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Midway Nocturno

Armamento y Objetos

Cargando editor
14/02/2011, 16:22

Notas de juego

Cargando editor
15/03/2011, 11:25

En esta escena incluiré equipamiento, en especial armamento y vehículos. Para ahorrar tiempo he decidido colgar las tablas en inglés.

El coste se expresa mediante •, por ejemplo si pone que cuesta •• significa que habrá que disponer de Recursos •• para poseer ese objeto. El daño viene en inglés L = Letal y B = Contundente. La durabilidad es lo que tarda en romperse el objeto si lo usas para golpear o defenderte de algún ataque, no le prestéis mucha atención ya que eso es algo que llevaré yo si se da el caso.


Cuchillos y Dagas

Tipo Daño Tamaño 

Balloneta 2(L) 1/S 3 • Damage 1(L) Si está montada en un rifle.

Cuchilo "Bowie" 2(L) 1/J 4 •

Cuchillo de Combate 1(L) 1/S 3 •

Navaja de Bolsillo –1(L) 1/P 2 • Frágil 3


Tipo Daño Tamaño

Espada Curva 3(L) 2/L 3 •• +1 Daño desde posiciones elevadas

Florete de Esgrima 1(L) 2/L 3 • Atraviesa 1 punto de Armadura

Katana 3(L) 2/L 4 •••

Espada Larga 3(L) 2/L 3 ••

Machete 2(L) 2/J 3 •

Rapier 2(L) 2/L 3 •• Armor Piercing 1*

Espada corta 2(L/B) 2/L 3 •• (hoja oculta en bastón)

Wakizashi 2(L) 2/S 4 •••

Armas contundentes

Tipo Daño Tamaño

Bastones de Escrima 1(B) 2/S 2 • 

Maza 3(B) 2/L 3 ••

Nastón extensible 3(B) 2/J 3 • Puede ocupar tamaño 1/S*

Tonfa (Nightstick) 2(B) 2/J 2 • +1 Defensa*

Bate de béisbol 2(B) 2/J 1 n/a

Armas de Cadena

Tipo Daño Tamaño

Cadena (Basica) 1(B) 1/S 3 n/a 

Kusari Gama 2(B/L) 3/N 3 •• –2 Daño sin Estilo de Lucha (armas de cadena)

Nunchaku 1(B) 1/S 3 • –1 Daño sin Destreza 3.

Armas de Asta

Tipo Daño Tamaño  

Naginata 3(L) 4/N 2 ••• +1 Defensa

Quarterstaff† 2(B) 4/N 1 • +1 Defensa

Spear† 3(L) 4/N 2 • +1 Defensa

4(L) 4/N 3 •• +1 Defensa

Hachas y Martillos

Tipo Daño Tamaño

Hacha de Batalla 3(L) 3/N 3 ••

Hacha 2(L) 2/L 4 •

Hacha de incendios  3(L) 3/N 2 •

Hacha Pequeña 1(L) 1/S 2 •


Tipo Daño Tamaño

Belt Sander† –2(L) 2/N 3 •• *

Blowtorch –1(L) fire 2/S 2 ••• Maximum damage 3*

Motosierra† –2(L) 8 again 3/N 3 • +1 Defensa

Claw Hammer 1(B)/0(L) 1/S 3 • Damage varies by side

Fishing Gaff –1(L) 3/N 2 • *

Flare –2(L) fire 1/S 1 • Maximum damage 4*

Nail Gun 0(L) 2/J 3 • Strength + Firearms, 1 extra

Post-Hole Digger† 1(L) 4/N 2 • *

Power Drill 0(L) 2/J 3 • *

Screwdriver 0(L) 1/S 3 • Armor Piercing 1*

Scythe† 2(L) 4/N 2 • +1 Defense*

Shovel 1(B) 3/N 2 • Full lethal damage on exceptional

Sledgehammer† 2(B) 9 again 3/N 2 •

Found and Rigged Weapons

Tipo Daño Tamaño

Board With a Nail in It 1(B and L) 2/L 1 n/a Half
damage is lethal (round down, minimum 1)*

