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Inglis pitinglis - Taller de inglés para Umbrianos

Monthly Task Nr 7 - New Year´s Resolutions

Cargando editor
02/01/2017, 20:14

Task: New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! This task is to celebrate the tradition of making promises and setting goals for the upcoming year. More often than not, these Resolutions do not get done. But we have 12 months ahead of us to make them happen.

Basically, we are looking for a list of resolutions (no more than 10 or 12), maybe using different grammatical constructions. Some positive and some negative (eg. I will try exercise more, I shall not fight with my cat over the sofa). You can make it funny or witty or sign as a fictional character.

Cargando editor
06/01/2017, 18:07

Happy New Year, guys!

My list of New Year's Resolutions is not long, because if I can't make them, I would feel bad and frustrated, so since several years I prefer a short one.

My first resolution is not to listen to people who say to me bad things. For example: "I don't think you will be able to do it" or "you are wasting your time". Things like that which people say without thinking that they hurt. A lot. So, I'll pass about that stuff, and I will try (" don't try it, just do it" XDXD) to do what I think it is the better for me, and I won't listen to people who have their own opinion about me. Sometimes they aren't opinions. Sometimes they are just bad looks or expressions. Somehow, they hurt too. So, that is my first resolution.

My second resolution is studying a lot. I do study a lot, but I need good marks to get a grant to continue studying the next year. So, if I have a good mark, I will more possibilities to get grants. I currently have one, so I'll try to keep it for the next year.

My third resolution is studying again, but in this case it's for the police public examination (I think it's the name XDXD). I would like to get in the national police department, if there is call this year (which I think so). Thus I have to study a lot.

My others resolutions are about lenguages. I want to improve in English, and I want to star learning Japanese. I love this lenguage and I have two books (about grammar and about kanjis), and it would make me very happy learning the first steeps in Japanese.

And, I guess it's all :D

Notas de juego

Celo phone, sorry ^^U

Cargando editor
06/01/2017, 22:48

1-I won't appear in toasts, pancakes or any kind of stain any more. Maybe is fun to see people freak out, but it is a bit childish. Fine, one more time and I'm done with it.

2-I will write a definitive version of the Book. No more patching up old versions, I will write it from zero and I'll do it right from the start. I will call it The Natilla Holly Book.

3-I'll try to find a new spokesperson, with appeal to a wide range of demographics. Maybe one without a beard this time, just to add a bit of variety. And one that won't be easily burned, staked, decapitated, stoned or eated by a whale. Note to Myself: check if Tia Carrere is interested.

4-I will create an even better beetle.

Notas de juego

I don't make any New Year's Resolution, so I thought that I could make a list for other person. First person in guessing who will get a no prize.

Cargando editor
09/01/2017, 13:52
Captain Vari

I suposse...

1- Improve my english level.

2- Obtein a new certificate about language.

3- Pass all my exams.

4- Enjoy with my partners in Comunidad Umbria.

5- I will complete my new book of game.

Cargando editor
24/01/2017, 16:57

I didn't make new year's resolutions, but I suppose the people around me had made some of these new year's resolutions:

  • I'll talk to her and I'll let her know that we don't think a jedi braid is an adecuated hair style for someone who works in a bank (My boss)
  • I wont stay near the school when the class was over, so I wont have to answer my class mates why a mother (MY mother) wears a green lantern t-shirt (My son)
  • I have to ask mum if she could speak about cooking, fashion, shadows&grey... or any other things that are common conversation between the others mums. (My daughter)
  • I'll open an Umbria account, so she will make me a rol game (My husband)
  • I'll buy her a flowered tablecloth for her birthday... as any other year (My mother-in-law)

Notas de juego

Completely fictional, of course

Cargando editor
28/01/2017, 15:47

I am not used to making an New Year’s Resolutions, but here goes a few which are Role-Playing and Umbria related.

1) Not to have more than two games open simultaneously as a director

2) Not to consider a games which is “almost finished” as finished for purposes of rule nr 1.

3) Not to participate in more than four games as a player.

4) Yes, low pace counts for number 3.

5) Try to have at least one English language game going (either as a player or as GM)

6) Do some tabletop role-playing, at least 6 times in the year (I’m not aiming very high here, just being realistic)

7) Try out at least two RPG systems I have not played before

8) Finish the English workshop tasks at least 2 days before the deadline (phew, close call here)