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Shanz-Lomritr: La ciudad del Conocimiento

Criaturas y Monstruos

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27/12/2016, 19:56
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~ Bagnowul ~

Attributes: Strength 14, Dexterity 4, Stamina 12; Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 2; Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2

Virtues: Ambition 1, Malice 3, Rapacity 4, Zealotry 1

Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Integrity 3, Investigation 2, Presence 3, Fortitude 3, Stealth 3, Survival 3

Supernatural Powers:

Epic Atributes

Epic Strength 1: Crushing Grip - The Scion is a fearsome wrestler and grappler not to be trifled with. When he’s locked in a clinch and has taken control of it, the character can not only inflict the normal amount of damage (see p. 202), but that damage is now lethal as well. A character can still choose to hold an opponent without inflicting damage, or he can choose to break the hold. He can even soften his touch and inflict bashing damage instead. The damage the character can inflict when his temper gets riled, though, is tremendous and often quite messy.

Epic Stamina 1: Damage Conversion - The Scion can spend a single point of Legend to convert all the lethal damage from a single attack into bashing damage, though an overload of bashing damage still upgrades existing bashing damage to lethal (see p. 197). This Knack cannot convert aggravated damage into anything less grave. The character cannot convert old lethal damage into bashing damage. The Knack works only on incoming damage from a single attack.

Join Battle: 4


Bite: Accuracy 8, Damage 15L+1(Epic Strenght), Parry DV —, Speed 6

Claw: Accuracy 7, Damage 14L+1(Epic Strenght), Parry DV —, Speed 5

Soak: 4A/14L/20B

Health Levels: -0/-0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/-4/Incap

Dodge DV: 3 Willpower: 3

Legend: 3 Legend Points: 9

Trophy: Her hide itself, if properly cured and tanned, can be made into an article of clothing that grants a soak bonus of 4A/8L/8B. However, working with nemean hide is very difficult, and only someone with at least one dot of Arete (Craft), the supernatural power Forge Birthright or some other similar gift can properly fashion it into wearable clothing.

Other Notes: None

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