, but your foreknowledge will let you take +1 if you ever have to act in response.
  • On 6-, who knows how reliable that rumor is? Moreover, right now the GM will reveal an unwelcome truth as well as any other action.


Working Together

When you Defy Danger as a group, acting despite the same imminent threat or suffering the same calamity, roughly describe your strategy and you each roll +stat.

  • On 10+, you get someone else out of a spot, if you can tell us how.
  • On 7-9, you get through just fine
  • On 6-, you find yourself in a spot, tell us how you got there; if you roll a 6- and someone else saves you, don’t mark XP.