Bottle 0(B/L) 1/P 1 n/a Fragile 2*

Homemade Sap 0(B) variable 1 n/a Stun (Stamina),
fragile 2*

Power Cord 1(B) 1/P 1 n/a *

Razor Blade –2(L) 1/P 2 n/a Damage 0(L) in a grapple,
drop on a failure*

Rock 0(B) 1/P 2 n/a Drop on a failure*

Shard of Glass –1(L) 1/J 1 n/a Inflicts 1 lethal on
user, fragile 2*

Shiv 0(L) 1/P 1 n/a

Straightened Wire Hanger –1(B) 2/J 1 n/a 1 lethal
damage on exceptional success, painful*


Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Generic Revolvers

.22 LR 1 5/10/20 6 0 1/P •

.38 Special 2 20/40/80 6 1 1/S ••

.357 Magnum 3 30/60/120 6 2 1/S ••

.44 Magnum 3 (9 again) 35/70/140 6 3 2/J •••

Notable Revolvers

Colt Single Action Army 3 20/40/80 6 2 1/J ••*

Freedom Arms Model 83 4 50/100/200 5 4 2/L ••••

NAA Black Widow 1 2/5/10 5 1 0/P •

Medusa Model 47 * 20/40/80 6 * 1/J ••

S&W Model 36 Ladysmith 2 20/40/80 5 1 1/S ••

S&W Model 500 4 (9 again)
50/100/200 5 4 2/L •••

Taurus Model 22H 2* 40/80/160 8 1 2/L ••

Thunder-5 2 (9 again)* 15/30/60* 5 2 1/J ••


Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Generic Autoloaders

Generic Holdout 1 5/10/20 6+1 1 1/P •

Generic 9mm Luger 2 20/40/80 15+1 2 1/S ••

Generic .40 S&W 2 (9 again)
25/50/100 12+1 2 1/S ••

Generic .45 ACP 3 30/60/120 8+1 2 1/S ••

Notable Autoloaders

Beretta Model 92 2 20/40/80 15+1 2 1/S ••

Colt M1911A1 3 30/60/120 7+1 2 1/S ••

FN Five-seveN 2* 30/60/120 20+1 2 1/J •••

Glock 17 2 20/40/80 17+1 2 1/S ••

Glock 26 2 10/20/40 10+1 2 1/P ••

H&K Mk. 23 3 30/60/120 12+1 2 1*/J ••••

Luger Parabellum P08 2 15/30/60 8+1 2 1/S •

Magnum Research Desert Eagle 4 50/100/200 7+1 3 1/L

RSA Makarov PM 2 15/30/60 8+1 1 1/P •

Ruger Mark II 1 15/30/60 10+1 1 1/S •

PPK 1 10/20/40 7+1 1
1/P • 

Submachine Guns

Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Generic Submachine Guns

Generic 9mm Luger 2 30/60/120 32+1 2(2/3/4) 2/L •••

Generic .45 ACP 3 30/60/120 30+1 2(2/3/4) 2/N •••

Notable Submachine Guns

American 180 1* 20/40/80 275+1 1(2/2/2) 3 •••

FN P90 2* 40/80/160 50+1 2(2/3/3) 2/L ••••

H&K MP5* 2 30/60/120 30+1 2(2/3/3) 2/L ••••

H&K MP7 2* 40/80/160 20+1 2(2/3/3) 2/L ••••

RSA Bizon-2 2 30/60/120 64+1 2(2/3/3) 2/L •••

Thompson M1928 3 25/50/100 30+1 2(2/3/3) 3 •••

Generic Machine Pistols

Generic 9mm Luger 2 20/40/80 20+1 2(3/4/5) 1/J •••

Notable Machine Pistols

Beretta Model 93R* 2 20/40/80 20+1 2(3/-/-)* 1/J ••••

CZ Skorpion 1 15/30/60 20+1 1(2/3/4) 1/J •••

