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Shanz-Lomritr: La ciudad del Conocimiento

[T] - Escena Técnica

Cargando editor
07/01/2016, 21:29
~ Narrador ~

Debes elegir cual es tu principal atributo, el segundo y el tercer entre Físicos, Mentales y Sociales. Los puntos a repartir son 8/6/4, el máximo en cada atributo es 5 y tienes 1 de base en todos.


Strength: 1+

Dextirity: 1+

Stamina: 1+


Charisma: 1+

Manipulation: 1+

Appereance: 1+


Perception: 1+

Intelligence: 1+

Wits: 1+

Cargando editor
08/01/2016, 14:27
Brona O'Neal

Physical: 6

Strength: 1+4

Dextirity: 1+1

Stamina: 1+ 1

Social: 4

Charisma: 1+ 

Manipulation: 1+2

Appereance: 1+ 2

Mental: 8

Perception: 1+4

Intelligence: 1+2

Wits: 1+2

Cargando editor
10/01/2016, 11:04
~ Narrador ~

Tienes 24 puntos para repartir entre las siguientes habilidades y 6 para repartir de forma adicional entre las que tienen un asterisco al principio. Tienen unas líneas para que sepas a que se refieren. El máximo son 3 puntos en cada habilidad. 

Con Academics y Art debes de elegir una "especialización". Science  se quedaría en algo parecido a la alquimia y Control para montar bestias en lugar de conducir vehículos. 


Characters use Academics to better understand the World around them.

Animal Ken:

Characters use Animal Ken when attempting to handle or train a wild or domesticated animal


Characters use Art to sculpt, to compose or perform music, to act or to write.


Characters use Athletics to climb walls, to leap from rooftop to rooftop and to swim across swift-moving rivers.


Characters use Awareness when they are searching a room or observing a person and looking for telltale clues about his intentions


Characters use Brawl when they fight using their hands and feet (and knees, elbows, teeth, etc.).


Characters use Command when they need to direct or lead other people, especially in crisis situations.


Characters use Control when they are in a high-speed chase in the middle of rush hour, when they want to show off at the local half-pipe or when they want to fly a helicopter through the open decks of a parking garage.


Characters use Craft when building or repairing objects or equipment.


Characters use this Ability to tell if they are being lied to, to aid in a negotiation with a hostile party or to convince someone to open up to them.


Characters use Fortitude when they have to keep going in the face of pain, fatigue, sickness or intoxication.


Characters use Integrity to resist deception, persuasion or manipulation or to keep from breaking under interrogation or torture.


Characters use Investigation when piecing together clues at a crime scene, tracking down a missing person or looking into the financial records of a suspected cultist.


Characters use Larceny when they want to break into a building, steal a car, forge a driver’s license or buy contraband on the black market.


Characters use Marksmanship to shoot at a target, to assemble or disassemble a ranged weapon, or to fix one that has been jammed or damaged.


Characters use Medicine to diagnose illnesses and injury and to treat them. It can also be used to determine the cause of a person’s death or to identify the properties of medicines and pharmaceuticals.


Characters use Melee when they want to hit someone with a hand-to-hand weapon, such as an iron bar, a twoby- four or a blade.


Characters use Occult to identify magical objects or rites, to research ways to deal with ghosts or monsters, or to find information necessary to infiltrate the closed circle of a Titan cult.


Characters use Politics when they want to run for office, to influence an election or to try to get things done through official channels without going through any red tape.


Characters use Presence when they want to terrify their foes, motivate their allies or give hope and courage to the downtrodden.


Characters use Science when they are identifying chemical compounds, making homemade explosives, plating metals or creating an electric field.


Characters use Stealth to sneak past guards, monsters and the occasional landlord.


Characters use Survival to live off the land in wilderness surroundings, to track people and animals in the wild or to stay alive when stranded in hostile terrain


Characters use this Ability when they want to hit a distant foe with a thrown knife, a spear or a loose brick.

Cargando editor
10/01/2016, 12:55
Brona O'Neal
Habilidad Rangos
Academics •••
Animal Ken  
[color=#FFBF00]Art[/color] [color=#FFBF00] [/color]
Athletics ••
Awareness •••
[color=#FFBF00]Craft[/color] [color=#FFBF00] [/color]
[color=#FFBF00]Empathy[/color] [color=#FFBF00]••[/color]
Fortitud ••
[color=#FFBF00]Integrity[/color] [color=#FFBF00]••[/color]
Investigation ••
Medicine ••
Melee •••
[color=#FFBF00]Presence[/color] [color=#FFBF00]••[/color]
Stealth •••


Cargando editor
10/01/2016, 20:13
~ Narrador ~


5 puntos a repartir, no puede haber más de 3 en una misma.

Creature: Un ser de que te acompaña y te ayuda, como un compañero animal.

Followers: Un grupo de Seguidores. Tener a gente que te sigue, tu propia unidad o incluso tu propio ejército.

Guide: Un maestro o guía que te muestra el camino.

Relics: Objetos mágicos de los fundadores de las Casas de las Guerras Naga.

