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La maldición Dalesiana I

Datos de la partida

Cargando editor
11/05/2010, 18:45
Sólo para el director

Solo para el director.

Cargando editor
11/05/2010, 19:02
Sólo para el director

Escenas de Dragon Age



Creación de personajes

Sistema de juego




Atributos y Especializaciones




Escenario de  juego


Cargando editor
29/06/2010, 08:44
Sólo para el director

Apuntados ritmo alto

  • Argolyn - Historia recibida
  • emssions - Historia recibida
  • Solomon Kane
  • Magnitito - Historia recibida
  • davshn
  • Halatiryon - Historia recibida
  • Adjany - Historia recibida

Apuntados ritmo medio

  • manu_sixx - Historia recibida
  • Dalamoth
  • Barrett
  • Galthor
  • banfan - Historia recibida
  • Raziel2902 - Historia recibida
  • 666KÂLÜM666 - Historia recibida
  • fingulod - Historia recibida

Pases VIP

  • Marsh
  • Red Demon
  • potty
  • Hefros
  • deathsoft
  • alatazz

Interesados en sustituciones

  • Dalamoth (no parece mostrar interes, no responde al MP).
  • Barrett  (no parece mostrar interes, no responde al MP).
  • Galthor (no parece mostrar interes, no responde al MP).
  • Mortarion


Cargando editor
30/06/2010, 01:09
Sólo para el director
Cargando editor
30/06/2010, 01:14
Sólo para el director
Cargando editor
30/06/2010, 01:15
Sólo para el director
Cargando editor
13/12/2010, 21:48
Sólo para el director

Se cambia Mythal por Elgar'nan, Dios elfo de la venganza.

El demonio se llamará Elgar'len en vez de Mythallen.

Cargando editor
27/03/2011, 10:33
Sólo para el director

“As you may know, our band visited this village
just two weeks ago, during their harvest festival. We
were welcomed, then, but there was a bit of trouble:
some of the locals had too much to drink, and there
was a confrontation with some of our young men.
Harsh words were exchanged, and Harralan, one
of our hunters, attacked the big blacksmith. The village
warden separated them before it could get out
of hand, but still the damage was done. We were no
longer welcome here and we moved on as soon as
the festival ended.
“Harralan was angry at our treatment, but our elders
assigned him the duty of scouting as we made our
way through the Brecilian Forest, to give him time
to cool off. He was the first to disappear—he simply
didn’t return from his scouting one night.
“Then other scouts and hunters began to go missing,
as did the ones sent to look for them. The elders
decided we should go back, but by then it
was too late.
“Three days after Harralan disappeared, before we
could reach the edge of the forest, they attacked our
camp: darkspawn emerging from the trees in the
dead of night. My people were taken. Those who
fought were beaten or killed. I was captured along
48 The Dalish Curse
with the rest, taken to an ancient ruin in a rift valley
deep in the forest, off the trails. The master of the
darkspawn is a creature, an abomination. He calls
himself Mythallen, which in our tongue means
“child of vengeance”. I was brought before him,
and then to his chambers. I managed to escape, taking
the broken link of silver I found laid out as if
on a shrine.
“The darkspawn pursued me, accompanied by a
pack of baying beasts. I was wounded, but managed
to avoid them, hiding among the trees and
gullies in the forest for more than a day, always
moving, never resting for long. I stumbled upon
the farm where you found me and managed to
conceal myself in the hayloft. I heard some of the
farmers coming… The darkspawn must have attacked.
I remember the terrible screams… Then
nothing until you found me.
“Please… You must help my people! Mythallen
and his creatures must be stopped!”

Cargando editor
19/04/2011, 15:50
Sólo para el director

Como habréis podido averiguar, nuestro grupo visitó esta aldea hace dos semanas, durante su festival de la cosecha. Nos dieron la bienvenida, pero tuvo lugar un pequeño incidente. Algunos aldeanos bebieron demasiado y tuvieron un altercado con algunos jovenes dalesianos. Intercambiaron algunas palabras subidas de tono, y Harralan, uno de nuestros cazadores, atacó al enorme herrero. La guardia de la aldea les separó antes de que llegarán a las manos, pero el daño ya estaba hecho. Dejamos de ser bienvenidos aquí y nos marchamos en cuanto terminó el festival.