H&K MP5K 2 20/40/80 15+1 2(3/4/5) 1/L ••••

Intratec TEC-9* 2 10/20/40 32+1 2(3/4/5) 1/J •••*

MAC M10* 3 20/40/80 32+1 -(-/4/5)* 1/L ••••

APS 2 20/40/80 20+1 2(3/4/5) 1/J •••


Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Generic Rifles

Generic Plinking Rifle 1 30/60/120 5+1 1 2/N •

Generic Target Rifle 4 150/300/600 5+1 2 3 ••

Generic Hunting Rifle 4 (9 again)
200/400/800 4+1 2 3 •••

Generic Sniper Rifle 4 (9 again)
250/500/1000 10+1 2 3 ••••

Generic Big-Game Rifle 5 250/500/1000 3+1 3* 3 ••••

Generic Anti-Material Rifle 5 (8
again)* 300/600/1200
5+1 3* 4 •••••

Notable Bolt-Action Rifles

AI AW Covert* 3 100/200/400 10+1 2 3 •••••

Mauser Model 1898 4 (9 again) 200/400/800 5+1 2 3 ••

Remington Model 700 4 (9 again)
200/400/800 4+1 2 3 •••

Weatherby Mk. V 5 250/500/1000 2+1 3* 3 ••••

Notable Lever-Action Rifles

Spencer Repeating Carbine 3 75/150/300 7+1 2 3 ••

Winchester Model 1873 3 125/250/500 12+1 2 3 •••

Notable Semi-Automatic Rifles

Barrett M107 5 (8 again)* 300/600/1200 10+1 3* 4 •••••

H&K PSG-1 4 (8 again) 250/500/1000 20+1 2 3 •••••

KAC SR-25* 4 (9 again) 125/250/500 20+1 2 3 ••••

RSA “Dragunov” SVD 4 (9
again)* 250/500/1000
10+1 2 3 ••••

Ruger 10/22 1 30/60/120 10+1 1 2/N •

Ruger Mini-14 4 150/300/600 30+1 2 3 ••

Simonov SKS 4 200/400/800 10+1 2 3 •

Springfield Armory M1 Garand 4 (9 again)
225/450/900 8+1 3 3 •••*


Assault Rifles

Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Generic Assault Rifles

Generic 5.56mm AR 4 150/300/600 30+1 2(2/3/4) 3 •••

Generic 5.56mm Bullpup AR 4 150/300/600 30+1 2(2/3/4)
2/L ••••

Generic 7.62mm AR 4 (9 again) 200/400/800 20+1 3(3/4/5) 3 •••

Notable Assault Rifles

Colt M16 4 150/300/600 30+1 2(2/3/4) 3 •••

Steyr AUG* 4 150/300/600 42+1 2(2/3/4) 2/L ••••

AK-47* 4 125/250/500 30+1 2(2/3/4) 3 ••  


Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Generic Shotguns

Generic Break-Action 4 (9 again)
20/40/80 2 3 3 •

Generic Lever-Action 4 (9 again)
20/40/80 2+1 3 3 ••

Generic Pump-Action 4 (9 again)
20/40/80 8+1* 3 3 ••

Generic Semi-Automatic 4 (9 again)
20/40/80 5+1* 3 3 •••

Notable Pump-Action Shotguns

KAC Masterkey* 4 (9 again) 5/15/30 3+1 3 1* ••••

Winchester Model 1897 4 (9 again)
20/40/80 6+1 3 3 ••

Notable Semi-Automatic Shotguns

Daewoo USAS-12* 4 (9 again) 20/40/80 20+1 3(4/5/6)* 4 ••••

Reutech Striker* 4 (9 again) 20/40/80 12* 3(4/5/-)* 4 ••••

RSA Saiga 12k 4 (9 again) 20/40/80 8+1 3 3 ••



Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Generic Machine Guns

Generic SAW 4 175/350/700 200* -(3/4/5) 3 •••••

Generic GPMG 4 (9 again) 250/500/1000 100* -(4/4/5) 4 •••••

Generic HMG 5 (8 again)* 300/600/1200 50* -(3/3/4)* 5 •••••

Notable Machine Guns

Browning M1918 BAR 4 (9
again)* 200/400/800
20+1 3(3/4/5) 3 •••••

Browning M2HB 5 (8 again)* 300/600/1200 50* 3(3/3/4)* 5 •••••

Saco M60 4 (9 again) 250/500/1000 100* -(3/4/4) 4 •••••

Armas a Distancia Arcaicas

Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Hatchet 1* Thrown - 2 1/J •

Javelin, combat 3 Aero - 2 2/N ••

Javelin, competition 2 Thrown x4 - 2 2/N ••

Knife, throwing 1 Aero - 2 1/S •

Shuriken –1* Aero - 1 0/P •

Atlatl 4 Thrown x5 1 2 3 •••

Blowgun 0 * 1 1 2/N •

Bow* Strength * 1 * * •

Bow, compound* Strength +1 * 1 * * ••

Crossbow 3 40/80/160 1 2 3 •••

Crossbow, hand 1 15/30/60 1 1 2/N ••

Crossbow, arbalest 4 75/150/300 1 4 4 ••••

Crossbow, repeating 2 35/70/140 15 3 5 •••••

Sling 2 Thrown x3 1 2 0/P -

stave 3 Thrown x5 1 2 4 -

Armas A Distancia Modernas

Tipo Daño Distancia Tamaño

Modern Ranged Weapons

Ballistic Knife 1 (9 again) 2/5/10 1 1 1/J ••

BB Gun, pistol 0B* 5/10/20 50 1 1/S •

BB Gun, rifle 1B* 10/20/40 300 1 2/L •

Dart Gun, pistol 0* 10/20/40 1 1 2/L ••

Dart Gun, rifle 1* 25/50/100 1 1 3 •••

Fire Extinguisher –2* 1/2/3 5 1 2/N •

Fire Hose 2B* 10/20/30 * 4 4 N/A

Flare Gun –1L* 20/40/80 1 1 1/S •

Hairspray Flamethrower –1L* 1* 10* 1 1/S N/A

Paintball Pistol 0B* 15/30/60 20 1 2/J •

Paintball Rifle 1B* 30/60/120 120 1 2/N ••

Ranged Stun Gun –1* 1/3/7 1 1 1/S ••

Slingshot 0B* 5/10/20 1 1 1/S •

Spear Gun
3 15/30/60 1 2 2/L ••


Cargando editor
15/03/2011, 11:26


La velocidad está en millas por turno (al fin y al cabo estamos en EEUU). Se divide en aceleración, velocidad segura o de crucero y máxima velocidad. Handling es la reserva de dados que otorga a la tirada de Destreza + Conducir. Ocupantes creo que queda claro lo que es y el coste ya sabéis como va.


Type Durability Size Structure
Acceleration Safe Speed Speed Handling Occupants Cost

Passenger Cars

Subcompact Car 2 8 10 13 (18 mph/turn) 95 (65 mph) 147 (100 mph) 3 1+3 •

Compact Car 3 9 12 15 (20 mph/turn) 103 (70 mph) 161 (110 mph) 3 1+3 •

Mid-Size Car 3 12 15 19 (26 mph/turn) 110 (75 mph) 169 (115 mph) 2 1+3 ••

Performance Mid-Size 3 12 15 28 (38 mph/turn) 117 (80 mph) 227 (155 mph) 4 1+3 •••