Cargando editor
11/01/2016, 15:55
Brona O'Neal
Birthright Rangos
Creature •••


Cargando editor
11/01/2016, 17:22
~ Narrador ~

Legend 2

10 a repartir entre:

Los atributos Épicos dan su valor como éxitos automáticos y puedes coger tantos "Knacks" como puntos tengas en ese "epic atribute"

El máximo es Legend-1 para todo. En el caso de los Epic atributes no puede superar el valor del atributo normal ni ser más de legend -1 (vamos, 1 como mucho)

Epic Strenght

Epic Dextirity:

Epic Stamina

*Epic Charisma

Epic Manipulation

*Epic Appeareance

Epic Perception

Epic Intelligence

Epic Wits

All-Purpouse Boons

Cuando compras un nivel de "boon" adquieres 1 punto para repartir entre sus poderes. Por ejemplo, si compras Animal Boon a 3 tendrías 6 puntos para comprar poderes realcionados (1 por nivel 1, +2 por nivel 2 y +3 por nivel 3= 1+2+3= 6)

Animal: This Purview expresses the totemic power to which a Scion’s ichor grants him access. Its Boons work on only one type of animal, chosen by the player when he purchases the character’s first Boon. That animal needn’t be the same one associated with his divine parent.

Chaos: Chaos is the Purview of confusion, anarchy and formlessness.

Darkness: Characters who inherit this Purview are as at home in the dark as in the light (if not more so), either protecting humanity from unseen terrors or harrying hapless mortals from the shadows.

Death: The Gods don’t share mortals’ instinctive dread of death, but they know its power well. Likewise, as a Scion’s mastery of this Purview grows, his fear of death diminishes.

Earth: In most Creation legends, the Gods or their forebears shaped the World from the proto-matter of the Void. In other legends, they tore down impenetrable walls, sunk islands and reshaped landmasses. This Purview is the legacy of that power.

*Fertility: This Purview deals with plant life, from the smallest dandelion seed to the largest sequoia. The concept of fertility as pertaining to animal reproduction is covered under the Health Purview.

Fire: For sharing fire with humanity, Zeus punished the Titan Prometheus. Yet, it’s never been clear whether Prometheus meant to uplift humankind with his generosity or destroy it with an insidious, forward-thinking act of sabotage.

Frost: The old Norse knew well the dread power of the long, cold winters of the North, and so do their Gods. Scions and Gods who access the Frost Purview understand the true nature of that grave chill and can draw in all the warmth around them to leave a still, frozen silence. Nevertheless, the Aesir associate this Purview more with their old enemies, the hrimthurssar (a.k.a. frost giants).

Guardian: It is every God’s and Scion’s responsibility to protect the World, but some take this duty more seriously than their fellows. It’s from them that this Purview arises.

*Health: This Purview pertains to the physical well-being of beasts, mortals or other Scions. Titanspawn and supernatural creatures are also legitimate subjects of these Boons.

Illusion: Throughout the epics of the Aesir, giants—and occasionally the Gods themselves—use a variety of tricks to deceive their enemies. Whether concealing a dangerous threat or indulging in a bit of comedy at the expense of the Gods, such misdirection can tip the scales of a conflict (physical or otherwise). Most Gods who rely on illusions use them less for battle and more for a means of escaping from dangerous scenarios. Some even use deceit as a way to subtly enlighten (i.e., humiliate) the rash, the inept, the arrogant and the meddlesome. Any illusion can be dismissed by the Scion who created it, with but a moment’s thought. Illusions also disappear if the Scion is rendered unconscious or dead.

Justice: The Purview of Justice covers all forms of redress of slights, from the meanest of petty vengeance to the most grandiloquent of karmic poetry.

Moon: This Purview represents the moon’s tidal effects, its ever-changing nature and its celestial serenity.

Psychopomp: The Psychopomp Purview comprises every aspect of conducting subjects from one place to another, whether the destination is across town or in the deepest pits of the Underworld, and whether those subjects are dead souls or snot-nosed preschoolers.

Sky: The Sky Purview is one of wind and storms and lightning and flight. Its Boons offer a Scion unparalleled freedom and majesty.

Star: Humanity learned about time, space and cosmic order by watching the stars, and the Star Purview deals primarily with such concepts. Star-based metaphors and celestial phenomena also inspire Boons; new discoveries about outer space lead to additional Boons, or to new perspectives on old powers. While some aspects of the Star Purview overlaps with other Purviews, truly potent manipulations of space and time belong to Star Gods alone.

Sun: This Purview represents the sun’s radiance, its constancy and its celestial glory.

*War: This Purview covers all ideologically inspired battles from the smallest house-to-house raids to the most impressive land, sea and air campaigns to the largest cosmic clash between God and Titan. The ideology in question must be religious, political, geographical or cosmic for the conflict to qualify.

Water: Water is arguably the single most important and versatile substance in the World. Only a rare few Gods claim dominion over this Purview, and they keep its secrets from all but their most trusted Scions.

