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La noche de los ciervos


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24/02/2023, 00:14
Sólo para el director

Si no maten a ningú:

-Bray Martikova els ajuda


Si maten a algú:

-Bray Martikova no els ajuda

-Geraldina y Tamara es converteixen en aliats.

Cargando editor
28/02/2023, 20:34
Sólo para el director

Characters asking about the deer attack will learn Arik swas
working during the incident. Cholton was eating dinner with his
grandfather before going outside to play. When Rugini left the
tavern to fetch his grandson, he screamed and carried the unconscious
boy into the tavern, yelling that the deer attacked his
grandson behind the tavern.
Rugini took away the boy before a healer could help him. Arik
noticed there were tears on Cholton’s clothes, but no blood. One
of the tavern’s owners, Sorivia, tried to help, but Rugini turned
her away and threatened litigation against the tavern.
Characters who step outside to investigate the scene don’t need
to make a check. They’ll find numerous deer tracks around the
area where the boy was attacked.


Cholton desaparegut atacat per cervols pero en veritat va intentar protegir a Antigua Madre de Rugini i per això aquest el va atacar.

Cargando editor
09/04/2023, 10:44
Sólo para el director

Buck no podia parlar ni transformar-se degut al collar. Un home llop va matar a Antiga Mare i a molts cèrvols. Aquests han intentat trobar al culpable però la gent de Barovia lluita. Cholton desaparegut atacat per cervols pero en veritat va intentar protegir a Antigua Madre de Rugini i per això aquest el va atacar.

Cargando editor
14/04/2023, 00:53
Sólo para el director

Notas de juego