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4. Secret Wars (Turnos Domingo)

Bombardeo y Torretas

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13/08/2022, 10:51

Escena para ataques aereos , bombardeo y uso de torretas de base

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13/08/2022, 10:56

Fighter jets have machine guns (Ranged Multiattack Damage 6) and air-to-air missiles (Ranged Damage 11, Burst Area 8, Homing 6).

Cloaking Device: A vehicle may have a “cloaking device” granting Concealment from visual senses. Some vehicles may also have Concealment from auditory senses or things such as radar, giving them a “stealth mode.” 4 points (normal vision or all of another sense type) or 8 points(all visualsenses).

Torreta:Comes equipped with a cannon (Ranged Damage 10, Burst Area 6) and a heavy machine gun (Ranged Multiattack Damage 6). It takes a move action to get into or out of a tank, and another move action to start it up

Homing missiles are self-guided, locking onto the target using some type of sensor, and then tracking to follow the target until the missile hits. This gives the missile the Homing extra based on a particular sense, typically infravision for “heat-seeking” missiles and accurate radio for radarguided ones

A Multiattack effect allows you to hit multiple targets, or a single target multiple times, in the same standard action. Multiattack can apply to any effect requiring an attack check. There are three ways in which a Multiattack effect can be used: SINGLE TARGET To use a Multiattack against a single target, make your attack check normally. If successful, increase the attack’s resistance check DC by +2 for two degrees of success, and +5 for three or more. This circumstance bonus does not count against power level limits. If an Impervious Resistance would ignore the attack before any increase in the DC, then the attack still has no effect as usual; a volley of multiple shots is no more likely to penetrate Impervious Resistance than just one.

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13/08/2022, 12:31

skill vehicles mistica +8+5cloacking=+13  vs spawn vehicles +7 (con posible aid de doom +6)>+2=+9

1 tirada enfrentada cada 1 misil de 10 > turnos previos spawn +1 desplazarse spawn hasta torreta+2entra e iniciar torreta

myst        32 15 19    31 14 28 31 (1+13)X2) 

spawn                       15 16 23 12 12 28 

diferencia 32 15 19     16 2* 5 19  2  14*   

fuerza/defensa/dureza:  torreta y nave 10/6/8 7+ ultima tirada =8 >>>myst tira la torre de spawn

- Tiradas (11)