Pantheon Boon

*Jotunblut: “Jotunblut,” which means literally “giant’s blood,” describes a quality peculiar to the Gods and Scions of the Norse pantheon. In ancient days, the Norse Gods intermingled with the giants from whom they took the World, blending their ichor with their enemies’ blood. Today, that legacy breeds true in the ichor of those Gods’ Scions. By shedding a measure of her blood (i.e., suffering a single health level of lethal damage) and spending Legend, a Scion can use that blood to bestow a hint of the giants’ legendary strength and toughness.

Special Boons

Estos funcionan diferente. Magic puedes elegir un hechizo gratis en del nuevo nivel. Ver reglamento para más información.

Magic: In a sense, every power a Scion’s Boons, Epic Attributes and Knacks grant her could be considered magic. Yet, one power seems magical even to them—namely the ability to direct and influence the mysterious force of Fate. All Scions (and even the Gods themselves) are subject to Fate, but only a select few are graced with the power to read and influence it.

A Scion gains one free new spell of the increased value for each new dot of the Magic Purview he gets. Additional spells of equal or lesser value are purchased individually as Boons of the all-purpose Purviews are (for the same bonus point or experience point cost). Some sample spells are provided here, but in theory, the number of possible spells is limitless. Scions with this Purview may design their own spells, but examples are given for each level of advancement. Inherent in each of these spells is the power to undo someone else’s application of the same spell. The target of a spell is automatically Fatebound to the spell’s caster.

Mystery: The Purview of Mystery represents an understanding of the interconnection of bizarre, seemingly random events—an understanding mortal minds are unequipped to achieve. Gods and Scions with this Purview not only recognize this interconnection, but they can read significant clues from it.

Prophecy: The Purview of Prophecy offers the Scion who masters it glimpses into the machinations of Fate itself. The warnings of future events that the Purview offers are invaluable, but the Scion who relies on them overmuch risks becoming an unknowing agent of Fate itself.

Notas de juego

Por si no queda claro. 10 puntos y el máximo es 1 en cada uno.

Cargando editor
11/01/2016, 18:20
Brona O'Neal

Epic Charisma •
Epic Appareance •
Epic Dextetity •
Epic Perception •
Health •
Mystery •
Prophecy •
Frost •
Illusion •
Jotunblunt •

Cargando editor
11/01/2016, 21:38
~ Narrador ~

Puedes repartir 1 punto entre las cuatro Virtudes.

Courage: 1+

A hero’s worth is measured by the foes he defeats in battle, and Courage measures a Scion’s drive to test his mettle against the deadliest opponents he can find. Further, the Scion holds other warriors to his own high standards. Heroes must fight their battles alone and live or die by the skill of their sword-arm. Death is something to be faced stoically, even embraced, for it is better to die in an epic struggle with a worthy foe than to live a callow life without struggle.

Endurance: 1+

Endurance is one of the hallmarks of the epic hero. She endures hardship beyond mortal limits in order to overcome the challenges arrayed against her. Scions who espouse this Virtue embrace this stoic ideal, taking strength from the suffering they must endure. Instead of wasting time and energy trying to avoid any form of hardship, they grit their teeth and accept what comes. The blows of Fate and foe harden them like hammered iron.

Expression: 1+

Great things are expected of those gifted with great power, and Scions have many gifts that can enrich mortal civilization. Expression is the Virtue of artistic excellence, which venerates the musician, the painter, the skald and the storyteller. It is the belief that the creation of art in all its forms is a way of sharing the gifts of the Gods with the mortal World. Many Scions who espouse this Virtue believe that their creations act as a vehicle by which the Gods continue to interact with mankind and continue to nurture their faith in the divine.

Loyalty: 1+

The abstract ties of citizenship, culture or even religion are nothing compared to the bonds of love, family and friendship. Scions who espouse this Virtue reserve their trust, support and devotion for those who share their blood or have shared in their suffering, from parents to kinsmen to tried-and-true friends. Loyalty is a bond stronger than iron; even the Gods themselves test it at their peril.

15 Puntos Gratuitos a repartir al siguiente coste. Ningún atributo puede subir más de 5. Ningún atributo épico puede subir por encima de 1 a no ser que te subas "Legend" (lo que te dejaría seco). Ninguna habilidad puede subir por encima de 3. Ningún Birthright puede subir por encima de 5. Ninguna Virtue puede subir por encima de 4. Willpower no tiene tope máximo. Los Boons tienen un máximo de 5.

Attribute - 4
Abiliry - 2 (1 for Favored Ability)
Birthright -  1 (2 si es para aumentar el valor por encima de 3)
Virtue - 3
Willpower - 2
Legend - 7
Epic Attribute - 5 (4 si es Favorecida)
Knack - 3
Boons - 5 (4 si es Favorecida)
Additional Spell - 5

Cargando editor
11/01/2016, 21:44
Brona O'Neal
Virtud Rango

Car + ••• (12 p)

Art • (1p) Presence • (1p) Relic • (1p)


Cargando editor
16/02/2016, 22:24
Brona O'Neal

Gasto de px de 1a escena:

Puntos de Experiencia: 15

Puntos Épicos*: 2.

2(puntos épicos)+14 (px)= leyenda a 3

Px ahorrados= 1


Cargando editor
10/03/2016, 20:37
Brona O'Neal

Segunda escena: 6 px ganados.

Total de px: 7