Harralan se enfadó por cómo nos trataron, pero nuestros ancianos le asignaron la tarea de explorar el camino a través del Bosque de Brecilia, de forma que tuviese tiempo de calmarse. Fue el primero en desaparecer; simplemente no regresó una noche.

Después empezaron a perderse otros exploradores y cazadores a medidas que eran enviados en su busca. Los ancianos decidieron volver, pero ya era demasiado tarde.

Tres días tras la desaparición de Harralan, antes de poder alcanzar el linde del bosque, atacaron nuestro campamento. Los engendros tenebrosos surgieron de los árboles en mitad de la noche. Mi gente fue apresada. Los que lucharon fueron abatidos o muertos. Yo fui caputarada junto a los demás, y nos llevaron a unas antiguas ruinas en un precipicio en las profundidades del bosque, lejos de las sendas. El amo de los engendros es una abominación. Se hace llamar Elgar'len, "Chiquillo de la venganza" en nuestra lengua. Fui llevada ante él, a sus aposentos. Conseguí escapar, llevándome la cadena rota de plata que encontré en lo que parecía un pequeño templo.

Los engendros me persiguieron, acompañados de bestias aullantes. Fui herida pero me las arreglé para evitarles escondiéndome entre los árboles y las zanjas del bosque durante más de un día, siempre en movimiento, sin apenas descanso. Di con la granja donde me hallásteis y conseguí esconderme en el granero. Oí que venían algunos granjeros... debieron atacarles los engendros. Recuerdo los horribles alaridos... después la nada, hasta que me encontrásteis.

¡Por favor, debéis ayudar a mi gente! ¡Debéis detener a Elgar'len y sus criaturas!

Cargando editor
13/06/2011, 14:34
Sólo para el director

Camináis todo el día por sendas del bosque, a veces senderos bien definidos y a veces simples caminos serpenteantes utilizados por animales. Finalmente al anochecer llegáis al campamento dalesiano.

Las coloridas carretas están dispuestas formando un círculo alrededor de un fuego que hace tiempo que no son más que cenizas frías. Fuera de dicho círculo véis el cadáver de un caballo de tiro mordisqueado por carroñeros del bosque, y tanto las carretas como los restos diseminados por el campamento muestran signos de lucha.

Al acercaros podéis ver taburetes volcados, utensilios de cociona rotos y una olla de hierro tirada en el suelo que en algún momento estuvo golgada de un trípode en el fuego. Aún tiene algo de guiso en el fondo, pero la mayor parte ya ha sido rapiñado.

 Tirada de Percepción (rastreo) a NO 9.

Investigación del campamento dalesiano.

Dado del Dragón Información
1 Algunos carroamtos muestran signos de haber sido golpeados. Las huellas de cascos indican que la mayoría de los caballos huyeron en un momento dado, probablemente asustados por el ataque.
2-3 Hay rastros de gotas de sangre reseca, donde seguramente yacería algún herido. Por el tamaño de algunas, habría varios muertos, pero no una canicería. A pesar de todo, no hay cuerpos ni restos.
4-5 Hay huellas y surcos en el suelo. Muestran que unos veinte se marcharon o fueron sacados a rastras de allí. Parece que todos los cadáveres fueron arrastrados.
6 las huellas toman rumbo sur-sureste, y esto coincide con el mapa que os dibujó Eshara. Por lo que se ve, todas las huellas pertenecen a los elfos. No hay rastro de ninguna dejada por sus asaltantes. Es fácil seguir las huellas.