Full-Size Car 3 14 17 14 (19 mph/turn) 103 (70 mph) 176 (120 mph) 2 1+4 •••

Limousine 3 19 22 10 (14 mph/turn) 81 (55 mph) 147 (100 mph) 0 1+11 ••••

Police Car 3 14 17 15 (21 mph/turn) 110 (75 mph) 213 (145 mph) 3 1+4* •••*

Sports Cars

Sports Car 2 10 12 28 (38 mph/turn) 117 (80 mph) 249 (170 mph) 4 1+1 ••••

Muscle Car 3 12 15 26 (35 mph/turn) 110 (75 mph) 220 (150 mph) 3 1+3 ••

Sport Compact 3 9 12 27 (37 mph/turn) 117 (80 mph) 213 (145 mph) 4 1+3 •••

Supercar 2 10 12 37 (50 mph/turn) 132 (90 mph) 301 (205 mph) 5 1+1 •••••


Type Durability Size Structure
Acceleration Safe Speed Max Speed Handling Occupants Cost

Light Trucks

Light Pickup 3 14 17 15 (20 mph/turn) 88 (60 mph) 154 (105 mph) 1 1+2 ••

Heavy Pickup 3 15 18 12 (16 mph/turn) 81 (55 mph) 132 (90 mph) 0 1+2 •••

Jeep 3 13 16 9 (12 mph/turn) 88 (60 mph) 147 (100 mph) 1 1+3 ••

Off-Road SUV 3 15 18 12 (17 mph/turn) 96 (65 mph) 154 (105 mph) 0 1+4 •••

Military Tactical Truck 4 17 21 7 (10 mph/turn) 81 (55 mph) 117 (80 mph) 0 1+3 N/A


Full-Size Van 3 16 19 8 (11 mph/turn) 81 (55 mph) 132 (90 mph) –1 1+12 ••

Minivan 3 15 18 12 (16 mph/turn) 95 (65 mph) 154 (105 mph) 0 1+7 ••

Delivery Van 3 17 20 7 (9 mph/turn) 73 (50 mph) 132 (90 mph) –1 1+1 •••

Recreational Vehicle 3 18 21 9 (12 mph/turn) 81 (55 mph) 117 (80 mph) –1 1+6 •••

Commuter SUV 3 15 18 15 (20 mph/turn) 95 (65 mph) 147 (100 mph) 0 1+6 •••

Performance SUV 3 15 18 24 (33 mph/turn) 110 (75 mph) 242 (165 mph) 3 1+4 •••••

SUV Limousine 3 20 23 10 (13 mph/turn) 81 (55 mph) 132 (90 mph) –1 1+17 ••••


Type Durability Size Structure
Acceleration Safe Speed Max Speed Handling Occupants Cost


Street Bike 2 7 9 20 (27 mph/turn) 88 (60 mph) 183 (125 mph) 5 1+1 ••

Dirt Bike 2 5 7 18 (25 mph/turn) 51 (35 mph) 81 (55 mph) 4 1+1 •

Cruiser 2 7 9 22 (30 mph/turn) 103 (70 mph) 176 (120 mph) 4 1+1 ••

Sport Bike 1 6 7 44 (60 mph/turn) 117 (80 mph) 279 (190 mph) 5 1+1 •••

Personal Vehicles

Street Bike 2 3 5 * +5 +15 3 1 •

Mountain Bike 3 3 6 * +4 +12 2 1 •

2 2 4 * +3 +8 4 1 •


Type Durability Size Structure
Acceleration Safe Speed Max Speed Handling Occupants Cost

Medium Truck 3 20 23 10 (13 mph/turn) 81 (55 mph) 110 (75 mph) –1 1+2 •••

Armored Truck 7 17 24 13 (18 mph/turn) 88 (60 mph) 125 (85 mph) –1 1+4* ••••*

Semi Tractor 3 18 21 9 (12 mph/turn) 102 (70 mph) 139 (95 mph) –1 1+2 ••••

Semitrailer 3 21 24 - - - - - ••

Tractor-Trailer Rig * 25 * 6 (8 mph/turn) 102 (70 mph) 132 (90 mph) –3 * *

Transit Bus 3 21 24 9 (12 mph/turn) 66 (45 mph) 95 (65 mph) –2 1+45 •••

Tour Bus 3 24 27 7 (10 mph/turn) 95 (65 mph) 125 (85 mph) –2 1+56 •••