2. The Dalish Camp
Exploration Encounter
After traveling for most of the day, the group comes
across the remains of the Dalish encampment, not far
off the track in the forest. The elves’ colorful wagons
are circled around the remains of a campfire in a shallow
pit, long since turned to cold ashes. The carcass
of at least one carthorse lies outside the circle of wag-
ons, picked over by forest scavengers, and the wagons
themselves as well as the debris scattered around the
camp show signs of a struggle.
Closer examination shows overturned campstools, broken
mugs and crockery, and an overturned iron cauldron
that once hung from a tripod over the fire. A small
amount of spoiled stew still sits in the bottom, but most
of it has spilled and been consumed by scavengers.
Further examination of the camp can turn up the following
information. Any character searching through
the site can make a TN 9 Perception (Tracking) test.
Successful characters notice further detail depending on
the result of the Dragon Die. Consult the Dalish Camp
Investigation table on the previous page. Provide the
player with all of the information listed for that result
and the lesser ones. So, for example, a Dragon Die result
of 4 provides the information for the 3–4 entry and
that of 1 and 2–3.
Searching the wagons does also turn up the elves’ remaining
valuables, mainly coin earned during the Vintiver
harvest festival and personal items like jewelry. It
amounts to 34 sp, assuming the characters are mercenary
enough to loot the belongings of the people they
are supposed to be saving, that is.

Dalish Camp Investigation
Dragon Die Information
1 Some of the wagons show signs of being
broken into, such as smashed or kicked in
doors. Hoof prints show that most of the
carthorses ran off at some point, probably
panicked by the attack.
2–3 There are traces of dried blood in spots,
indicating there were at least some
wounded. From the size of some of the
spots, there were probably at least a few
deaths, but not a wholesale slaughter. In
spite of that, there are no elven bodies or
remains at the campsite.
4–5 Footprints and drag marks on the ground
show a large number (over twenty) were
marched or carried away from the site,
including some that were dragged over the
ground. It is likely any dead bodies were
dragged or carried away as well.
6 The tracks lead off towards the southsoutheast,
in the direction shown on
Eshara’s crude map. Interestingly, all the
footprints appear to belong to the elves.
There is no sign of which, if any, were
made by their attackers. It is a fairly easy
matter to follow the tracks.

Cargando editor
24/02/2012, 10:22
Cargando pj

After the final battle against Mythallen’s forces and
the confrontation with the rage abomination, the dust
settles and you can wrap up any remaining threads of
the story.
The villagers aid the surviving Dalish (perhaps with
some encouragement from stalwarts like the PCs, Warden
Tarl, and Vintiver’s priestess Sister Arda). Any
darkspawn left behind at the Keep are destroyed at the
same time as the abomination that created them, and
any elves the PCs were forced to leave behind find their
way to the village (or are met by search parties in the
forest), allowing them to reunite with their freed loved
The state of the village depends on the PCs’ actions.
If they killed Coalan and his followers early in the
adventure then Mythallen’s attack will have caused
much more damage. More villagers are dead and many
buildings are burned down. If the blacksmith and his
men were not killed, they were able to blunt Mythallen’s
attack until the PCs showed up, and the village is
thus in better shape. There are still losses, but it could
have been much worse.
The people of Vintiver are naturally grateful to the PCs
for the protection of their village, even more so if the
PCs managed to save Vintiver with minimal loss of
life and property. They can expect to be treated well
any time they visit. The villagers provide whatever assistance
the characters need in the form of rest and

recovery, free food and lodging, and the equivalent of
50 silvers each in equipment and supplies—as much as
the villagers can spare. This is reduced to 25 silvers if
the party killed Coalan early in the adventure.
If Coalan survives, he is quite contrite with the characters
and offers them his skills in repairing any of
their damaged equipment such as weapons or armor,
perhaps even offering to make them new items, if they
plan to spend some additional time in Vintiver. If Coalan
does not survive (perhaps dying a hero’s death in
defense of Vintiver), then Dorn Mullin, his apprentice,
takes on the duties of village smith and makes them the
same offer.
The Dalish are also quite grateful for their rescue from
the rage abomination, especially if the PCs managed
to free most or all of the revengers from Mythallen’s
thrall without having to kill them. At the very least, the
Dalish make the characters adopted members of their
clan, offering them tokens showing them to be vhenallin,
or “friends of the People.” If the party wishes, they
may travel with the Dalish as part of their caravan,
giving them companions along the route to their next
adventure, and a kind of mobile “home base.” If not,
they are still welcome around the Dalish’s campfire at
any time.